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The IT Service Desk will not be offering evening or Sunday hours over fall break. On Thursday, 10/19 and Friday, 10/20 we will be open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. We will be closed on Sunday, 10/22. We will resume our extended hours schedule on Monday, 10/23. IT Service Desk Workshop: Developing and Implementing Short-term Study Abroad ProgramsContributed by Rachel Gould on 10/18/17
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Read more . . . (68 words) VoiceThread: Beginning to Engage - Upcoming WorkshopsContributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 10/18/17
Please join us as you plan for increasing student engagement in your upcoming courses. We offer two sessions:
Read more . . . (240 words) Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Often called the invisible killer, carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas created when fuels (such as gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas, propane, oil, and methane) burn incompletely. In the home, heating and cooking equipment that burn fuel can be sources of carbon monoxide. With the cold season approaching, it’s a good time to review some important safety and prevention tips regarding Carbon Monoxide (CO). Read more . . . (467 words) The Device Debate: Student Use of Technology in the ClassroomContributed by Kate Castle on 10/18/17 Monday, October 30, 2:30-3:30 Are you challenged by what to do with student use of laptops and cellphones in the classroom? Have you decided to ban all devices as a way to manage this challenge? Do you enact practices and have policies that work for you and your students? There are no easy answers to these questions. Read more . . . (114 words)
Read more . . . (209 words) Kirsten Marshall, Music Lecturer, has been appointed conductor of the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra Youth Orchestra.Contributed by Tamara Acosta on 10/18/17 Under Ms. Marshall's leadership, the CCO Youth Orchestra's mission is to provide a high-quality symphony orchestra experience for young people in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. Read more . . . (66 words)
CLICK HERE for a printable/downloadable version of our Fall Break schedule.
Read more . . . (222 words) On Thursday, October 19, the U-Lot (Campus Center Lot) will be reserved parking for a lunch event and closed to general use until noon. At that time, it will re-open for normal use. Individuals who typically park in this lot when they arrive at the start of the day will need to use other parking options on that date, but are welcome to relocate their vehicles to any open U-Lot spaces in the afternoon. Individuals requiring access to the lot's handicapped spaces can continue to access those spaces during the lot closure by speaking with the attendant. The Fitness Center will be operating with reduced hours over Fall Break. Our hours of operation will be: Wednesday 10/18 - 6:30am - 2:00pm Thursday 10/19 - 11:00am - 2:00pm Friday 10/20 - 11:00am - 2:00pm Saturday 10/21 - Closed Sunday 10/22 - Closed We will resume our regular academic year hours on Monday 10/23. Read more . . . (26 words) African American Student Leadership Retreat - Applications Now OpenContributed by RahK Lash on 10/17/17
Read more . . . (136 words) Take a class at Cornell through the ICCU Exchange ProgramContributed by Jennifer Wofford on 10/17/17 The Ithaca College - Cornell University (ICCU) Exchange Program provides Ithaca College undergraduate students the chance to take up to 4 credits at Cornell as part of their full-time IC tuition. Undergraduate students must be registered full-time (minimum 12 credits) at Ithaca College to be eligible. Explore the possibilities of Cornell's spring 2018 roster. Review the process to register. Contact Extended Studies at to take the next step. The Academic Advising Center will open at 10:15 AM Wednesday, October 18, 2017Contributed by Jessica LeMore on 10/17/17 The Academic Advising Center will open at 10:15 AM Wednesday, October, 18, 2017. Drop-in’s will begin at 10:15 AM. Read more . . . (20 words)
CSCRE DISCUSSION SERIES PRESENTS: "LET THE HOES SPEAK: CARDI B & CUPCAkKE", WED., 10/25/17, IN KLINGENSTEIN LOUNGE @ 6 PMContributed by Penny Bogardus on 10/17/17 IC's Assistant Professors Nicole Horsley and Ashley Hall invite you to take part in this interactive presentation to consider ratchetness as a site of possibilities for self-proclaimed hoes turned Hip-Hop female rappers. These women create a broader context for us to examine and expand the concept of intersectionality as a lived praxis for Black female artists. Read more . . . (176 words) Once again, it’s time to start preparing for our 2018 annual re-enrollment period. This year, re-enrollment will take place from Monday, November 6 through Friday, November 17, 2017 at 12pm. Re-enrollment is mandatory for every benefit-eligible faculty and staff member. Read more . . . (249 words) IC Students Present and Attend Courses at German UniversityContributed by James Pfrehm on 10/17/17
During their time in Germany, Heather and Flora gave a presentation to 200+ international peers on Ithaca College; attended intensive courses taught by international professors; took exams; participated in cultural programming; and networked with students and instructors from more than a dozen countries. This opportunity was made possible by an Academic Challenge Grant, funding generously made available by the Office of the Provost. Wednesday, October 24th: Career Services & The Academic Advising Center announce: Networking In Practice, a workshop designed specifically for Transfer Students!Contributed by Sally Neal on 10/17/17 Calling all new and former Transfer Students! Join Career Services and the Academic Advising Center for a fun and informative workshop: Networking in Practice! Read more . . . (127 words) Stephen Tropiano publishes essay in anthology on spectatorship, gender and sexualityContributed by Stephen Tropiano on 10/17/17
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