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     Christopher House, Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellow in the Department of Communication Studies (H&S), will speak at 12:10pm on Thursday, December 8th in Clark Lounge. The title of his presentation is “Mammy’s Cookie Jar: The Commodification of Black Pain”. In the presentation, House will examine the ethicality of the commodification of racial pain using the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University, Dr. David Pilgrim, founder and Curator, as a case study. 

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Jean Hardwick (Biology) and students present at the Society for Neuroscience meetings in Washington DC.  Two IC students, Allison Girasole (Biology, '10) and Shannon Ryan (Biology, '12) co-authored a poster presentation on research they did with Jean Hardwick, Professor of Biology, at the Annual Society for Neuroscience meetings in Washington DC in November.  In addition, Shannon Ryan presented a poster at the undergraduate poster session as well.  The Society for Neuroscience meetings are attended annually by over 30,000 scientists from around the world.

If you have some time during final exam week and can give us a three hour block of time for proctoring exams, please contact us.

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Tis the season!! Come out and ring in the holidays with Ithacappella and celebrate the release of our brand new CD, Off The Hook!! This concert is definitely one that you won't want to miss.

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Last Chance for SGA Candy Grams!

Contributed by Rachel Heiss on 12/01/11 

It's the last day you'll be able to buy candy grams!

How much? $1.00

You'll be able to send a personal message and a candy cane to any special someone at Ithaca College!

Find us at the Campus Center Lobby


from 10 am-2 pm

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rachel Heiss at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Rob Flaherty still has no candy grams, but Glen Coco has four. Four for you, Glen Coco. You go Glen Coco!

Public Viewing night, CANCELED!!!, Friday, December 2nd from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

CANCELED!!! Friday,  December 2nd  from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CANCELED!!!

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Seeking Techno-Skeptics

Contributed by Mara Alper on 12/01/11 

Are you dubious about technology? Does Sakai have limited appeal to you? Are smart classrooms a bit much? If your answer is yes, we need you. A small group willing to cautiously explore the possibilities seeks new members. No experience needed, only curiosity. Supportive approach, no question too small, mistakes welcomed and encouraged. Contact Mara Alper at or 4-1280 for more information.

Interested in advocating for tap water at Ithaca College? Take Back The Tap is now looking for enthusiastic students to fill the roles of Secretary and Treasurer for the spring 2012 semester.

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Looking for some interesting gifts for friends and family but not looking to break your bank account? Need to get rid of some stuff? Come to the 2nd annual Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI) gift swap, where you can do both of these things! The gift swap is brought to you by ICES (the IC Environmental Society), REMP (the Resource and Environmental Management Program), and Share Tompkins.

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 The Bureau of Concerts is looking for new members for next semester!

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Preparing for Christmas

Contributed by Stephen Hill on 12/01/11 

Come join the Catholic Community as we prepare for Christmas. Sunday, December 4, is the Second Sunday of Advent.  And come see what Good Saint Nick’s helpers have brought you.  Do you deserve a “piece of coal” or do you warrant some “goodies”.  Masses for the Second Sunday of Advent (and in anticipation of St. Nicholas Day) are at 1 PM and 9 PM in Muller Chapel.  Everyone is welcome!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Stephen Hill at 607-274-1117 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

ITS is please to announce that Kris Monroe, ITS Security Officer, will be presenting one-hour training sessions on "Cyber Security Self-Defense" in December in the Technology Learning Center, room 101 Friends Hall. Learn self defense steps you can take to practice safer computing. Use the Internet safely and protect your computer, yourself, and others. All faculty, staff, and students are cordially invited to attend. Register online now by clicking the link below to attend one of these informative sessions.

Cyber Security Self-Defense

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Pat Spencer, of the Writing Department is the guest host of the next Faculty Show and Share on Monday, December 5st, at 3:30- 4:30 pm in the CET (Job 102).  If you've posed a reading-based question in class and received sustained silence and blank stares, you might want to join us. If you've longed for a more transparent group process for your course-based teams, you might want to stop by. We will discuss the benefits of using Sakai Forums to prime the conversation pump and to document group process. Of course, we encourage shared stories.   Any students are welcome as well.

Registration is appreciated but not required.

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Do you love hummus?! Come to SAFI's Israeli Cooking Night!!

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Did you know what Steve Jobs said after he was fired from Apple? "The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." Success ensued, and it all starts with Leadership! Now is your chance to build upon your skills, talents, and knowledge while finding out how to utilize them as an influential and effective leader.

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CMDSA presents its first study break, Cookie Break this Tuesday, December 6th at 7:00pm in Park 220.

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Join ITS Digital Media Coordinator Mark Hine for the first in a series of webinars dedicated to digital media technology for the classroom and office.

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 “Does 1=477?” 

Contributed by Beth Harris on 12/01/11 

 Find out Tuesday, December 6th, in Textor 103, where Ithaca College students Allie Goldsmith and Ava Carmeli will invite you to witness Israel’s occupation of Palestine through the eyes of prisoners. 

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Campus Center & Event Services is pleased to release NEW limited time catered offerings to the Ithaca College community. Tis the season for comfort foods and Sodexo has answered the call with some mouth watering creations for you. New Executive Chef, JJ Molina, and his team are cooking up Braised Ribs with Chocolate, Apricot & Goat Cheese Chicken Breast and much more. Download your copy of the new Winter Limited Time Offerings today!

Stay connected to the people who know how to plan great events.  Find us on Facebook (keywords: Campus Center & Event Services).


Alicia Brady, Ithaca College's TIAA-CREF Individual Client Services Consultant, comes to campus twice or three times a month to provide personalized advice and planning services to help you in pursuing your retirement goals. The dates she will be on campus in January and February have been determined.

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