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FYRE Ball Tickets Now on Sale

Contributed by Bonnie Prunty on 03/18/13 

This FYRE Ball is an opportunity for all first-year students to come together and celebrate the successful completion of their first year at IC.

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Women's Studies will be hosting a colloquia by Alexandra Rutherford, Associate Professor of Psychology at York University.  The colloquia will be held on March 26 at 5 PM in the Six Mile Creek Room. Light refreshments will be served. 

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 They will all be playing pieces at the Monopoly themed Student Activities Center (SAC) Spring Open House! 

Join us on the 3rd floor of Campus Center (311 Egbert Hall) TODAY between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm! All are welcome!

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As you prepare for career success during the countdown to graduation, check out the Career Success Bucket List & tell us which items you've completed (e-mail  Career Success Bucket List entrants will be entered into prize drawings that will be held throughout the rest of the semester. 

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What is a Jumpstart Leader?  Jumpstart Leaders participate in each Jumpstart program in a leadership capacity and serve as a valuable source of information and advice to students begin their college experience. Students have the opportunity to apply to be a Jumpstart Leader for one of the four programs: Community Plunge, Lead-In, ECHO, and the GREEN Tour (Formerly SCC)

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Contributed by Melinda Butler on 03/18/13 

Passover begins on Monday evening March 25th

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Contributed by Melinda Butler on 03/18/13 

Passover begins on Monday evening March 25th

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Calling all Ithaca families! First Book-Ithaca College is hosting their first official event: a Storybook Party. Come join us this Sunday, March 24th from 2-4 pm at the Tompkins County Public Library for activities, reading, refreshments, and a costume contest. Dress like your favorite storybook character and join in the fun of reading with IC First Book. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.

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The Sustainability Café on Monday, March 18th will feature Michael Coia from Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil and Seneca BioEnergy explaining why he believes Agricultural Waste Management Is Economically and Environmentally Sustainable.”  The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM, in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. The Spring 2013 Sustainability Café/Environmental Seminar series is focused on our local food system. 

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This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.

Senior Class Grad Fair

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 03/18/13 

The Graduation Fair will be hosted by the Campus Store on Tuesday 3/19 and Wednesday 3/20 from 10am until 3pm at the Campus Store. 

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This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.

Professor of Music Kim Dunnick traveled to Brazil last week, where, on March 10, he gave a performance and conducted a master class at Rio de Janeiro State University

As President of the International Trumpet Guild (ITG), Dunnick also lead meetings with trumpet professors and professional players in both Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo regarding various collaborations that might be developed between the ITG and the Association of Brazilian Trumpeters (ABT). 



Do you love hanging out in the SAC and interacting with other student organization members? Great! Apply for SAC Tenant Space.

Applications are available from March 20- April 5 at 5pm. All registered student organizations are welcome to apply. If you are interested click here. (Please note the link will not work until March 20 at 9am).


Seeking Spring 2013 graduates from all different departments to participate in a documentary film being created by Anna Ruth Rosenblatt an IC alumna. To find out more about the project please refer to the webpage: or to the recent article in The Ithacan


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Welcome Back!  Please take a moment to rsvp for the March 20 meeting with Provost Kelly.  This is an informal meeting in a small group setting in the Ithaca Falls Room of the Campus Center from 7:00 - 8:00pm.  The meeting is limited to 12 people and you must rsvp to or 274-3113.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact MaryAnn Taylor at or (607) 274-3113. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


 If you answered “YES” then you need to apply for a position with Campus Center & Event Services. We are NOW HIRING for a variety of summer only and Fall 2013 positions. Check us out today!

Stay connected to the people who know how to plan great events.  Find us on Facebook (keywords: Campus Center & Event Services).

Ed Tech Day, Thursday, March 21, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Clark Lounge

The theme this year is Innovation, Inquiry, and Creativity at the Intersection of Pedagogy and Technology.

Session 1: 9:00 - 9:50 a.m.

9:00 a.m. - What We Learned During the Ithaca College iPad Pilot (Marilyn Dispensa, Mary Jo Watts, Wade Pickren, College)
9:25 a.m. - The Development of an E-Portfolio Solution to Integrate Practice and Theory in an Undergraduate Nursing Program (Tammy Roman and Katie McDonald/St. John Fisher College)

Session 2: 10:00 – 10:50 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - Writing in the Digital Age (Bhavani Arabandi/Ithaca College)
10:25 a.m. - Reflective Writing in the E-Portfolio (Susan Delaney Adams/Ithaca College

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An asteroid impact? Earthquake? Plague of locusts? Flood? Tidal wave? Environmental or political collapse? Are you prepared for the end? Join us for a series of discussions on the culture and science of the apocalypse (

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IC After Dark presents Vegas: All or Nothing. Save the date!

Friday, March 22
8:00 to 11:00 pm
IC Square

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