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On Monday, February 23, 2015, the Department of History inducted 9 students into Phi Alpha Theta, the National History Honors Society.  

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The Ithaca College Chapter of the American Marketing Association (ICAMA) was named a semi-finalist in the 2014/2015 AMA International Collegiate Case Competition.

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Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 4 PM in Ford Hall, the Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra presents its annual concerto competition concert.

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The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity and Handwerker Gallery are co-hosting a talk by Katie Dorame, a visual artist from Oakland, C.A. The talk comes as part of the CSCRE Discussion Series, TECH N' COLOR: Technology, Race, Resistance and Handwerker Gallery exhibition, Origin Stories (read more).


Thursday, February 26
Handwerker Gallery

Ms. Dorame received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the California College of the Arts and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California- Santa Cruz. Her work has been featured in a solo show at the Galería de la Raza in San Francisco, and was included in "Bay Area Currents" at Pro Arts Gallery in Oakland. She is a member of the Gabrielino/Tongva tribe of California and was recently awarded a Native American Arts & Cultural Traditions Grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission.

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The What’s Your Financial IQ Challenge is going on now! CLICK HERE to catch up on all of this week’s questions and improve your chances at winning one of three tablet computers

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The third installment of the 2015 HPPE Speaker Series will feature Barry Derfel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, TST BOCES. Derfel will present a speech entitled "Affirming Diversity in 21st Century Classrooms and Schools" on Wednesday, February 25 at 6 p.m. in Hill Center 104. 

The 2015 HPPE speaker series is sponsored by the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education. This year's topic is "Teaching, Learning, and Diversity in the 21st Century."

For more information or to RSVP for the event, visit the calendar listing found here.

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As part of an ongoing initiative to encourage student participation in professional level events, a portion of the Pendleton funds are set aside specifically to support student submission to, as well as attendance at, film, photography, screenwriting and/or scholarly festivals, seminars, and related academic conferences: e.g., Ann Arbor Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Society for Photographic Education Conference, College Art Association Conference, Cine Story, Scriptapalooza, Flaherty seminar.

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The Birds, The Bees & The J-Spot

Contributed by Keyana Taffe on 02/23/15 

SAB brings Jay Friedman to Ithaca College to discuss the birds and the bees. You know all those embarrassing questions that make you have to clear your Google history? Friedman is bringing the answers to all of those and more in I.C. Square or "the pub" on Tuesday, February 24th at 7 p.m.  

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Zumba for a Cause!

Contributed by Rachel Sitek on 02/23/15 

  Do you like Zumba? Wanna help out a great cause? Come join us for a Zumba class and help raise money for the 2nd annual Ithaca Polar Plunge!  

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Dr. Ed Baptist, Associate Professor of History at Cornell University, will be on campus Tuesday, February 24, to share insights from his new book The Other Half Hasn’t Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism (Basic Books) and from his crowdsourcing project, Freedom on the Move. In a review of Dr. Baptist’s new book, the Daily Beast notes that “Baptist turns the long-accepted argument that slavery was economically inefficient on its head, and argues that it was an integral part of America's economic rise."

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Luca Maurer, program director of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, Services, authored a chapter in the new book How I Got Into Sex…Ed, an anthology of 60+ essays written by sexuality educators published by the Center for Sex Education.

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The Campus Life Committee is seeking nominations from faculty, staff and students for outstanding graduating seniors who would like to be considered for this honor.  The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, February 27, 5pm.

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Invitation to Help

Contributed by Christine Haase on 02/23/15 

(posted with permission)

Associate Professor Rachel Wagner’s husband John was seriously injured in a terrible automobile accident last week. You may have heard about it in the news late last week, involving a head-on collision with a dump truck in white-out conditions in Ovid, New York.

John is expected to make a full recovery but it will take a few months. It is anticipated that he will be released from the hospital within the next day or so of this writing.

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Submitted on behalf of Tanya Saunders, Assistant Provost
A final information session for students interested in the ICNYC Program for Fall 2015 will be held Thursday, February 26 at 12:10 p.m. in BUS 204.

Hersey Egginton, Director of the ICNYC Program, will be in attendance to answer any of your questions.

This general session is for all students and majors. We look forward to seeing you!

Are you interested in an internship experience in beautiful Washington, DC? If so, please attend the information session scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 26 in BUS 111.

Ithaca College has an arrangement with the Cornell in Washington Program (CIW) that allows you to study full-time in Washington, DC and to take advantage of the wonderful internship opportunities the City offers. 

Dr. Robert Hutchens will be in attendance to answer questions and to talk about the program. Whether your internship interest is political, financial, or issue-oriented, there is an organization in DC that shares your interest and needs interns.

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Naeem Inayatullah (Politics) attended the 56th annual meeting of the International Studies Association, in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 18-21, 2015.  He participated in five panels: 

  • “Why Don’t I See the Problem," roundtable presenter for Strategies of Critique for Narrative Approaches;
  • Chair for the panel, Politics of Survival: Debilitation, Precarity, and Resilience;
  • Co-host for “Narrative Approaches,” in Critical Security Studies Methods Café;
  • Roundtable presenter in the panel, Race and International Relations: A Debate Around John Hobson’s “The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics,” and,
  • Chair for the panel “Telling Stories: Migration, Translation, Complicity” 

Join TWLOHA IC for a scavenger hunt that promotes and educates about mental health while building team skills this coming Saturday the 28th, in Williams from 12pm-4pm. 

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Tutor applications for the Fall of 2015 will be accepted from February 23rd to March 20th.

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  • Want to find full-time positions, summer jobs, or internship opportunities?
  • Hoping to expand your professional network?
  • Interested in learning more about possible career paths that you're considering?

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There will be an information session for students interested in applying for this year’s Linden Award for Learning Portfolio Excellence on Thursday, February 26th from 3:00-3:30 in the Campus Center’s DeMotte Room. 

For the 2014-15 competition, three finalists will receive a $$ CASH PRIZE $$, with $3,000 for the best portfolio and $1,500 for each of the two runners-up. This award has been made possible by the generosity of Jay and Judith Linden.

This year’s deadline for Linden Award applications is March 27, 2015 and three finalists will present their portfolios publicly on the evening of April 13, 2015.

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