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The Employee Benefits & Work/Life Department is extending the fun! You'll have a chance to win even more prizes during the month of November with our month long raffles and games. Read more . . . (140 words) The Employee Benefits & Work/Life Department is extending the fun! You'll have a chance to win even more prizes during the month of November with our month long raffles and games. Read more . . . (140 words) IABC is hosting mock interviews at Panera this Tuesday! Read more . . . (47 words) ON THE VERGE AND THURSDAYS AT THE HANDWERKER PRESENT a staged reading of John Webster’s THE DUCHESS OF MALFI, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, at 6 p.m. in the Handwerker Gallery.Contributed by Claire Gleitman on 11/13/16
Read more . . . (188 words) MUSICIANS WANTED! Let us know you want to ~jam~ at DeStress FestContributed by Alexandria Lopez on 11/12/16
We want a jam room for people to come and play and relax or just listen. Anyone is welcome to come the day of BUT we would love to hear from you ahead of time! Are you part of a music group that wants to do a special performance in addition/instead of jamming? Hit us up! Please contact us if you are down! Read more . . . (31 words) Journalism professor discusses fake news and the presidential electionContributed by Brandy Hawley on 11/11/16 Anthony Adornato, assistant professor of journalism, was interviewed by international and local news outlets this week about the role of social media and fake news in the U.S. presidential election. Adornato discussed the increase in the number of fake news stories during the election, sites dedicated to them, and the sharing of this content on social media. He also called for increased media literacy in a “post-fact world.” The Rise and Rise of Fake News The Day After Trumps Victory Ithaca College Professor Gives Insight to Social Media’s Impact on Election
Tuesday 12:10-1:05 Sponsored by the Park School of Communications. Read more . . . (26 words)
Tuesday 12:10-1:05 Sponsored by the Park School of Communications. Read more . . . (26 words) CSCRE Discussion Series presents "Toward a Liberative Construction of Safety and Healing in Schools: Responding to the School of Pushout of Black Girls" Tuesday, November 15, 2016, at 6 pmContributed by Penny Bogardus on 11/11/16
Read more . . . (180 words) ‘Black-ish’ Creator Kenya Barris to Receive Rod Serling AwardContributed by Melissa Gattine on 11/11/16
Read more . . . (285 words) On Tuesday, November 15th, the Ithaca College Physical Therapy and Exercise Science departments will host Registered Dietician Nutritionist and Cancer Survivor, Myra Berkowitz to speak about nutrition.
Read more . . . (44 words) New Phi Kappa Phi Presidential Scholars/Faculty-Staff Inductees RecognizedContributed by Tammy Sritecha on 11/11/16
Read more . . . (180 words) Reminder: Mail Services Not to be Used for Personal MailContributed by Karen Serbonich on 11/11/16
Personal packages should be sent to your home address. The Mail Service department should not be expected to handle, sort and send notifications for personal packages. Some examples of this include cell phones and/or accessories, personal book orders, wine orders, and other miscellaneous packages that are not business related. Read more . . . (119 words) Registration Open for the Fall R.A.D. Self-Defense Course for StudentsContributed by Crystal Young on 11/11/16 Registration is currently open for the Fall offering of the R.A.D. self-defense course for women. Spaces still remain available for this class, which will be conducted in four three-hour sessions on 11/29, 12/1, 12/6 and 12/8, and which is open to any student who identifies as female. Read more . . . (149 words) Updates on the Educational Affairs Staff Development Committee's Fall Social!Contributed by Tati Herold on 11/11/16
Smaller items and a couple of larger baskets will also be available with the purchase of raffle tickets. 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00, and an arm’s length for $10.00. Read more . . . (170 words)
Read more . . . (177 words) You can easily find classmates that need to go the same way on Zimride. Share the ride and split the cost! Go to Ithaca College’s private Zimride network, and post a new ride during the month of November and you will automatically be entered into the 2016 Zimsgiving Post a Ride Sweepstakes and have a chance to win an Amazon Echo, one of three $100, or one of ten $50 Amazon Gift Cards from Zimride. Winter Session Course (ICC) Online~ Stress: Its Nature and ManagementContributed by Deborah Wuest on 11/11/16 This course, designated as ICC Mind, Body Spirit – Natural Science or Social Science Perspective, Liberal Arts, discusses the impact of stress on your health and strategies to use stress to your advantage for optimal achievement. Stress: Its Nature and Management - 30056 - HLTH 22700 - 01 is offered from January 9 through January 20th. The course offers you maximum flexibility; it is asynchronous, meaning that you do not need to be online at any specific time. Learn and complete the course from wherever you are during your break. For more information, contact the instructor at HiFashion Studios Going for Gold with 2016 Fall Runway ShowContributed by Colby Daboul on 11/10/16 ITHACA, NY, October 25 - HiFashion Studios, Ithaca College’s only fashion-centered student organization, has announced its Fall 2016 show. The event will take place on Thursday, November 17th at 7:00 PM in Emerson Suites at Ithaca College with the theme “Sporting Gold.” Admission for this event is free and open to the public. Read more . . . (235 words) Reminder: M-Lot (A&E Center Parking) Closed on Friday, November 11 Through 10:30 a.m.Contributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 11/10/16 As first posted to Intercom on November 9, on Friday, November 11, the Office of Admissions will be hosting an Open House for prospective students and their families. The M-Lot parking lot at the A&E Center has been designated as reserved parking for that event, and therefore will be unavailable to college staff, faculty, and students in the morning until approximately 10:30 a.m. Read more . . . (87 words) |
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