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Please join STOIC, the Sword Team of Ithaca College, in our first practices of the spring semester. No experience required!

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Buzzsaw Rush Night

Contributed by Emily Mcneill on 01/20/08 

Wednesday, January 30
8:00-11:00 p.m.
Taughannock Falls Meeting Room, Campus Center

Buzzsaw, formerly known as Buzzsaw Haircut, is looking for students to write, draw, photograph, paint, graphically design, copy edit, fact check, and generally help out with the magazine. Come learn how to get involved and see our new look!

WomenSpeak 2008
on the theme of

The Women’s Studies Program’s annual in-house conference, WomenSpeak, will take place on Tuesday, February 26, from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center.

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Wireless Updates

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 01/20/08 

The wireless computing network was recently updated and now supports Leopard, the Mac 10.5 operating system, and Windows Vista 64 bit operating system.

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Welcome back students! IM is ready for you!

Intramural 5v5 Basketball and 6v6 Volleyball are just around the corner, and it's time to sign your team up!

Visit us at the IC Rec Sports website and download a form to sign your team up.

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If you are looking for an athletic challenge this spring, try joining the rowing team. There will be an introductory meeting for men's and women's crew on Friday, January 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Hill Center, room 58.

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Want to come to the MLK events but didn't register in advance?

Don't worry -- come anyway and bring your friends.
We asked people to pre-register so we had a sense of numbers, not to prohibit interested people from attending.

We want you to participate in this historic event, so if you-re interested and available, please attend.

For event details:

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Are you interested in living in HOME, Vecinos, Sustainably Conscious Living, or the Outdoor Adventure Community next year?

If so, it's time to apply! Applications will be available in HOMER Connect beginning Tuesday, January 22 and are due by February 7.

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You will be receiving the hard copy of your 2007 W-2 at your home address soon. However, you may now view the electronic version online through IC Employee Self Service.

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Café @ the Business School is now open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

The café will feature specialty coffees including cappuccinos, mochaccinos, café mochas, café lattes, caramel macchiatos, café Americanos, and espressos. Also available are organic products including salads, sandwiches, yogurt, fruit, chips, milk, juices, and teas.

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Student Driver Safety Classes

Contributed by Kathryn Totman on 01/18/08 

Do you have student workers who need to drive during the spring semester or in the summer?

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Student Driver Safety Classes

Contributed by Kathryn Totman on 01/18/08 

Students who are 21 years of age or over and need to drive College-owned or leased vehicles during the next academic year or in the summer must attend a two-hour safety class. They will then be eligible to drive College vehicles for one year from date of class completion. After one year, students will only be required to take a simple written test.

You can register for the mandatory safety class by visiting the Office of Risk Management, Job Hall 3.

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Have you always wanted to sign up for one of the Fitness Center classes and before you know it, they've started before you've had a chance to sign up?

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Please note the change in Fitness Center hours on Monday, January 21. Hours will be noon-1:30 p.m. and 3:30-11:00 p.m.

Textbook Refund Policy
Following the first day of classes each semester, a time period is scheduled to accommodate textbook refunds (posted in the Bookstore and on the Bookstore web site) for incorrectly purchased books. This process takes place at the buyback window located past the Phillips Hall Annex Post Office. A refund will be issued as long as the following requirements are met:

A. You have a cash register receipt and student ID. NO EXCEPTIONS.
B. You purchased the book for the current semester.
C. New books cannot be marked in any way. Books purchased in a sealed package MUST BE RETURNED in a sealed package (NO EXCEPTIONS). Books purchased as used books may be returned in that condition.
D. If you purchased by a credit card or ID Express, you will be issued credit to that account, not cash.
E. Books must be returned during the designated return period which will be posted in the textbook area of the bookstore and on the Bookstore web site. Last day to return books for the SPRING 2008 semester is Tuesday, January 29th, 2008.

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Associate professor of biology Andy Smith presented the talk, "Metals, Molluscan Glues, and Gel Mechanics," at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 6, 2008, in San Antonio, Texas.

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Jeffrey Holmes, assistant professor of psychology, recently published a book chapter and a book review.

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If you use SPSS on a college-owned Windows laptop computer (or would like to), ITS wants to let you know about a commuter license option that is now available.

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Classes begin on Tuesday, January 22, at 8:00 a.m. This is a friendly reminder for students to check your course schedules using HomerConnect to verify that you are officially registered for the correct sections of courses. If you do not see a course on your class schedule that you think should be there, you need to register for the course. If you see a course that you should not be registered for, you need to drop it.

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VMWare Fusion

From the proven leader in virtualization technology comes VMware Fusion -- the most seamless way to run Windows applications on your Mac. VMware Fusion combines a clean and intuitive interface that Mac users expect with a virtual platform trusted by millions of users today.

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