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The School of Business hosted a luncheon to thank their student workers for all their hard work this academic year. Read more . . . (147 words) Seniors: Final 3 Padfolio winners to be picked at 3pm on the 3rd by Career ServicesContributed by Kristin LiBritz on 04/26/13 Tell us what items you've completed on the Career Success Bucket List by e-mailing We'll pick three seniors to win Padfolios (professional notebooks used during interviews) at 3pm on Friday, May 3. Read more . . . (27 words) Celebrate Carl Sgrecci’s 44 Years at Ithaca College on May 2Contributed by Office of the President on 04/26/13 Student, faculty member, staff member and vice president – Carl Sgrecci ‘69 has done it all at IC! Please join in a celebration of his remarkable career on Thursday, May 2, 4:00 to 5:30 pm, in Emerson A & B. Read more . . . (127 words) Tickets are still available. There are only four performances remaining of this dramatic adaptation by Arthur Miller of Ibsen's tale pitting brother against brother and environmental degradation against economic prosperity. Read more . . . (121 words) We are all aware of the countless reports and studies being released about the health dangers associated with sitting for prolonged periods of time. Increase of cholesterol, increased risk of stroke and heart disease, restlessness, loss of productivity, listlessness, and the list goes on and on; but many of us tend to sit at a desk for 9+ hours a day, so what are we supposed to do? Kelli Calabrese, MS, an exercise physiologist and spokesman for the American Council on Exercise says that you can get a full cardio workout in while you are at your desk, as long as you are within your target heart rate. Read more . . . (343 words) Pick up your t-shirt from pre-registration either this Friday 4-26 from 12-3pm in CC's North Foyer or Saturday 4-27 from 2-6pm in the Pub! Read more . . . (94 words) Asma Barlas, professor and director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, has published a chapter, “Does the Qur’an Support Gender Equality?" in Negotiating Autonomy and Authority in Muslim Contexts. The editors of the volume are M. Buitelaar and M. Bernards and it has been published by Peeters, in the Netherlands. The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the following May events. Please visit for updates. Read more . . . (805 words) Graduating seniors Anna Rothfus (Theater Arts Management with a minor in French) and Richard Yue (French and Francophone Studies) have been selected to teach English in France as part of the French government's Teaching Assistantship in France Program for the 2013 - 2014 academic year. Read more . . . (110 words) ICTV's new show about 3 freshman boys who get stuck living together in a double dorm room. Antics ensue. Read more . . . (108 words) STRESSED? Get a Chair Massage During Finals Week - Only $1 per Minute!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 04/25/13 Announcing Finals Week Chair Massage Services for students! Chair massages will be provided on campus by licensed practitioners from A Massage Station of Ithaca. The cost to students will be $1 per minute, payable at the time of the massage by cash, check, or credit card. Dates: Tuesday May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th Times: Noon - 5:00 PM. By appointment only! 10, 20, and 30 minute sessions are available. Location: 2nd Floor, Hammond Health Center Cost: $1 per minute, payable upon completion of the massage, by check, cash, or credit card (student account billing is NOT available). To schedule your appointment: Visit the Center for Health Promotion website for a link to the Sign-Up Genius. Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis, and will fill up fast. So sign up today! Read more . . . (26 words) SSDP Presents an Evening with High Times' Rick CusickContributed by Daniel Berman on 04/25/13 Executive Editor of High Times Magazine Rick Cusick returns to Ithaca College for what promises to be a memorable evening of stories, laughs, and life lessons as only Cusick can provide.
Read more . . . (72 words) Instructors: Join Us for the New Sakai Tests & Quizzes Workshop in the TLC!Contributed by Sharon M. Beltaine on 04/25/13 The Technology Learning Center in ITS is introducing a brand new computing workshop for instructors starting next week: Sakai Tests and Quizzes. The Tests & Quizzes tool can be used to create, distribute, and grade assessments that students can complete in Sakai. Click either link below to register today! Sakai: Test & Quizzes on 4/30/13 Read more . . . (237 words) Computing Workshops Offered in the TLC during the Week of April 29th to May 3rd!Contributed by Sharon M. Beltaine on 04/25/13 ITS is pleased to announce that the Technology Learning Center will be offering training on a variety of computing topics during the week of April 29th to May 3rd. Click any link below to register online instantly! Be sure to complete the full registration process in our new online training registration system as you sign up. You will receive a confirmation message e-mail message once you have successfully registered for a given topic. Read more . . . (320 words) Submitted on behalf of Terri Stewart, Director for Public Safety & Emergency Management The Ithaca College Office of Public Safety & Emergency Management, in partnership with the Student Government Association (SGA), Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and Center for Health Promotion invite all students to join us in what we hope will be a series of dialogue with members of the Public Safety team. Read more . . . (98 words) Submitted on behalf of Terri Stewart, Director for Public Safety & Emergency Management The Ithaca College Office of Public Safety & Emergency Management, in partnership with the Student Government Association (SGA), Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and Center for Health Promotion invite all students to join us in what we hope will be a series of dialogue with members of the Public Safety team. Read more . . . (98 words) Tonight | "Weaving Stories" - A Women's Choral ExperienceContributed by Jenny Stockdale on 04/25/13 Join Janet Galván, as she leads the Women's Chorale and several very special guests in an evening of song that explores the collective fabric of our experiences. "Weaving Stories" | Ithaca College Women's Chorale Read more . . . (322 words) School of Music senior Michael Reinemann to be published in Journal of Band ResearchContributed by Jenny Stockdale on 04/25/13 An article written by Music Education and Performance major Michael Reinemann (’13) was accepted for publication earlier this month in the Journal of Band Research, a premier collection of academic articles on musical analysis, band history, and rehearsal methodology. Titled “Agents of Form in the Third Movement of Ned Rorem's Sinfonia for 15 Wind Instruments,” Reinemann’s article investigates formal construction in a lesser-known 20th Century work for wind ensemble by Ned Rorem called “Sinfonia for 15 Winds and Percussion.” It will be published in the spring of 2014. Read more . . . (211 words) Snap! A True Story of a Young Girl's Experience of Mental Illness and Her Incredible Journey Back to Sanity and FreedomContributed by Wade Pickren on 04/25/13 Written and Performed by Regi Carpenter Read more . . . (96 words) |
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