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In order to effectively manage the planning process, and ensure an exceptional guest experience, we will be closing the Alumni Weekend schedule this Monday, April 1. We are working to develop a schedule that minimizes conflicting event times, and we currently have a few open times available to accommodate other activities.

If you are planning activities that will take place during Alumni Weekend, please notify Brenda Carlisle ( or 274-1381) no later than April 1, so that we are able to include your event in Alumni Weekend 2013 and assist with logistics and communications support.

Alumni Weekend will be held on campus October 11-13, 2013. Faculty and staff can receive free tickets to certain events; please refer to our March 25 Intercom announcement for full details.

You can also find more details at the Alumni Weekend website,, or write us at

Reminder: Alumni Weekend Activity Proposals Due Monday, April 1 | 0 Comments |
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