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Alicia Skaly, Ithaca College's TIAA-CREF Individual Client Services Consultant, comes to campus twice a month to provide personalized advice and planning services to help you in pursuing your retirement goals. The dates she will be on campus in October, November and December have been determined.

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 Troica releases its first CD

Contributed by Diane Birr on 09/08/10 

Troica, the trio comprised of Diane Birr (piano), Steven Mauk (saxophone) and Kim Dunnick (trumpet), has released its first recording entitled TROICA: music for trumpet, saxophone, and piano.  Over the past ten years, the trio has been championing this genre, searching for existing music and encouraging composers to write new works for this unique combination of instruments.  This past summer Troica premiered three pieces written expressly for the ensemble.  The new CD release contains a number of compositions written for and dedicated to the trio.

CDs may be found locally at Hickey’s Music Center and at the Ithaca College Bookstore.


Looking for a job?

Contributed by Alison Bowman on 09/08/10 

One new on campus job and one new off campus job listed!

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Speech communication department member Donathan Brown will travel in October to Maribor, Slovenia, to present a paper derived from his dissertation.  The paper, titled "Latino National Identity and the 2006 English as the National Language Debate," was accepted by the Argumentation and Rhetoric selection committee for presentation at the third annual International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate, and the Pedagogy of Empowerment.  The theme of the conference is "Thinking and Speaking a Better World."

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New York City in the Fall!

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 09/08/10 

There are still plenty of seats available on the Sat. Sept. 25th bus trip to NYC. Don't miss out on a great (and inexpensive!) bus trip to New York City with your fellow Ithaca College classmates, professors and staff administrators!

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-- If you don’t, your organization will not be recognized by Ithaca College


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An excerpt from Ron Jude's Alpine Star project is included in Meer, an exhibition organized by curator Peter Morrens for VOORKAMER in Lier, Belgium.

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Faculty Lunch with the Provost

Contributed by Karen Emnett on 09/08/10 

Faculty are invited to meet with Gregory Woodward, interim provost, every Thursday at noon in the DeMotte Room in the Campus Center.  Bring your lunch, questions, and ideas for an open conversation.

IC Dance Team Car Wash!!

Contributed by Elizabeth Cronin on 09/08/10 

At Rogan's Corner THIS SATURDAY!

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 The IC Buddhist Community will be holding our first meditation Tues., Sept. 14, at 7:30pm in Muller Chapel! 

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Come and join the African Latino Society THIS Saturday, September 11th at 7pm in Textor 103 to view the CNN documentary "Latino in America" and have a discussion afterwards.

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Our league starts Sunday!  Do you have your team signed up and ready to go?

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  Come join us THIS WEEKEND for the hit comedy Get Him to the Greek!

All shows will be $2 and shown in Textor 102.

Thursday 9/9: 8:00 pm
Friday 9/10: 7:00 pm and 9:30pm
Saturday 9/11: 7:00 pm and 9:30pm
Sunday 9/12: 8:00 pm

This event is open to the entire Ithaca community.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations or any questions about the event should contact The Student Activities Board at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


Sunday, September 19th, 2010 is the final day to waive the Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan.

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 The Ithacan has been named a Newspaper Pacemaker finalist for 2010 by the Associated Collegiate Press. Earlier this year it was also announced that The Ithacan Online, the paper’s daily website, was named an Online Pacemaker finalist.

The winners of the award -- widely regarded as the “Pulitzer Prize of collegiate journalism” -- will be announced at the ACP/CMA National College Media Convention in Louisville, Ky., on October 30.

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Risk Management has reached an agreement with various bus providers in the local area to service the Ithaca College community.  Since the last Intercom posting, an agreement has now been reached with Ithaca Airline Limo (IAL).  If your department needs to charter a bus, please refer to the new procedure.  Contact Risk Management at 4-3285 with any questions.  Thank you.


This is another in a series of informational memos intended to update you on the work of the Provost Search Committee.

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Hey, Ithacans! Ithaca College has challenged Cortland State to a special two-school rivalry: the Cortaca Climate Challenge. We are asking all those who were part of last year's America's Greenest Campus Challenge – and everyone who wasn’t! - to step up and join us in this new challenge. Every member of the Ithaca College community can participate in this challenge: students, faculty, staff - even retirees, parents and alumni!

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Eating on campus will actually save you money!

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Attention students! The Executive Board of Student Government Association is looking to fill assistantship positions for the academic year!

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