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Professor Barney Beins has authored APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology. The book is published by Wiley-Blackwell.

Ithaca's local Friends Bike Clinic and IC's Bomber Bike Initiative (BBI) are teaming up to put on FREE Bike Mechanics Workshops for all who are interested. 

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Career Services Announcements

Contributed by Susan Welch on 08/15/12 

There will be no drop-in service from August 20 - 24 due to PCA training. In addition, the office will be closed from
12:30-1:00pm on August 22 and from 11:30am-2:00pm on Friday August 24. 

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Lilyana T. Mladenova, Department of Sport Management and Media, and Darius J. Conger, Department of Economics, presented a paper entitled “Incentives and Productivity in ATP Tournament Settings” at the 87th Annual Conference of the Western Economics Association International in San Francisco, CA on July 3rd. 

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In the next couple of days, all faculty and staff will receive a brochure entitled “Eliminate Bias-Create a Community of Respect.” All on-campus students will also receive this publication at the opening of the fall semester. The College has published this brochure over the past few years to educate all community members about how to prevent incidents of bias and hate on campus, and what steps should be taken to report such an incident if it were to occur. Please review this information carefully. We need everyone’s help in keeping the Ithaca College community a safe, accepting, and positive place to live, work, and study.



I am proud to announce that a section on social media has been added to Ithaca College’s Identity Standards guide to help you represent your department or organization in a manner consistent with other entities on campus and also to make recommendations on ways you can show your Ithaca College pride on your personal profiles. The new standards and optional downloads of background templates and cover photos are available at

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Blackboard will no longer be available to faculty after September 7, 2012.

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The Office of Student Disability Services will be closed on Wednesday, August 15 for an all day planning retreat. The office will reopen on Thursday, August 16 at 8AM.

The pediatric occupational therapy clinic in the Center for Health Sciences building will host a toddler and preschool sensory and motor play group on Wednesday mornings during the fall semester.

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Does your department ship documents internationally from the desktop with FedEx?
If yes, come to this training session on Wednesday August 15 from 1-3PM in Job Hall Room 160. Job Hall 160 has MAC and PC computers available.

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The Senior Class Give Back Committee is kicking off the school year with a school supply drive to help local teens in the Ithaca area. Pick up some extra supplies while you're shopping for back to school!

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Hey Seniors! Summer may be coming to an end, but that means senior year is just beginning! Start off senior year right at the Senior Class Kick-Off BBQ! 

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In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi. Please encourage students registered with Student Disability Services to meet with you during office hours to discuss their accommodation plan.


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The IC Toastmasters Club can help wash away your fears of public speaking.   Come and be a guest at our Wednesday, August 15th Toastmasters meeting located in the Cayuga Lake Room at the Campus Center.   From 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM you can watch the club members in action and see how fun and educational speaking among friends can be. 

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The start of each semester is a busy time for many departments and clubs that want to reserve classrooms or other academic spaces for various non-academic activities. There can be some confusion concerning the process for reserving classrooms for these activities leading up to and during the add/drop period each semester. In order to make the process smoother for this upcoming semester, as well as future semesters, here are guidelines for reserving classrooms during the add/drop period.

Flexibility is required during the add/drop period to assign different classrooms for classes that need to be moved for any number of reasons. During this period the Office of the Registrar will only process classroom requests for activities that have an academic focus. All other classroom requests should be directed to the Campus Center and Event Services Office (CC&ES).

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August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a special holy day in the Catholic liturgical calendar and all Catholics are encouraged (and everyone is invited) to participate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist to honor the Mother of Jesus Christ.

The Catholic chaplain, Fr. Carsten P. Martensen, S.J., invites the Ithaca College community to join in the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15, in Muller Chapel.


Physical Activity & Music = Fun

Contributed by Robin Davis on 08/10/12 

Let's get some exercise AND help Kristopher Bly, HSHP Exercise Science graduate student, complete his thesis project. See his request below:

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(submitted on behalf of Mark Coldren and Mary Tomaselli)

The next Supervisory Academy session will be held the week of January 7-11, 2013. The Academy is an intensive, week-long development experience designed to support supervisors in their critical role of providing direction to Ithaca College employees. It is an expectation that all supervisors complete the program--to date 140 supervisors have already done so. Participants also have the opportunity to interact with our College leaders, and receive a certificate of completion.

Please contact Mark Coldren or Mary Tomaselli in the Office of Human Resources if you have supervisory responsibilities, have not yet completed the program, and are able to participate in the January 2013 session. 

A&E summer Building hours.

PLEASE NOTE:  There are changes in the Aquatics Pavilion "Pool" hours.

To inquire about reserving spaces at the A & E Center please contact:
Jeff Falardeau, Assistant Athletic Director-A & E Center at x4-3076  or
Kathy Farley, Administrative Assistant-A & E Center at x4-3001 or 

To reserve space at the A & E Center please fill out the reservation form.


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Do you want to build your resume?

Contributed by Robert Hohn on 08/09/12 

Do you want to do your part in helping create a more vibrant and lively Ithaca College Campus? Do you want to better understand what goes into planning and managing the hundreds of events that happen on campus? Do your part by helping manage over $400,000 all dedicated to student activities.

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