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SLPA hosts annual alumni and friends reception at ASHA conventionContributed by Matt Morgan on 11/02/14
The reception will take place November 21 at 8:30 p.m. in the Hyatt Regency Room: Lobby Level, in Coral Springs, Florida. We hope that you will stop by to extend best wishes to Dr. Richard Schissel, who is retiring at the end of May 2015. For more information, contact Jana Waller at Come create greeting cards for children in medical facilities!Contributed by Caitlin Wormsley on 11/02/14
Read more . . . (87 words) Want to join the Ithaca College Cheerleading team? IC's competitive cheerleading team will be hosting another round of tryouts this weekend. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, November 6th at 6 pm in Hill G10 to answer questions and discuss tryouts and this year's team. Tryouts will be held on Saturday, November 8 from 3-5 pm and Sunday, November 9 from 3-5 pm. Contact with any questions, and watch the IC cheer Facebook page for updates. Read more . . . (23 words)
When: Tuesday, November 18 Where: Williams 225 Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Read more . . . (66 words) LGBT Film Series continues with “Two Spirits” on November 4Contributed by Luca Maurer on 11/02/14
Read more . . . (189 words) GET YOUR MASSAGE APPOINTMENT before they're all filled! Thursday Nov. 6th is Chair Massage Day in CHP. Only $1 per minute!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 11/02/14
The Center for Health Promotion has partnered with A Massage Station of Ithaca to bring chair massages to IC students. Sign up HERE! Thursday, November 6, 2014 NOON - 5PM CENTER FOR HEALTH PROMOTION, LOWER LEVEL, HAMMOND HEALTH CTR Cost: $1 per minute (pre-paid via PayPal or credit card ) Sign up for 10, 20 or 30 minutes of massage through Massage Station's Sign Up Genius. Need more information? Contact Nancy Reynolds, Program Director, Center for Health Promotion, at Read more . . . (26 words) The Cancer Experience- Elective being offered to all majors by OT departmentContributed by Laura Morse on 11/02/14 This is a three-credit elective open to students in all majors in the spring semester.
Read more . . . (101 words) Dr. Richard Faria, Professor in the Department of Music Performance was invited to give a presentation at the NACWPI (National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors) Conference in St. Louis, MO.Contributed by Richard Faria on 11/02/14
Toastmaster's Meeting Tonight 6pm DeMott Conference RoomContributed by Theresa Johnson on 11/02/14
We have a new meeting time, every other Wednesday and the first Monday of every month. Our first Monday meeting is November 3 at 6 PM in the DeMott Conference Room. We invite faculty, staff, and students to join us! To find out more, join us as a guest. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5 at 2PM in the Cayuga Lake Room. For more information about the IC chapter of Toastmasters, visit Ithaca College Toastmasters.
Read more . . . (26 words) Timothy Nord (Associate Professor of Music Technology) gives a presentation at the National CMS/ATMI Conference in St. Louis, MO.Contributed by Timothy Nord on 11/01/14
Read more . . . (76 words) Flu Shots at the Annual Employee Benefits & Work/Life FairContributed by Julie Tinkham on 11/01/14
Project Look Sharp’s Cyndy Scheibe Takes Part in Ithacan TrainingContributed by Ari Kissiloff on 11/01/14 On September 2, Cyndy Scheibe gave a presentation to the staff and editors of The Ithacan. She presented on Media Literacy with an emphasis on equality in the newsroom. Scheibe has worked closely with The Ithacan for years in a role on the Advisory Board for Ithaca College Publications. Read more . . . (107 words)
We have a new meeting time, every other Wednesday and the first Monday of every month. Our first Monday meeting is November 3 at 6 PM in the DeMott Conference Room. We invite faculty, staff, and students to join us! To find out more, join us as a guest. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5 at 2PM in the Cayuga Lake Room. For more information about the IC chapter of Toastmasters, visit Ithaca College Toastmasters.
Read more . . . (26 words) Chip Gagnon (Politics) gives talk at Graz University, AustriaContributed by Naeem Inayatullah on 10/31/14 Chip Gagnon, Assoc. Prof of Politics, gave an invited talk at the Center for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, Austria, on October 27. The talk, focusing on his current research project, was entitled "Missionaries for Democracy: What can religious missionary work tell us about liberal political systems?" Students Interested in Sport Studies (B.A.) or Recreation Management (B.S.) Must Declare Major by December 31, 2014.Contributed by Matt Morgan on 10/31/14
Those students who are considering declaring Sports Studies as their major or minor should contact Professor Mosher at, 274-3162, or stop by his office at G-39 Hill Center. Students who are considering Recreation Management as a major should contact Dr. Janice Elich Monroe, Chair of Recreation and Leisure Studies, at or call 274-3172. Road Trips to the Real World: Registration opens Nov. 1!Contributed by Kristin LiBritz on 10/31/14
Read more . . . (95 words) Reminder: Weight Watchers Open House => Tuesday, November 4, 2014!Contributed by Christine Haase on 10/31/14
It just so happens that for the very first time, the WW@W Open House falls on the same day as the Employee Benefits & Work/Life Fair in Emerson Suites from 10:00am – 3:00pm. We will have a table there—stop by and say hello! Please scroll down to the comments to read a couple personal stories shared by currently active members. Very inspiring.
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Read more . . . (85 words) President's Host Committee applications are now available!Contributed by Amanda Decker on 10/31/14 Interested in becoming a tour guide? Stop by the Office of Admission to pick up your application and full job description today! Read more . . . (68 words) |
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