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Read more . . . (115 words) Kick Start Your Future: Nonprofit & Government CareersContributed by John Fracchia on 08/19/14
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Read more . . . (105 words) ENVS faculty Jake Brenner presents paper on the gaps between land conservation ideals and reality at Ecological Society of America conferenceContributed by Carol Hansen on 08/19/14
Kick-Start Your Future: Music, Art, & Theatre CareersContributed by John Fracchia on 08/19/14
Read more . . . (102 words) Reminder: All College Meeting Thursday, August 21stContributed by Office of the President on 08/19/14 This is a reminder to the campus community that the All College Meeting will be held in Emerson Suites on Thursday, August 21st from 9:00 – 11:00 AM. A livestream of the meeting can be viewed by following the below link and using your Ithaca College Netpass and password to access: Read more . . . (26 words) Save-the-Date – TIAA-CREF “She’s Got It: A Woman’s Guide to Saving and Investing” WorkshopContributed by Julie Tinkham on 08/18/14 Join us for a revealing trip through successful investing and saving strategies developed especially for you. TIAA-CREF’s workshop leaders will provide you with simple strategies to assist you in saving more for retirement. “She’s Got It: A Woman’s Guide to Saving and Investing” Workshop is a retirement planning event scheduled for September 23, 2014, from Noon – 2 pm in Emerson Suite B. Please save the date and be sure to watch your email and Intercom for more information on the event and registration. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Deb Merriman at or 607-274-3851. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. As we get set for a new academic year, please remember to review your office/school/department listing in the online directory ( to be sure you have the most up-to-date information listed. If changes are required, please send them to Tina Thurston. Read more . . . (74 words)
Read more . . . (160 words) The College's grade submission policy allows the provost to change the date that final semester grades are due in any given semester in order to accommodate various calendar issues that might arise. Based on significant input from faculty, the school deans' offices, and the Office of the Registrar, the Provost's Office has decided to change the date that final semester grades are due in the fall 2014 semester. For the fall of 2014 only, final semester grades will be due on Tuesday, December 30 at noon. This will serve as an opportunity to gather data on the implications of such a move that can then inform a discussion in spring 2015 about whether or not an ongoing policy change for the final semester grade submission deadline is in order. Thank you. Brian D. Scholten On Sunday August 24 the Catholic Community will be hosting Mass at Muller Chapel for the first time during the Fall semester at 8PM. Read more . . . (52 words) The Summer 2014 edition of the Collective Impacts: Inspiring Change for our whole community contains stories about Sustainability at Ithaca College including interesting topics like new faculty, new water bottle fill stations, and dining hall aquaponics. Click here to access the document directly. The Collective Impactscan also be found on the side bar of
Staff Adviser Needed for Fall Break Trip to Syracuse, NY!Contributed by Don Austin on 08/17/14
Located in the Mission District, The Rescue Mission is just outside of the downtown area of Syracuse, NY. The RM campus has an emergency shelter, day center and serves three meals a day at their food services center. On any given night, they have over 250 men sleeping under our roof. Each day, they serve over 725 meals to men, women and children who are hungry. In 2012, they gave away over 70,000 pieces of clothing to those in need. This is truly an amazing resource in the Syracuse area, and we are very excited to return! Read more . . . (104 words)
We appreciate your patience and understanding. We will return to normal business hours (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) tomorrow, August 19th. First Day of Fall Classes will follow Monday SchedulesContributed by Brian Scholten on 08/17/14 The first day of fall semester classes at Ithaca College is Wednesday, August 27. However, students and faculty members should follow their Monday class schedules for that first day of classes only. All other instructional days follow the ordinary schedules. The College must follow the Monday class schedules on that first day to compensate for observing the Labor Day holiday (on the following Monday) and meet the minimum requirements for class hours established by the New York State Education Department. Best wishes for a smooth and productive semester. Brian D. Scholten Screen Saver Passwords to be Enforced on College ComputersContributed by Karen Compton on 08/17/14 This is a reminder message, re-posted from 5/6/2014. Like any organization that deals with sensitive information, Ithaca College must be in compliance with a variety of security standards. To ensure this compliance, our security practices and policies are regularly reviewed by external auditors, and often result in recommended or mandated changes to our security practices. One such recommendation that the college as a whole has been asked to comply with is the enforcement of screen saver passwords on virtually all college-owned computers. Read more . . . (285 words)
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