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This retreat is designed to encourage emerging leaders to discuss their own thoughts on leadership, connect with other student leaders, and further their involvement at Ithaca College. Read more . . . (92 words) Outlook Calendar Tip of the Week - Reply With A Meeting InvitationContributed by Tony Tabone on 12/15/13 Reply With A Meeting Invitation When it comes to e-mail messages, most people are familiar with the basic options to reply, reply all, and forward the message. But did you know you can reply to an e-mail message with a meeting invitation in Outlook 2010 for Windows and Outlook 2011 for Mac? Read more . . . (182 words) Please remember special optical scanning procedures and schedules are in place for the processing of final exams. Final exams will be processed Monday through Friday, December 16th -20th with a twenty-four hour turnaround time. Special procedures are in place after hours between 5pm-8pm Monday –Friday. Regular optical scanning processing will resume on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. Please see last week’s Intercom Article detailing the Optical Scanning finals week procedures. If you have questions about the optical scanning process, please visit our website or contact the ITS Help Desk at 274-1000, between 8am-5pm, Monday – Friday. Before you leave for break... Sign up for the Student Organization FairContributed by Theresa Johnson on 12/15/13 Looking for new members? Interested in advertising an upcoming event to a large group of people? Do not miss this amazing opportunity to have a table at the Spring Student Organization Fair on January 29, 2014 in Emerson Suites from 10am-3pm.
To request space at the fair please complete the 2014 Spring Student Organization Fair sign up form by January 23. Space is first come, first serve. All registered or new student organizations are able to sign up. If you have any questions please email
The Race, Culture and Ethnicity subcommittee (part of the Diversity Awareness Committee) is seeking interested students to participate in the Spring 2014 Talking Circles Event!Contributed by Kerry Spitze on 12/13/13 Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask, or just unsure about how to ask? How is racism recognized? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life and the lives of others? How do you cope with the effects? Who do you believe needs to assume responsibility for eliminating racism?
Read more . . . (208 words) DAC Seeking Applications for Spring 2014 Talking Circles Event! *DATE CORRECTION*Contributed by Kerry Spitze on 12/13/13
Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask, or just unsure how to ask? How is racism recognized? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life and the lives of others? How do you cope with the effects? Who do you believe needs to assume responsibility for eliminating racism?
Read more . . . (221 words) Students can now request a preferred first name for many online resourcesContributed by Brian Scholten on 12/13/13 Effective Thursday, January 2, 2014, current students will be able to submit a request to the Office of the Registrar for a preferred first name to be used for many online resources at the college. If you request such a change, your preferred first name, rather than your legal first name, will appear in such places as class lists for faculty, in the myHome Community tab, and in myHome and Ithaca College web directory searches. It will also change how your name appears in other resources such as those used by the library and the Office of Public Safety. Read more . . . (58 words) Students can now request a preferred first name for many online resourcesContributed by Brian Scholten on 12/13/13 Effective Thursday, January 2, 2014, current students will be able to submit a request to the Office of the Registrar for a preferred first name to be used for many online resources at the college. If you request such a change, your preferred first name, rather than your legal first name, will appear in such places as class lists for faculty, in the myHome Community tab, and in myHome and Ithaca College web directory searches. It will also change how your name appears in other resources such as those use by the library and the Office of Public Safety. Read more . . . (58 words) The Faculty Handbook Amendment Committee (FHAC) has become aware that an e-mail survey link sent out to tenure track and tenured faculty has gone to some people's junk folders. Whether or not it wound up in your inbox or junk folder appears to be a matter of how aggressively you have set your spam filter. Read more . . . (126 words) Maura Stephens, associate director of the Park Center for Independent Media, published an article this week in Truthout, "Walmart Is Not the Bargain You Might Think It Is."Contributed by Brandy Hawley on 12/13/13 Within its first three days the story had received 22,000 "Likes" on Facebook. It has since been picked up by several other publications. Because of the story's impact, she was chosen as the featured interview on Truthout's weekly videocast. Read "Walmart Is Not the Bargain You Might Think It Is" here. View Truthout’s videocast here.
Due to reduced student staff availability during finals week, Circles Mailroom will only be open for package pickup between 12pm and 3pm, Mon-Fri.
Read more . . . (35 words) The large number of students using test accommodations through Student Disability Services during finals week necessitates careful planning for adequate test space, proctors, readers, scribes, and to ensure test security. Read more . . . (278 words) Winter Break Resources Available from the LGBT Center WebsiteContributed by Luca Maurer on 12/12/13
Read more . . . (26 words) Swipe + is back tonight for one night only! Treat yourself to Surf 'n' Turf at Campus CenterContributed by Rachel O'Campo on 12/12/13
Payment types accepted are: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Bonus Bucks, and ID Express. Questions? Reply to this post or contact the number below. Read more . . . (26 words) Cramming this weekend? The Library Café will open for service tonight and tomorrow!Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 12/12/13
Interested in developing your leadership skills, meeting other student leaders, and having a fantastic weekend retreat experience? Leadership Weekend 2014 is almost here!
Read more . . . (127 words) Caring and Sharing Holiday Assistance and Food Drive Ending Soon!Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 12/12/13
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