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When: Tuesday, November 18 Where: Williams 225 Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
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So, fuel up and enjoy the game! Go Bombers! Does your spending need a reality check? Read this article in this month's issue of Student Health 101Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 11/12/14
In this article from November's issue of SH101, you will find:
Check it out here:
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Save the Date! Our Annual Latina/o Heritage Month Banquet will be held in Emerson Suites on November 14 at 7pm!!! There will be a key note speaker, Asma Barlas; food; live performances; and a dance party! Read more . . . (75 words)
There will be a key note speaker, Asma Barlas; food; live performances; and a dance party! Read more . . . (79 words)
Read more . . . (87 words) THEA 29600 01 3 credits Tues & Thurs 9:25-10:40 Sophomore standing Creative Economy #43774 Instructor: Susan Monagan Course Attributes: Liberal Arts, (ICC) - Social Sciences, Theme: Identities Read more . . . (235 words)
Read more . . . (104 words) Michael Malpass (Anthropology) presents paper on researchContributed by David Turkon on 11/12/14
His paper "The Middle Horizon Site of Sonay: New Radiocarbon Dates (!) and Interpretations (?)" was presented at the 33rd annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory at the University of Vermont on Oct. 18-19.
Read more . . . (125 words) Thinking about spring crew? The men's and women's rowing teams welcome new prospects.Contributed by Becky Robinson on 11/12/14 Men’s and women’s crew have begun winter training. Many of the work-out sessions are on campus. There are opportunites for the spring team. No experience is necessary. Contact us or visit a practice if you are interested. This sport will teach you a new skill, get you into top physical condition, send you out onto Cayuga Lake, and offer an opportunity to travel and compete on a varsity level. Contact a coach at or stop by the crew office, #140A, A. & E. Center, any weekday before winter break. Call us at 274-1266. This is an opportunity to get into a life-changing activity. Opportunity knocks!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at 274-3222. House On Haunted Hill (based on the 1959 public domain film)Contributed by Tyler Manning on 11/12/14 You are invited to spend the night in a haunted house! If you should you choose to spend the night with us, you may encounter some ghosts. So hurry, won't you? Read more . . . (223 words) Parlez-vous français? Come to the French Conversation Group!Contributed by Anne Theobald on 11/12/14
Come practice your French in a casual and friendly atmosphere at the weekly French conversation group! French speakers of all levels are welcome. Ben, our wonderful group leader, will be graduating in December, so now is the time to take advantage of his presence and expertise! Read more . . . (57 words)
Read more . . . (468 words) Students requesting to take final exams in Student Accessibility Services need to report exam dates by Wednesday, December 3rd. Read more . . . (71 words) 1-credit IICC mini-courses for Spring 2015 theme and perspective clarificationsContributed by Gordon Rowland on 11/12/14 Taking any three of the four IICC mini-courses will count for the Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation or World of Systems theme, and as a Humanities or Social Science perspective, regardless of when you take them over your four-year career. For example, you could take one mini-course each semester for the next three semesters. Also, the mini-courses are open to all students, whether taken to satisfy an ICC requirement or not. Read more . . . (258 words) Chemistry Alumnus Kristina Hugar '06 to present on November 18thContributed by Maria Russell on 11/12/14
Read more . . . (208 words) All 130 seats in the SGA Cortaca Busses have been reserved and there are no more available. Thank you to all who signed up for the seats early! Read more . . . (24 words) Project Look Sharp to speak on "Rosewater" and Iran at Cinemapolis Nov 25Contributed by Ari Kissiloff on 11/12/14 Teaching Critical Thinking in Iran – Local Educators Speak after Nov. 25 Film at Cinemopolis Read more . . . (105 words) Susan Giarratano, Dr. Ellie Fitts Fulmer, and Dr. Nia Nunn Makepeace present on Racial Comedy at the National Association for Multicultural Education ConferenceContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 11/12/14 Susan Giarratano (HSHP senior), Ellie Fitts Fulmer, and Nia Nunn Makepeace (both Assistant Professors of Education) presented, "'Going Too Far?' Exploring Race and Humor in Teacher Education" at the National Association for Multicultural Education annual conference in Tucson, AZ. Their roundtable presentation featured the work of five undergraduate students and the two faculty members as they examined racial comedy media clips together in the context of a course on multicultural education. This analysis will inform their upcoming research to identify a Pedagogy for Racial Comedy. The research team is currently co-authoring a piece on this topic for journal submission this fall.
Counseling Minor Interest Meeting Tuesday 11/18Contributed by Jessye Cohen-Filipic on 11/12/14 Want to learn more about the counseling minor? Read more . . . (90 words) |
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