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Don't miss the final general ICNYC information session this Thursday, February 28, at Noon in Business 104.  

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Are you nervous about speaking in public?  Do you want to learn strategies on how to better express your ideas to others? Attend our next IC Toastmasters meeting on Wednesday, February 27 starting at 2:00 PM, located in the Cayuga Lake Room at the Campus Center. For just an hour, you can sit and watch our club in action and see how our members help each other improve their speaking and leadership skills.  

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Patricia Zimmermann, professor of screen studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, was invited to write the catalog essay for the 32nd Annual Black Maria Film and Video Festival.

Her essay, "Moana: Robert Flaherty, Frances Flaherty, and Documentary Fantasies," analyzes the history of Flaherty's 1926 film Moana, shot in Samoa. The docudrama prompted British producer and critic John Grierson to coin the term "documentary." This rarely seen film raises significant issues about fantasies of uncontaminated paradises and the ethics of documentary representation. Later, in the 1970s, Flaherty's daughter Monica and direct cinema legend Richard Leacock added new sound to the film, further complicating its history.

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A Semester in Washington

Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald on 02/26/13 

Submitted on behalf of Tanya Saunders, Assistant Provost

You are most cordially invited to attend an informational session on the Ithaca College D.C. internship program in cooperation with Cornell University.

4:00 p.m.
413 CHS (Center for Health Sciences)




Patrick Winters, assistant professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies, was recently interviewed by Tish Pearlman for the local radio show "Out of Bounds." The show features 30-minute interviews with "people living, working, and thinking outside the mainstream."

Winters, who has worked in the film business for more than 30 years, describes his most memorable experience -- working on sound design for the shower scene in the remake of Psycho (1998). He has worked on numerous other films including Finding Forrester, My Own Private Idaho, and Good Will Hunting.

To listen to the interview, click here. Air date: Jan. 10, 2013.

Freshmen and Seniors,

Check your email February 27th for a link to take the National Survey of Student Engagement. 

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Catherine Taylor, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, presented recent video work at the Conference on Ecopoetics at the University of California - Berkeley this past week.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013
2:30 - 3:30 p.m., Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Presented by Dr. Luke Keller, Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Faculty and staff are often asked to write letters recommending students for scholarships, fellowships, internships, graduate school, medical school, and jobs.  As with resumes, an effective letter of recommendation can make a significant positive impact on the student's success, while a mediocre letter—even a positive one—can trigger the circular file.  We will discuss strategies for crafting effective letters that stand out.

This short workshop is designed for early career faculty and staff, but we welcome more experienced letter writers to the discussion.
Register Here (registration is encouraged, but not necessary)


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Due to changes in Apple’s product line, we find it necessary to make some changes to the standard Macintosh platform for the Technology Renewal Program. We will be moving from the iMac desktop computer to the Mac Mini as the standard Macintosh platform in the program. 

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You don't need to be on a meal plan to participate and be entered to win!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Complete the short online dining survey located at:

2. Insert your name and email address at the end of the survey and hit submit!

3. That's It! You're entered to WIN a GOOGLE NEXUS 7 Tablet!

Good luck everyone and thank you for your feedback!

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An experienced administrator and advocate for the arts will lead Ithaca College’s founding school. Karl Paulnack, who has served since 2002 as director of the Music Division at The Boston Conservatory, has been named dean of the Ithaca College School of Music.

The appointment marks a return to Ithaca for Paulnack, who had been on the School of Music faculty from 1986 to 1998 as an associate professor of piano. He created and directed the school’s Bachelor of Music in Performance–Collaborative Emphasis degree program. He will assume his new position on July 1.

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Join us on Monday, March 4th at 7PM in Job Hall 161 as we welcome Robert Hackey, Ph.D., Director of the Health Policy and Management Program at Providence College. Dr. Hackey's presentation will focus on his new book which draws upon political speeches, newspaper coverage, television shows, and movies to demonstrate how continued talk of crisis has shaped public attitudes towards the American health care system from the 1960s to the present day.

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Complete list of all registered Student Organizations! If your organization is not on this list, you are not registered.

 Take advantage of the last opportunity for the academic year 2012-2013 to register your student organization. The registration process will officially end March 8th. All steps must be completed by March 8th.


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Please join Ithaca College’s Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) as we host a FREE ice cream social to help celebrate the first “Student Engagement and Philanthropy Day” on February 28, 2013.

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Filmmakers Paul Mariano and Kurt Norton will screen their film, These Amazing Shadows, at Ithaca College on March 5 at 6 p.m. in the Park Auditorium. Following the film will be a question and answer session with the filmmakers.

These Amazing Shadows is an 88-minute documentary that tells the history and importance of the Registry, a roll call of American cinema treasures that reflects the diversity of film, and the American experience itself.

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Join us on Thursday, February 28, from 12:05-1 p.m. in BUS 111, for a lively discussion on how “Businesses and careers can absolutely grow…even in a down economy.”

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Miranda Kaye has published an article; Stellingwerff T, Kaye MP (2013) Deterrents of Modern Anti-Doping Approaches – Are the Efforts Making a Difference? J Sports Med Doping Stud 3: e131. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000e131, in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies. To summarize, indirect evidence provides support that gains in the fight against doping in sport have been made. To preserve sport as a contest of human excellence and to address the morality of doping, deterrence methods are important.



 Come to the Relay for Life second team captains' meeting Tuesday, March 5 at 8 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge! Learn even more fundraising techniques for Relay and how to make this year's Relay the best yet!

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Do you want to learn more about preparing for your career while helping your peers? Career Services is looking for motivated students who like to help others, to serve as Peer Career Advisors (PCAs) for the 2013-2014 academic year.

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Are you having trouble in your organization? 

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