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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Kelly Stevens and members of the LEAD Team will present a free session entitled “Communication Styles” on Monday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Granger Macy will present a free session entitled “Power and Personal Influence” on Wednesday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. in at noon in the Clark Lounge.

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Final Senior Portrait Sessions

Contributed by Kelly Stevens on 03/12/06 

For all 2006 Ithaca College Seniors: The Senior Class Cabinet has made special arrangements to have the Professional Portrait Photographers back on campus for Final Senior Portrait Sessions for the 2006 Senior Supplement during the week of MARCH 20, 2006. This will be your LAST CHANCE to be photographed for the supplement.

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If you are seeking a new community of outdoor loving friends to live in, don't miss your chance to be part of the Outdoor Adventure Learning Community in Eastman Hall next year.

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Don't miss out on your chance to study at the London Center or on the Walkabout. The application deadlines for the London Center (Summer and Fall 2006) and the Walkabout Down Under (Fall 2006) have been extended.

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We are currently accepting applications for Summer Assistant Positions!

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Bruce Smith, Department of Biology, will present "Population Differentiation in Water Mites - a Consequence of Reduced Dispersal" at 4:00 p.m. in the Center for Natural Sciences, room 112.

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The IC Gerontoogy Institute announces that The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University is presenting the Third Annual $10,000 Boomer Business Plan Competition.

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Summer Positions Available

Contributed by Lorelei Becker on 03/10/06 

The Office of Conference & Event Services and the Campus Center Office have more than 25 student positions available for the summer of 2006.

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National LGBT Health Awareness Week is March 12-18, 2006. The theme of this year's week is "Own Your Health. Get Checked Out."

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The renowned University of Wisconsin-Madison Concert Choir under the direction of Beverly Taylor will present a concert in Ford Hall on Sunday, March 12, at 8:15 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public.

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On Wednesday, April 26, from 4 to 6 p.m., the Center for Faculty Excellence will sponsor a presentation and discussion about successful tenure and promotion at Ithaca College. With keynote remarks by Provost Peter Bardaglio, the program features a panel of successful candidates reflecting on how they went about assembling their files, and a panel of recent members of the all-college tenure and promotion committee.

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The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the May Institute, May 22-26. Designed as a course whose subject matter is the implementation of the recommendations of the Core Experience process, the institute is open to all faculty and staff. Participants will work on assignments that relate the initiatives to their own courses or professional goals, and they will assemble an ePortfolio as students might.

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Dodgeball is coming to Ithaca College this Saturday! Hurry to sign-up your team this week in Campus Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All the proceeds go straight to Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts, so sign up to have a lot of fun and help a good cause!

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Are there lab or e-classroom computers and network printers in your area scheduled for replacement this summer under the Technology Renewal Program?

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Dear Colleagues,

As you may have read in Intercom, President Williams has selected The Life of Pi by Yann Martel as the 2006 selection for the First-Year Reading Initiative. I sincerely thank those of you who have already volunteered to be discussion leaders and invite those of you who have not yet volunteered to do so. For more information about the author and about The Life of Pi, please visit Faculty teaching first-year courses during the Fall 2006 semester are encouraged to consider incorporating the text into their classes.

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Ithaca College edged out Princeton University for the number twelve position in Recyclemania, a friendly competition among university recycling programs in the United States. Ithaca remains in first place in New York State, outpacing Hamilton College and Binghamton University. Complete results available at

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The application deadlines for the London Center (Summer and Fall 2006) and the Walkabout Down Under (Fall 2006) have been extended.

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Holocaust Memorial Museum Trip

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 03/09/06 

There are still some seats left for the Holocaust Memorial Museum Trip.

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Important Registration Information

Students will use the current system (SIS) during the Spring 2006 semester to access their spring course schedule, student account information, financial aid information, grades, and unofficial transcripts. They will also use Degree Navigator during the Spring 2006 semester as a tool for advising during the course registration process for the summer and fall terms, which begins on Monday, April 3. However, students will not be using the registration component of Degree Navigator to register for courses for the summer/fall terms. Registration for the Summer/Fall 2006 terms will be conducted using Homer Connect. Students are invited to attend a demonstration of Homer Connect, which will replace the SIS and Degree Navigator, on one of the following dates: March 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, and 30 between 12:10 and 1:05 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Textor 102.

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