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Are you a dedicated student leader at Ithaca College? Do you spend your free time at meetings for student organizations or volunteering in the community?

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 Your second team captains' meeting is coming up! On Wednesday, March 19 from 6 to 7 p.m., we'll be meeting in the Klingenstein Lounge once again to go over fundraising strategies, team recruitment tips and online tools. The focus of this meeting will be different than last time, so if you came to the first one, please come again! We'll have pizza + other treats as always.

13 days until Relay! What are you doing to help your team reach their goals?

(Oh, and if you haven't registered for Relay yet, go here to register with friends.)

Relay for Life of Ithaca College is Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Athletics and Events Center.

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 Relay for Life is less than two weeks away and we're inviting the entire Ithaca College community to our Academy Awards-themed event!

Saturday, March 29, 2014
2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
IC Athletics + Events Center

Food, games, performances
Celebration, remembrance + taking the time to fight back

Come out and cherish life with Colleges Against Cancer. Sign up here as an individual or with teammates.

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Come out to our Moe's fundraiser on Thursday, March 20 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- 15% of your purchase will go towards the Ithaca College Cheerleading team. Bring the flyer or show it on your phone at the register!

Can't come out on Thursday? Donate $5 or $10 to our team through our Indiegogo campaign. We'd appreciate any financial support you can give us!

Thanks in advance! Go Bombers!

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Join us on March 25th at 6 p.m. in the Clark and McDonald Lounges for a fun filled night of fashion! Everyone is invited, but we will be modeling primarily women's clothing.

ICWIC will be hosting a professional dress fashion show to help you learn what you should wear for different professional settings. Refreshments will be provided. Refreshments will be provided.

For $5, we will also be taking headshots so you can update your profiles before sending out resumes!

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InterFashional Night: In Transit
Emerson Suites
Friday, March 21st, Doors open at 7pm

Join the International Club of Ithaca College for InterFashional Night, an annual fashion show showcasing clothing from all around the world. International AND American students get the chance to walk the runway wearing traditional clothing and representing beautiful cultures from across the globe. The show is FREE and open to the entire campus community.

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 For tomorrow's meeting we'll begin looking at the psychology of disaster impact. Natural disasters and humanitarian crises can affect everyone: domestically and internationally; directly, and indirectly. We'll look at some historical examples, and also open up discussion for members to share experiences they may have had as well.

This week will be a general overview of disaster impact, response at the public level and psychological phases at the individual level. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Zachary Briggs at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

American Sign Language

Contributed by Nancy Kotmel on 03/18/14 

Have you ever wanted to learn a language but struggled with verbal languages like French or Spanish? Have you been out of school for a while and nervous about taking a class? Would you enjoy learning another language and culture in a fun, relaxed, “hands-on” environment? Do you want to “brush-up” on old ASL skills? If so, you are invited to register for Beginner's American Sign Language I and Beginner's American Sign Language II this spring.

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Parking Lot Closures for March

Contributed by Bill Scheddin on 03/18/14 

Ithaca College is pleased to host several events in the A&E Center during the month of March. Due to these events several parking lots across campus will be impacted. Please read the following lot closures to determine how you may be impacted and direct any questions to Parking Services at 274-3756. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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What is a Jumpstart Leader?  Jumpstart Leaders participate in each Jumpstart program in a leadership capacity by serving as a valuable source of information and advising students about their college experience. Students have the opportunity to apply to be a Jumpstart Leader for one of the four programs: Community Plunge, Lead-In, ECHO, and the GREEN Tour.

Applications are available from March 17-March 28.

Need more information? Check out the Jumpstart Leader FAQ

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 Come March 24th at 2:30pm in Terrace Dining Hall at Food Lab for our Meatless Monday Food Lab Demo to learn the story behind Meatless Monday.

Space is limited, so please REGISTER HERE

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Breathe... and meditate

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/18/14 

Got some time to spare?

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 IC Asian American Alliance is back with a competitive spirit as this week's meeting will be on one of the oldest, culturally rich sports in Asia, Dragon Boating. So come by Williams 313 this Thursday, March 20th, at 7pm to learn about Dragon Boat racing, its history and how it has spread across the globe. 

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Who is jailed?

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/18/14 

Do you know the population dynamics of U.S. jails?

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Retreat! Mini-retreat that is

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/18/14 

Ever wondered what a Buddhist retreat is like?

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Just when you thought college basketball was over for the year, here’s another tournament!

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 Leading @IC Presents:  

Student Organization Goal Setting

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 Leading @IC Presents: Balancing Student Org Involvement!

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Handwerker Gallery’s latest exhibition—Strange Bedfellows—will feature a series of events across the next four weeks, including an opening reception this Thursday, March 20, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the gallery’s main lobby.

On display at the Handwerker from March 17—April 11, Strange Bedfellows is a nationally traveling exhibition and catalogue exploring collaborative practice in queer art making. The exhibition is curated by San Francisco art historian Amy Cancelmo and is fiscally sponsored by the Queer Cultural Center (San Francisco). 

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An expert in wellness coaching, Margaret Moore offers ways to be more productive and information on self-help in her fascinating presentation "Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life: Using the Coaching Process."

The presentation takes place March 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Textor 102. This event is free and open to the Ithaca community. 

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