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Read more . . . (107 words) What Student Organization is 1/5 at most like in the country??Contributed by Emily Quinn on 10/04/15
Read more . . . (107 words) Make your voice heard in drafting the Student Bill of Rights with Student Body President Dominick Recckio. Read more . . . (266 words) As students begin to plan and shop for Halloween, the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management would like to provide a reminder to please be thoughtful and safe with regard to Halloween costumes and decorations. In particular, the use of simulated weapons can be a dangerous practice that creates a great risk to student safety. Read more . . . (130 words) Kevin Murphy (English) to Publish Essay in Prestigious JournalContributed by Dan Breen on 10/04/15 Kevin Murphy, Professor in the Department of English, has had his essay, “Heaney Translating Heaney: Coupling and Uncoupling the Human Chain,” accepted for publication by Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Murphy’s essay focuses on Seamus Heaney’s use of translation in his final volume of poems, Human Chain, to address critical elements in his poetic formation. Read more . . . (192 words)
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at Check the expanded webcasting schedule for more information! Read more . . . (254 words) On the Verge and Thursdays at the Handwerker Present a staged reading of Arthur Miller’s 1947 play, ALL MY SONS.Contributed by Claire Gleitman on 10/04/15
Read more . . . (148 words) Asma Barlas, Department of Politics, was interviewed at an annual festival, "Il tempo delle donne," organized by women journalists of the Italian newspaper, Corriere della sera, on October 1st in Milan. She was asked about Islamic scriptural traditions that, according to ISIS men, permit them to enslave Yazidi women. (A short radio interview with Barlas and her co-panelist, Amina Wadud, on women and Islam can be found here: Reminder: RSVP for the Blue Sky Reimagining Kickoff next Thursday!Contributed by Bonny Griffith on 10/04/15
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Read more . . . (421 words) SoTL in a Bottle (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) - October 9, 2015 - 4PM - Argos InnContributed by Deborah Rifkin on 10/03/15
Read more . . . (151 words) Contributed on behalf of Danette Johnson Ithaca College is launching a national search for a Vice President for Human Resources, following the June 19th departure of Mark Coldren for the University of Buffalo. Mr. Tom Phillips and Ms. Elizabeth Neumann of Brill Neumann will be assisting with the search. Campus visits by finalists are anticipated to occur in December and the committee’s goal is to have the new vice president in place shortly after the beginning of 2016. Read more . . . (140 words) Jerry Koch-Gonzalez will lead a hands-on, experiential workshop on Dynamic Governance at Ecovillage (for co-housing communities and non-profits) on November 6 to 8, 2015.
Read more . . . (2 words) Dollars and $ense Discussion – Wednesday, October 7Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 10/02/15
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carly Hills in the office of finance and administration (274-3118 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Please join us as math majors Lima Hossain and Emily Barrett will give presentations on their summer work. Read more . . . (215 words) CSCRE Discussion Series Speaker, Dr. Jeffreen Hayes "Beyond Community: Fractured Systems" Tuesday Oct 6th, 7-9PM Clark LoungeContributed by Belisa Gonzalez on 10/02/15
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Time: 7-9 Location: Clark Lounge
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Belisa Gonzalez at or (607) 274-3921. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Learning Communities on Inclusion, Cultural Fluency, and Global CitizenshipContributed by Wade Pickren on 10/02/15
Read more . . . (146 words) Due to the Parnassus upgrade last weekend, the Online Tax Forms screen in Employee Self Service is currently not available. We are actively working with Oracle Support to resolve this issue. If you need to change your federal W-4 information, please complete a paper form and deliver to the Payroll Office, Garden Level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center. The W-4 form can be found at: To change your New York State Allowances, complete the IT-2104 found at: We will let you know when the issue has been resolved. Feel free to contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874, (607) 274-3133 or with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience.
2016 Summer Session Course Proposals Due November 1stContributed by Jennifer Wofford on 10/02/15 The deadline for summer session 2016 undergraduate course proposals is November 1st. If you'd like to propose a summer session undergraduate course, contact your department chair. Questions? Visit the For Faculty site or contact Jen Wofford at Read more . . . (98 words) A Welcome Celebration for the Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellows Oct. 7Contributed by Brooke Hansen on 10/02/15
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