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This weekend The Studio invites you to participate in an exciting adventure in Transmedia making.  

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The Campus Center & Event Services Office is now accepting applications for the following 3 student positions:   Business Coordinator, Operations Staff, and Event & Marketing Coordinator.

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The Sustainability Café on Monday, October 28th will feature Marty Gold discussing Feeding Community Development.” The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM, in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. The Fall 2013 Sustainability Café/Environmental Seminar series is focused on the concept of “Citizens + Community = Healthy Environment.” 

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Contributed by Camden Weber on 10/22/13 

Join Food for Thought and IC She’s the First in sponsoring girls’ education by trying these tie-dye cupcakes created just for us by Purity Ice Cream! Preorder today or buy your cupcakes in the Campus Center lobby on Halloween week, October 28th through November 2nd!

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Ithaca College Women in Communications is hosting the New York Women in Communications Panel on October 28, 2013 at 7pm in Emerson Suites. 

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Calling all Phi Kappa Phi Members!

Contributed by Diane Birr on 10/22/13 

If you were inducted as a member of Phi Kappa Phi at another institution, we want to know!   There is an active PKP chapter at Ithaca College and we would like to include you on updates and announcements regarding several important events taking place throughout the year.    

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Ramen Night!

Contributed by Evelio Perez on 10/21/13 


As you all know one of the most well known college snacks today are Raman Noodles. For those of you who love Ramen Noodles, you are in luck! This week we our having our annual Ramen Night! Come join us as we learn the history and culture behind this great food. We will have many different assortments of Ramen Noodles each from very distinct countries. 


So don't miss out and make sure to tell all to stop by Williams 313 this Thursday October 24th as we try Ramen from places all over the continent of Asia!

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The Department of Occupational Therapy is looking for children of all ages to participate in our Child Play Lab on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 8 to 10 am in 203 CHS. This lab provides students in our Human Development courses with an opportunity to learn more about how children play.

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Find out the answer to this question and more by joining IC'S Adoption Support and Awareness Alliance! This week's meeting, which is Thursday at 6 pm in Williams 218 , will be fun and informative. We will give you statements, both random and pertaining to adoption, that you will either agree or disagree on. The winner will get a special top secret prize.

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Reminder - Emerson Halloween is this Sunday (10/27/2013) from 6-8pm in Emerson Hall! 

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Tuesday, October 29th from 12-1 PM in the library’s classroom 319

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Facilitated by Miranda Kaye, Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

Miranda Kaye will show how she uses pre-class quizzes in Sakai to encourage students to do readings, making them better prepared for class.
(Register Here)

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Facilitated by Miranda Kaye, Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

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Show Me the Money – Grants 101

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 10/21/13 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Lunch provided.

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Effective immediately, the Phillips Hall Post Office and Mail Services cannot accept handwritten customs forms. The USPS requires that customs forms be completed online at the USPS web site, then printed and brought to the Phillips Hall Post Office to be signed, dated, scanned and mailed. 
There is a link on the Mail Services Home page to the USPS customs form page.
Directions on how to complete the online form can be found on the Mail Services Customs Sections sidebar.

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Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Facilitated by Danette Johnson, Assistant Provost and Director of the Core Curriculum

These sessions provide a descriptive overview of the Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC), including the themes/perspectives and other ICC requirements of approximately 20 minutes with the rest of the hour available for interactive questions and answers. These sessions are designed for any faculty or staff member who wants to know more about the ICC.


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Josh T. Franco's essay "Rebozo [Man] in Nepantla: Xican@ Gender & Arts Revolution in San Anto, Tejas" was published as a chapter in the tri-lingual anthology México en sus revoluciones (Mexico In Its Revolutions), University of Toronto Press. Through a framework built on philosopher Maria Lugones's notion of "decoloniality of gender," the essay addresses Franco's own performance work and the politics of funding and exhibiting amongst two longstanding arts institutions in San Antonio, Texas.  

October 24th is national TAKE BACK YOUR TIME day. This date signifies that, if Americans lived in Western Europe, we would have already completed our work year. It is a day to reflect on how we spend our time and how our lives can truly reflect our values and priorities.

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Co-Producer Alexis Jaworski will visit campus during Family Weekend to screen her documentary, Sole Survivor, on Saturday, October 26 at 2 p.m. in the Park Hall Auditorium. Sole Survivor is film that tells the complex story of four people who became sole survivors of commercial airline disasters There will be a Q&A session following the screening.

About Sole Survivor:
In the history of aviation, there have only been 14 of them: sole survivors of commercial airline disasters. Most have never spoken publicly about the loss, the guilt, the immense pressure of feeling "spared," Who, after all, could ever truly understand?

The answer is only each other. Focusing on George Lamson Jr., the only survivor of the 1985 crash of Galaxy Airlines Flight 203, Sole Survivor lets four of them share their very complex, personal stories for the first time. They relive the darkest moments of their lives—with the film's viewers and each other—in an effort to heal and overcome.
For more information about the film, visit:

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Don't you want a chance to win ~ just before the holidays?

Short Survey = your chance to win a Google Nexus 7 Tablet!

Just follow the link below. You don't have to be on a meal plan to enter to win! Everyone is welcome to participate.

It's short. It's easy!

And, your feedback is important to us!