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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the death of one of our students. Senior Trevor Jahn was killed early Wednesday morning in an automobile accident while home during the Thanksgiving break. An applied economics major at Ithaca, he was also a cadet in the Army ROTC program at Cornell University. Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
rsnyder1 on
Trevor was my roomate this year and one of my best friends since freshman year. He was an amazing person and I will miss him every day for the rest of my life. I wish I could write more but at this time I feel completely incapable of doing so. I loved Trevor so much.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
jhull1 on
Trevor was an awesome person, friend, and human being. He always had a smile on his face and was nice to everyone. I wish there were more people like him in this world, but now there are fewer. What happened makes no sense. My heart goes out to Kamal, Rob, Matt and everyone else who was close to Trevor...
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
tbigfor1 on
Trevor has been a terrific friend of mine since we were novices on the crew team freshman year. He was one of the most amazing people I knew, and I'm not just saying this in retrospect. He always had a smile for me and for everyone. He took everything he did seriously but also lightly at the same time. He was very commited to his friends and to his work (and play). Hearing this news was one of the harder things I've had to deal with. My greatest symapthies to his family, Im so sorry Tyler; to his housemates, and to his friends. I know he will be remembered fondly which is the most anyone can ask for in a situation such as this. I'll always hold a special place for him in my heart and I will always miss his great big bear hugs (as he was such an enormous person, physically and emotionally). I love you Trev.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
tmastra1 on
I met Trevor through his brother Tyler, who has been my friend since freshman year, and my boyfriend was one of Trev's best friends. Even hanging out with him once in a while on weekends allowed me to catch glimpses into Trevor's amazing and friendly personality and love of life. He was generous and EVERYONE just loved him. He was one of the happiest, funniest kids I knew, and never let anything get him down. He will be missed!
An Officer and a Gentleman Comment from
direnzo on
Trevor was my student in Persuasive Argument this semester. Mature, articulate, and intelligent, he wrote well-considered essays on controversial topics from a military perspective. Although a devoted officer-in-training and a young patriot, he remained an independent thinker.
As a student of Roman military history, Trevor favored gay rights in the military because, in his words, "all Americans who are willing to serve their country should be able to serve their country without shame." An admirer of eonomist Milton Friedman, he criticized what he considered America's wasteful war on drugs, although he proposed heightened security for cartels. Believing in justice for all, he defended a Muslim American soldier accused of murdering his officers in a judicial brief. I cannot fathom the loss of this young man, not only to his school and family but to his country. At this time in our history, we desperately need Trevor's brand of courage and decency. He would have made a splendid officer. On the eve of Thanksgiving break, he came to class in full uniform for the first time--tall, broad-shouldered, proud but still with a boyish air. Afterwards, knowing that my late father-in-law was a military engineering and that my wife teaches technical writing at the Cornell School of Enginering, he showed me the brass insignia of the Army Engineering Corps, which he had prayed to join. He was eager to serve overseas. "We don't need to conquer Iraq," he explained. "We need to rebuild it." Spoken like an officer and a gentleman. I salute you, dear boy. Hail and farewell. Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
kjohnso1 on
it was difficult to get the news of trevor's death from simple text, and immediatly difficult to believe, to completely understand. i met trevor at the writing center this fall and the first time i met this kid i had respect for him, the kind, say, you hold for a person who speaks five languages. confident, articulate, passionate, trevor had an enormous heart and i feel that everytime i saw him around he was pumping life to the max, always smiling or running or doing something, but even in repose this guy seemed like he had the world around his finger. i extend my deepest sympathies to trevor's family. trevor, amigo, you'll be missed, but you'll also be remembered.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
dharris1 on
I've never met Trevor or seen him in passing, but to read that he passed away really shocked and overwhelmed me. I can't imagine what each of his friends and family are feeling right now. But I hope that each of you can remember the wonderful times you had with him, the way he smiled and the way he laughed, and all of those little idiosyncracies that he had and sometimes smile in his memory despite this tragedy. Keep him in your hearts...I'm praying for all of you!
Danielle Harrison Best Wishes Comment from
mboden1 on
I did not know Trevor at all, but I may have seen him somewhere on campus at one time or another. From what I have read about him, he sounds like one of those people that others gravitate towards and had plenty of friends to go around. He will be missed, but he will make his presence known when you least expect it - never let his memory die.
To those left behind, know that he is watching over you and loves you all. My prayers and blessings are with you all. God Bless and have a Happy Holiday Season. Meaghan Boden Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
jlamend1 on
There are not enough words to describe was a wonderful person Trevor Jahn was. A great brother, A great student, someone who seemed to have his life in order, and mostly a great friend to all those whose life he touched. He will truely be missed. Trev was one of the type of people who was always there to make sure his friends disired were met rather than his own. He approached everything with such great intent and passion. although he was only part of my life for the past three semesters there, he filled me with many memories. There is not a bad trait you could place on such a great person. Please all of you who knew trev and those of you who didnt please keep the jahn family in your prayers for they will need all the help they can in the mourning of such a wonderful sibling. Today the world lost one of its greatest....
