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The Office of Admission would like to thank Femi Ogundele for his good work with prospective students and families.

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Blackboard will no longer be available to faculty after September 7, 2012. 

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Due to a previously scheduled event being held in the Business School lounge area, near the Cafe, the Cafe at the Business School will be closing early (TODAY ONLY) at 2:00pm.

Thank you.


 Hello, aspiring jazz vocalists! - The Jazz Vocal Ensemble is looking for singers!

The Jazz Vocal Ensemble, led by Catherine Gale, features jazz for voices, both a cappella and accompanied by their own band.  They perform at least 4 times per year.

All Ithaca College students regardless of major are eligible to audition for placement into the Jazz Vocal Ensemble. 

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Anthony Di Renzo, associate professor of writing, will publish a historical novel about the Italian Revolution.

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Anthony Di Renzo, associate professor of writing, will publish a historical novel about the Italian Revolution.

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The Senior Class is kicking off the school year right with a school supply drive, a FREE BBQ, and Senior Card Sales!

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On The Floor Dance Company

Contributed by Sara Noble on 08/27/12 

Are you interested in dance?

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Steve Mauk, professor of saxophone, spent three weeks on a concert tour of China this summer. His presentations began with the first all-saxophone concerto concert ever presented in China, on which all of the selections were China premieres.

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The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, films, athletics and performances that happen on our campus all semester long! 


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A new student organization is looking for an adviser. You can help this organization make a lasting impact on the world. Below is an email from one of the members. Feel free to reach out to Amanda at if you are interested.

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Ithaca is Gorges - Gorge Safety

Contributed by Susan Testa on 08/27/12 

Submitted on behalf of Terri Stewart, Director for Public Safety & Emergency Management

Gorge Safety
No surprise, Ithaca is well known for its gorges - a main attraction and must see.  Perhaps less known is the potential for danger and the fact that it is illegal to swim in the gorges of Ithaca.

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Coffee with the Provost

Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 08/27/12 

The following is submitted on behalf of Provost Kelly:

I would like to begin a series of monthly meetings and invite you to please join me at “Coffees with the Provost” beginning in September. My goal is to create a place for informal chat in a small group setting with faculty, staff from Student Affairs and Campus Life, and staff from Academic Affairs.

In order for me to do this in an informal manner, I must limit these meetings to no more than 12 people at a time. Therefore, I ask that you please RSVP to MaryAnn Taylor ( if you wish to join me for one of these meetings. 

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I would like to send a special thanks to the 108 participants of the 15th annual Community Plunge experience, a part of the First-Year program Jumpstart.

Over the course of 2 days, 108 students contributed more than 1,000 hours of community service to 12 different local non-profit organizations.

They are a true example of the impact of student involvement in the local area!

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The Student Activities Center (SAC) officially opens on August 29th at 10am. The SAC is located in Egbert 311. Please check out the new renovations, meet the new SAC tenants and find out about the great resources the SAC has to offer your student organization.

Please note: The SAC Open House will be September 19th at 11am-2pm at Egbert 311. Free food, contests and much more.


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Student Organization Registration begins August 29th at 9am. Are you ready? Below are the steps your organization will need to complete in order to officially be registered for the 2012-2013 academic year.


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Have you ever wondered how an iPad can be used for your teaching and research?  Do you want to learn to use an iPad but don’t have one?

Information Technology Services in collaboration with the Center for Faculty Excellence will loan out twenty 3rd generation iPads for a semester to individual faculty members to explore its use for personal productivity, teaching and research. 

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Adrienne Rich: A Tribute Anthology

Contributed by Lynn Hyde on 08/27/12 

Writing professor and editor Katharyn Howd Machan, with Split Oak Press, will host a gala literary evening for the release of ADRIENNE RICH: A TRIBUTE ANTHOLOGY, with Marge Piercy and Ira Wood as the featured readers, Saturday, Sept. 8, 6-10 p.m. at the Community School of Music and Arts (3rd floor), 330 E. Martin Luther King, Jr./State Street, Ithaca. A $10 admission fee includes substantive refreshments.

In compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, class materials must be made available in alternate format. Alternate formats include audio versions of written documents, documents in Braille and/or enlarged print, video captioning and materials in electronic format.

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Students Disability Services (SDS) was created to assist faculty and staff in their every day efforts to ensure equal access for students to all college programs and services. The following is a list of frequently asked questions.

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