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Rachel Heiss ’13 and Marissa Osowsky ’14 were recipients of the 2012 The Advertising Women of New York (AWNY) scholarship. Heiss and Osowosky are both Integrated Marketing Communications majors, and are interested in pursuing a career in the advertising industry.

Heiss is an Advertising Week contributor and has interned at many companies including G2 Worldwide in New York City as a branding and design account intern, and at CBS Radio (105.9 Fresh FM) in Chicago as marketing and promotions intern. She is also the President of the Senior Class.

Osowsky is an active member of the American Advertising Federation student chapter, serving as president and project manager. She was awarded an internship at McGarrah Jessee in Austin, TX through the AAF Vance Stickle Program. Osowsky is also a member of the Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society.

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"Translations" Talk-back

Contributed by Susan Monagan on 12/03/12 

On Saturday, December 8, the dramaturgy program of the Department of Theatre Arts, in conjunction with Translations, will present a talkback entitled "Ithaca and Ireland: The Loss of Cultural History Through Military and Political Suppression."

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In school districts across the state, teachers and administrators have been scrambling to understand the regulations behind the teacher evaluation system mandated by the state. While the teacher evaluation law requiring every school district to submit an annual professional performance review plan was passed in 2010, the regulations for its implementation were only approved in March of this year.


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 An essay by Assistant Professor Donathan Brown, Department of Communication Studies in H&S, will be included in a special 25th anniversary issue of the Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy.  The non-partisan journal is housed in the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. The journal is devoted to interdisciplinary scholarship on politics and policy-making pertaining to Latino communities in the United States. 

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Assistant Professor Miranda Kaye (Exercise and Sport Sciences) was published in the Journal of Sport Medicine and Doping Studies.

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Important reasons not to miss the next screening:

1. 65 million Americans have hypertension (high blood pressure)

2. Many people don't even know their blood pressure is high because there are no symptoms in most cases

3. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease

4. 66% of those IC employees measured at the last screening were pre-hypertensive   (above ideal )

5. A 20 point increase in systolic blood pressure (top number) or a 10 point increase in diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) doubles the risk of heart disease.

6. Poor diet, inactivity, and being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure

7. If one does not adopt a healthy lifestyle, the hypertensive individual will need to take costly medication with potential side effects

8. Physical and emotional stress can elevate your blood pressure

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to be hosting a salon moderated by Professor Nancy Jacobson from the Department of Biology. Please join us on Tuesday, December 4 at 4.00 p.m. for this exciting conversation in pursuit of an answer to the question “Did Global Warming Cause Superstorm Sandy?”

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Awaken the Night with Song!

Contributed by Melissa Buck on 12/03/12 

Come join us next Wednesday December 12th at 8:30pm in IC Square for a night filled with Christmas carols, crafts, skits, and joy!

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Stop by and relax with a few good games before exams!

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Have you signed up yet?

Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 12/03/12 

It is that time of year, again. No, I am not talking about the holiday season. It is time to sign your student organization up for the Spring Student Organization Fair.

The Spring Student Organization Fair is January 30 from 10am-3pm in Emerson Suites.

All student organizations have an opportunity to get a space. Please complete the sign up form by January 23, 2013 to secure your spot.

If you have any questions please email

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Theresa Radley at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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Today (Monday Dec. 3) is the last full day to view the Turn up the Transparency art show.  The show will close Tuesday December 4, so make sure to stop in to the CFE (room 316 in the library) noon tomorrow!


  The Student Activities Board presents world-renowned Psychic Mentalist Duo - The Evasons!

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 Then sign up for the Student Activities Board's Extreme Gingerbread Competition!

7 to 9 p.m.

Team up and join us to try and to become Champions! Here are the rules:

3-5 participants, no more, no less
Sign up here with your team using your IC email username and password!

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams based on scores from the judges

A WICB DJ will also be present for your listening pleasure. Also if that wasn't enough, Mr. and Ms. Ithaca will be there to host!

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SAB Films Presents: Sparkle

Contributed by Alyssa Frey on 12/02/12 

 Set in the 1960s, three sisters form girl group and soon become local sensations with major label interest, but fame becomes a challenge as the close-knit family begins to fall apart. All showings are in Textor 102 and FREE!

Thursday 12/6 8 p.m.
Friday 12/7 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Saturday 12/8 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Sunday 12/9 8 p.m.

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IC Cheerleading is hosting its first ever dodgeball tournament!

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CAC Candlelight Vigil

Contributed by Alyssa Frey on 12/02/12 

The vigil is a time to remember those who have passed from, have won the battle against, or are still fighting strong against cancer. It is also a time to share our memories and experiences related to this disease. We will have a small activity at the beginning and then a candle-lit ceremony for the remainder of the event.

Sunday, December 9
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Klingenstein Lounge

Pizza and soda will be provided.

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 Participate in Colleges Against Cancer's Toy Drive!

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Are you going to be 21 before March 9, have a clean driving record, and want to make a difference during your 2013 spring Break!?

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Come write for Imprint Magazine, the college's online-only international college lifestyle magazine!

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Finding a performance job isn’t quite the same as a traditional job search. Come to this workshop to learn some important tips and tricks for finding a job in the music industry as a performer!

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