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Raj Subramaniam, Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, was recently elected to serve as Chair-elect of the Curriculum and Instruction Academy Committee for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). This position is for a 3-year term beginning 2010.

 A Tribute to Hip Hop and a celebration of the new semester! Come for a night of live performances, dancing, and great prizes!

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ITS is pleased to announce that a series of "Blackboard: Introduction" training sessions will be offered throughout January and February, 2010. 

To register for introductory Blackboard training, follow the link below and choose any of the dates listed. All training sessions will take place in the Technology Learning Center, located in room 101 Friends Hall.

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Please join us in wishing Marina Marion happiness in retirement and a hearty farewell after 30 years at Ithaca College!  We would like to invite any and all members of the campus community who have worked with or know Marina to join us in a celebration on January 7 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm in the Klingenstein LoungeThis is a party not to be missed because she will be officially retiring on January 8!

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The IC Library is pleased to offer two opportunities for staff and faculty to learn about a variety of available print, online, and multimedia resources.

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The critic wrote:  "With each encounter, I'm taken with the sparkle and virtuosity, the rhythmic vitality, melodic invention and overall alertness of Hartke's music. .... The performances here, by the Los Angeles Piano Quartet, clarinetist Richard Faria, violinist Ellen Jewett and pianist Xak Bjerken are exceptional; they breathe this music."

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Office of Cashier Services will be closed from 10:00-1:00pm on Wednesday, January 13, for the 6th Annual Finance and Administration Winterfest.  Thank you


ITS will be updating Blackboard today, January 4, 2010, from noon until 5:00 p.m. Blackboard will be unavailable during this time. This upgrade will have minimal impact on users -- the look and feel will stay the same!


Dr. Amanullah De Sondy, assistant professor of world religions, Department of Philosophy and Religion, has discussed at a meeting in Glasgow his second book topic on a investigation and discussion to present an Islamic Enlightenment through a comparison of the Scottish Enlightenment with South Asian Islam with Professor Alexander Broadie, Honorary Professorial Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor of Logic and Rhetoric, University of Glasgow in Scotland – the same Chair held by Adam Smith.  Professor Broadie welcomed the thoughts and ideas of Dr. De Sondy and declared full support for such an endeavour. 


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Beginning Friday, December 18th there are a lot of changes in the hours at the Fitness Center.  Check out Island Health & Fitness posting on Intercom as an alternative during break.

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Need to work out while the Fitness Center is closed?

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 12/22/09 

Quoted in the media: faculty members Michael McCall, Cyndy Scheibe and Elia Kacapyr. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

Click on the link provided for the WHCU stories to listen to the podcast.

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Submitted on behalf of Mark Coldren, AVP for Human Resources & Sally Dietz, Director of Budget

In this wonderful holiday season, the example of IC's own Stone Soup Philanthropy Corps made a wonderful contribution of their hard work to two United Way Agencies (Finger Lakes ReUse and Challenge Industries).  I hope you read of their allocation of over $3000 to assist with specific programs for these agencies (12/16 Intercom).  Our own IC faculty and staff helped make this a success by donating to the Stone Soup effort through United Way contributions.  The effort of these students is nothing short of fantastic!  Their hard work, planning, and belief in helping others makes the United Way come alive in our community.  For more information about Stone Soup, email

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During the holiday shut down between December 24, 2009 and January 4, 2010, Career Services wishes to notify the campus community of the following information.

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The Hammond Health Center hopes to begin providing H1N1 vaccines to Ithaca College Faculty and Staff later in January 2010.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 12/18/09 

Quoted in the media: Faculty members Asma Barlas, Kim Gregson, and Jeff Cohen.  For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations: 

IC in the Media

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This winter break, give yourself the experience of a lifetime.  Take the course that everybody is talking about: Environmental Sentinels.

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Information Technology Services invites you to a farewell reception for Marco Cestaro.

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This is a reminder that due to the upcoming Holiday break, all timecards for the weeks of December 7-13 and December 14-20 must be submitted and approved by 10 a.m. on Friday, December 18. Any timecards not submitted and approved by this time will be paid in the next payroll in January, 2010. Due to time limitations there will be no exceptions to this deadline.

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Reminder--Timecards Due early

Contributed by Donna Veres on 12/17/09 

Just a reminder that due to the upcoming Holiday break, all timecards for the weeks of December 7-13 and December 14-20 must be submitted and approved by 10 a.m. on Friday, December 18. Any timecards not submitted and approved by this time will be paid in the next payroll in January, 2010. Due to time limitations there will be no exceptions to this deadline.

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