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
mhanna1 on
I just heard of Trevor's passing and I am sitting here speechless. Trevor was one of the first people I met here at IC. We became great friends after having a class together freshman year. Trevor was such a great person and I always enjoyed spending time with him. He was by far one of the funniest people I have ever met. He always could put a smile on my face, no matter how bad my day was going. I'm going to miss you buddy.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
zvicker1 on
I've known Trevor since freshman year. He was a great friend, who was so kind and funny. It's hard to really admit he's gone, and even harder to think of moving on without him. He was one of the best people I've ever known and he will most certainly be missed. May he rest in peace. My thoughts go out to his family and his friends. I will miss you Trevor.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
ashuey1 on
Trevor Jahn was my very first friend at Ithaca College. Most people
know Trev as that tall fun friendly kid - and thats exactly how he always was. Anyone that wanted to be Trevor's friend was welcome in his life. He was the most positive, caring and dedicated friend. I too will miss him every day for the rest of my life. Although I am heartbroken - i know Trevor was very important to so many people - and we will all get through this together. I love you trev - rest in peace Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
smcgrat1 on
I met Trev through his brother Tyler. Trev was one of those people that everyone liked. He was always friendly, genuine, funny, full of life, and never without a smile. All of the girls that are friends with Ty had a least a little crush on Trevor. I still can't believe it. I wish I had the chance to get to know him better. It's really not fair when someone so young with their whole life ahead of them is taken away so suddenly. My thoughts and prayers are with the Jahn family and all of Trev's many friends. Rest in peace.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
kanthon1 on
I met Trevor this year when we became next-door neighbors in the circles. He and his roommates immediately befriended my housemates and myself, and I can't count how many times we've said to each other how lucky we are to have such great neighbors, not to mention new friends. It's so terrible to realize that when I return from break, he won't be there anymore, and I am just so, so sad that I've had such a short time to get to know a person so very full of life. It will not be the same without him. His friends and family, especially his roommates, are in my prayers.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
elosey1 on
I haven't kept in touch with Trevor for a while but every time I saw him I'd get a huge smile and "Losey! What's Up!" We lived in the Boot together Freshmen year. I'll never look at a tennis ball the same way. You are loved and truely missed my friend.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
kmccart2 on
Trevor was such a kind person and I can't believe that he's gone and I won't see his huge grin everytime I stop over to see him and the boys.
I only met Trevor this year, but he treated me as if I had known him for years. I only wish I had the chance to get to know him better. Reading all these comments posted and hearing all these wonderful things about Trevor are a true testimate to the kind of person he was--kind, friendly, cheerful, and above all, a truly memorable person. He will always be remembered as a great friend to so many, and I am proud to say that I had the chance to know him and call him a friend. Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
cragozz1 on
I met Trevor freshman year in our writing class and from that point on I could tell he was an inspiring individual. He was definitely the kind of guy who could light up a room and was always a ton of fun. Trevor, you will never be forgotten and your lively and warm presence will be felt always :)
you are beautiful. Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
skueble1 on
It still hasn't hit me yet that I won't see Trev while coming back from class or around on the weekends. From our novice year of rowing to now Trev always made a point to say hello whenever we saw each other. He lit up a room whenever he entered. I won't ever forget his smile or those aviators and his trucker hat that I so often saw him sporting. Every comment before mine speaks the truth about Trev. He was an amazing, caring and funny guy. You couldn't help but have a good time whenever he was around. I'm going to miss him so much!!
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
pfusco1 on
Rest in peace, my friend. We miss you terribly. That's all there is to
say. Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
epablo1 on
I met Trevor only this semester in a class I had with him, and even with the few very brief interactions I had with him I found myself feeling lucky to have met him and had looked forward to getting to know him better, because he struck me as being one of the warmest people I've ever met. You don't meet many people with such infectious optimism and constant positiveness. His death is so tragic, and he will be sorely missed
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
skelly3 on
I was completely shocked when I heard of Trevor's passing. I just couldn't believe it and still don't. I only met Trevor this semester and in the handful of times I hung out and interacted with him I felt like I had known him my whole life, as if he was a best friend. He always made me feel so welcome and comfortable and always made me laugh. I never once saw him without a smile on his face and that is truly an inspiration to me. I miss him so very much and will never forget the amazing person he was and always will be.
Important Message for the Campus Community Comment from
scarter1 on
I too only met Trev this semester and the first time I met him, we were more comfortable around each other then some kids I have known for years. He was definitley a very genuine kid; very friendly, fun and personable. There are only so many words one can say in this type of situation. I was very sad about this tragic news.
I believe that when a good person leaves this world, the whole world morns his memory and from reading all the thoughtful comments and from my own experience I know that the world is certainly in deep morning right now...... My thoughts are with his family, friends, roommates and Holly |
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passing. Regardless it was with great saddness that I read the news of
his recent death. I know what it's like to lose someone during everyday
life, I can only imagine the magnitude of the loss during the holiday
season. As a community member at Ithaca College, I send my best to
the family and friends of Trevor. May God look upon his family and
friends with grace and give them peace, as God has taken Trevor into his
nearer presence.