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Beginning on Wednesday, July 28, Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) will be released to college-owned computers via the normal Windows Update process.

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 Indoor Pool Closings

Contributed by Sarah Hawkins on 07/26/10 

The indoor pool will be closed on the following dates:

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After 20 years of proactively working with IC students, faculty, and staff, Lee Smigiel, Health Sciences Librarian, has announced his retirement effective July 30, 2010.

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ITS would like to remind everyone that some computing systems and services will be unavailable for an extended period due to the annual campus electrical shutdown on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

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Mark your calendars and plan to attend the Center for Faculty Excellence's Fall Faculty Development Workshop on Student Centered Integrative Learning.

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Finalists for the Assistant Director of Community Service position in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) will visit campus for interviews next week. You are invited to attend open presentations by each candidate, with time for questions from the audience.

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I am pleased to announce that three candidates will be on-campus interviewing for the First-Year Experience Program Coordinator position in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) next week 



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Sunday, August 22, 2010
Move-In Day for New Students

When new students arrive at Ithaca College, they become part of a much larger community. As members of this community, we have the chance to welcome them with enthusiasm and Bomber pride!

We are looking for volunteers to assist new students and their parents with the move-in process.  Volunteers will help carry items to residence hall rooms, answer questions, and generally provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere.


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Looking for a job this fall?

Contributed by Alison Bowman on 07/22/10 

1 new job has been added to the Student Employment Jobs Database!

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Professor Steve Seidman was guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Visual Literacy on the visual dimensions of political communications, published in July 2010. The five articles included in the Spring issue of the journal were written by scholars in three countries—the United States, Sweden, and Austria—with two of the articles by professors in the Roy H. Park School of Communications: Seidman and Assistant Professors Cory Young and Arhlene Flowers.

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Matt Mogekwu, associate professor and chair in the Department of Journalism, was elected to the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Governing Council for a two-year term.

He traveled to Sydney, Australia July 6-11 to attend and present a paper at the association's conference. Since 1964, IPRA has been pursuing interdisciplinary research into the most pressing issues related to sustainable peace around the world today.

Photo: IPRA Governing Council. Mogekwu is on the top row, right corner.

The Student Leadership Institute needs you! We are looking for faculty and staff who have a topic to present to students interested in developing their personal leadership skills. Topics can be wide ranging, anything from personal wellness to communication skills, to career tips for working in various fields. Sessions are generally 45-60 minutes, are offered at a time convenient for the presenter, and we set up all of the logistics for you.


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ITS is pleased to announce that wireless coverage is now available in all academic and administrative buildings. If you experience inadequate wireless connectivity in any academic or administrative area, please report the problem to the ITS Helpdesk.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Due to staff training sessions, two offices in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center will have special hours on Thursday, July 22, 2010: 

The Office of the Registrar will be closed from 1 pm - 2 pm .

The Office of Student Financial Services will be closed from 2 pm - 3 pm.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

All College Meeting

Contributed by Office of the President on 07/21/10 

Please mark your calendars for the All College Meeting to be held on Thursday, August 19, 2010 from 9-11 a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center.

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 HR Website: Pardon our Dust 

Contributed by Brian Cicero on 07/21/10 

 Please be patient while we update the HR website. 

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This is an exciting year for the IC Jazz Ensembles, with lots of great performances scheduled.  All Ithaca College students regardless of major are eligible to audition for placement into the Jazz Ensemble / Jazz Lab Ensembles.  

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Do you know someone in your family or in your neighborhood who would enjoy some challenging temporary work and some extra cash?

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Want an interesting job that looks great on your resume? Want to work in a place where you learn new things every day? ITS is currently looking for qualified applicants to work in the following areas for the Fall 2010.

  • Assistant System Administrator

If you are interested in this position, please check out our hiring website for more details and to apply today!

Applications can be turned in to an office assistant on the 3rd floor of Job Hall or e-mailed to

Dr. Michael Pagliarulo, Professor in the department of Physical Therapy was recently appointed to the American Physical Therapy Association Reference Committee.

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