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Immersion Semester Program information session Tuesday, Oct. 14Contributed by Matt Morgan on 10/13/14
Tuesday, October 14th Accommodations and Questions contact: Patrick Lewis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus John Krout Co-edits New Book on Rural AgingContributed by Paula Davis on 10/13/14
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Read more . . . (163 words) Respectful Accommodations Workshop Sponsored by the Office of Human ResourcesContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 10/13/14
Making Ithaca College accessible to all community members will require creative and responsive accommodations. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) addresses the need to make accommodations for persons with disabilities so that they can achieve success in their employment. This workshop provides an insight into what constitutes a “respectful accommodation.” Specific examples of accommodations for employees who have various types of disabilities are included. Read more . . . (95 words) Reminder: KPMG Visiting Campus To Conduct Interviews (Jobs & Internships) - Application Deadline ApproachingContributed by John Fracchia on 10/13/14
Read more . . . (58 words) Are you interested in running for one of SGA's open Senator positions?Contributed by Kyle James on 10/13/14 We will be having a vote for filling our open seats at tonight's meeting. Read more . . . (148 words) Chemistry Alumnus William C. Pomerantz '02 presents on Tuesday, October 14thContributed by Maria Russell on 10/13/14 William C. Pomerantz '02, University of Minnesota is Chemistry Dept. Seminar guest speaker on Tuesday, October 14th at 4:15 p.m. in CNS 333. Prof. Pomerantz presentation topic will be focused on; “Aromatic Amino Acids: Privileged Side-Chains For Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitor Discovery”.
Read more . . . (179 words) Several people from Information Technology Services participated in and presented at the recent EDUCAUSE national conference in Orlando. Read more . . . (292 words) Ithaca College Wind Ensemble takes third place in national performing arts competitionContributed by Jenny Stockdale on 10/13/14
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Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at Check the expanded webcasting schedule for more information! Read more . . . (118 words) The Fitness Center will be operating with reduced hours in observance of Fall Break. Our Fall Break hours will be as follows: Wednesday 10/15 - 6:30am - 2:00pm Thursday 10/16 - 11:00am - 2:00pm Friday 10/17 - 11:00am - 2:00pm Saturday 10/18 & Sunday 10/19 - CLOSED We will resume our regular academic year hours on Monday 10/20/14.
Read more . . . (26 words) Faculty Council Seeks Nominees for Campus Security and Life CommitteeContributed by Peter Rothbart on 10/12/14 Faculty Council is seeking self-nominations for multiple positions as follows: College Advisory Committee on Campus Security and Campus Life Committee, 1 year term (multiple positions available) Please send self-nominations to Peter Rothbart, Chair of Faculty Council, All nominations must be received by Monday, October 13 at 5 PM.
Final film of Latin American Film Festival: Cantinflas (Mexico, 2014)Contributed by Jennifer Jolly on 10/12/14
Read more . . . (157 words) Student Activities Board (SAB) Awarded APCA Northeast Region "Organization of the Year"Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 10/12/14 Congratulations to the Student Activities Board (SAB) for being awarded APCA Northeast Region "Organization of the Year.” APCA, Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities, is a national campus event and educational training organization and serves to promote campus engagement through quality educational experiences, affordable entertainment and community service initiatives.
SAB was awarded Organization of the year for their commitment and dedication to providing free programs for the campus community. SAB strives to provide quality programming to entertain, educate and enlighten the Ithaca College community. Ranging from comedy, films and music, to speakers and special events, SAB has grown to be one of the top programming boards at IC thanks to its persistence, dedication and leadership. This award serves as a nomination for the APCA National Organization of the Year at the APCA National Conference in Jacksonville, FL. To learn more about SAB click here and to learn more about APCA click here.
Student Organization "Change it Up" Provides substance free programContributed by Theresa Johnson on 10/12/14 Have you ever felt that your weekends are always the same and you want to do something different? Something new? Something fun? Change It Up is a student organization that works to provide various activities and fun events to students as an alternative to going out on the weekend. The goal of the student organization is to connect students who have similar interests, whether they are substance free or not, so that they can spend time together and have fun. Over the summer, the student organization went through complete rebranding. Formerly known as Fun Without Drinking (FWD), or “Forward,” the student organization wanted to eliminate the negative connotations that went along with that name. They often ran into a problem where students who did drink felt that they weren’t welcomed. Read more . . . (491 words) Stillwater, IC's Literary Magazine, is Hiring Editors and Staff!Contributed by Katie Marks on 10/12/14 For lovers of writing, editing, and publishing, STILLWATER MAGAZINE, IC's literary magazine, is currently looking to fill the following positions: Assistant Editor-in-chief Please send a writing sample and a letter of interest to by OCTOBER 15th. Read more . . . (124 words) WED OCT 15 4:00-5:15pm Humanitarian Award Winner from Colombia to speak at ICContributed by Patricia Rodriguez on 10/12/14 there will be a talk and Q&A with Mario Cardozo at IC on Wed OCT 15 4pm-515pm, Friends 302. Mario Cardozo is from ACOOC (Collective Action for Conscientious Objectors), which views nonviolent action as a political strategy against the violent and militarized responses to social justice issues that have historically occurred in Colombia. One of the main methods of the Colombian state is recruitment of young men from excluded sectors of society who are forced to serve an obligatory military service, feeding the largest military in all of Latin America. Many of the actions of ACOOC and Mario Cardozo are collective works created and shared through theater and music. He is the winner of the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award 2014. this award celebrates the greatness of people from around the world who are making a difference in their communities and beyond. Read more . . . (117 words)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) History Month is celebrated in October. In observance of LGBT History Month, the LGBT Center website will feature videos highlighting different historical figures who have made a difference in the LGBT community. Visit the LGBT Center website's LGBT History Month Featured Videos section to find a new video each day of October. Here are some figures who will be highlighted in the coming days:
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