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The Hammond Health Center will be closed until 4 p.m. on Thursday, January 17th, so that our staff can attend the All Campus Meeting, followed by our department retreat. No services will be available during this time.  Nursing staff will be available at the Health Center from 4 - 6 p.m., following the conclusion of our department meeting.

As always, if you have a medical emergency, call 911.

 As Relay for Life nears closer (March 23-24), Colleges Against Cancer urges you to sign up and start raising that money! If you're not registered yet, sign up with a team at

To make it more fun for you, CAC developed challenges to help you reach those goals. Complete any of these goals before the semester starts and you'll be entered to win a prize!

  •  Raise $250 additional dollars before the semester starts (Jan. 22)
  • Send the most emails via the online dashboard before the semester starts.
  • Receive the most # of donations from now until the start of the semester.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alyssa Frey at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Beginning, Tuesday, January 22, 2103 at 9:00 AM, eligible student organizations will once again be able to submit Funding Requests to the Appropriations Committee. 

Please visit the "Funding Process" section of the SGA website to download the latest calendar which contains information regarding additional Funding 101 Sessions, and cancelled meetings of the Appropriations Committee; as well as the timeline for the Fall Semester Funding Process.

Students with questions should contact the Vice President of Business & Finance, Robert Hohn, as soon as possible. 

The 2013 Orientation Leader applications will be available in the spring, beginning on January 29, 2013.  Please visit the Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs website in the future for updates.  Look out for our 1990's themed advertisements early next semester!

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The 2013 Student Leadership Consultant application will be available in the spring, beginning on January 29, 2013.  Please visit the Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs website  for updates.  Look out for our 1990's themed advertisements early next semester!

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Every January, the Ithaca College community celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through a series of programs sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs.    Need SLI Credit? You can almost complete a whole certificate in one day! Sign up for the events here in order to receive SLI credit

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 Every January, the Ithaca College community celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through a series of programs sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs. 

Back in 2008, when the first day of classes fell on the national holiday, President Emerita Peggy Williams declared the first day of classes as a "Day on, not Off." The day is celebrated as a day of reflection and celebration with programs and activities in lieu of classroom instruction. President Thomas Rochon continues in this tradition, encouraging all to come together in honor or Dr. King's impact on the world. During years where the holiday falls before the first day of classes, the campus community spends the first week of classes in celebration with various events and programs, as well as discussions. You can find more information about MLK Day here.

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Instructional Support Services are the resources and services offered by ITS that supports the academic mission of the college as it applies to teaching and learning.  See below for some updates and reminders for Spring 2013.

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'Strike' on tour this week

Contributed by Jenny Stockdale on 01/15/13 

Strike, the piano-percussion duo comprised of pianist Jeffery Meyer and percussionist Paul Vaillancourt, is on tour this week, performing at three college campuses in as many states.

Meyer, the Director of Orchestras at Ithaca College’s School of Music, and Vaillancourt, Associate Professor of Percussion at Columbus State University, will be showcasing works from the ensemble’s 2010 recording, “Convergence,” by composers Chen Yi, Mark Mellits, Jim David and Brooke Joyce, with solo works by Eric Moe and Mario Davidovsky.

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Paris Study Abroad Course Opportunity with Ithaca College faculty this summer, May 23-June 5, 2013.


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Blood Drive  Friday Feb. 8th from 10:00am to 6:00 pm in the Fitness Center Gym. Schedule your appointment time now by calling 1-800-GIVE-LIFE  or by visiting their website This site will be closed down the week of the drive.  You can  then stop by our tabling booth in Campus Center from 10 to 2 to schedule your appointment.

Remember to get plenty of sleep, eat well and drink plenty of water the night before and the day of the drive to make you donation experience a pleasant one!!!!!

        Thank you for taking the time to donate and save a life!!!!


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Eaton Office Supply has changed the stock code for Hammermill® 30% recycled paper. The new item code is ITH86700 (previously HAM86700).  Please use the new item code when ordering copy paper. 

Questions? Contact Wendy Fonder (4-3220) or Wayne French (4-5701).

The Division of Enrollment and Communication will be closed 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  on Friday, January 18 for a division meeting.  Departments in the division include:

  • Office of Admission
  • Office of Enrollment Planning
  • Office of Marketing Communications
  • Office of the Vice President
  • Student Financial Services


Exhibition Sneak-Peek for Faculty and Staff
The Veil: Visible and Invisible Spaces
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Handwerker Gallery, Gannett Center

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to be co-hosting a 'soft opening' at the Handwerker Gallery to enable faculty and staff from across campus to mingle and get a sneak-peek of the upcoming exhibition, meet and speak with the gallery staff, schedule class visits, and learn about upcoming gallery programming for the semester.


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The Office of Cashier Services will be closing Thursday January 17th from 9am-11am for The All College Meeting.  We will also be closing Friday January 18th from 10am-11am for a Financial Services Staff Meeting. 

Please feel free to use our night drop box located next to our window during these times. 

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Love writing? Social media? Websites? All things graphic design? E-mail Alyssa Frey at for more details on how you can become Imprint Magazine's next marketing director!

These locations will be open for package pick up Saturday 1/19/13 from 10:30am - 4:45pm. 
These locations will be CLOSED Sunday 1/20/13.
These locations will open at the regular times on Monday 1/21/13.

Read your email notifications.  Many small boxes are kept at the Mail Center due to the high volume and limited space available at the Phillips Hall Post Office for the first 4 weeks of the semester.



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Purchase now from the Phillips Hall Post Office before the rate increase!
First Class letter postage is increasing 1 cent to $.46. 
Stamped envelopes are increasing 2 cents to $.58. 

The Phillips Hall Post Office has a supply of Forever books, coils and individual stamps that can be purchased at the current rate. 
We accept cash, checks, ID Express, Visa, MC and Discover.

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In December, Associate Professor of Music, Nicholas Walker, spent a week at the Hochschule für Musik Theater und Medien in Hannover, Germany working with the students of Professor Ekkehard Beringer.

Professor Walker taught individual lessons and gave four technique classes, as well as two lectures at the college: Strategies for Understanding and Managing Adrenaline Performance Anxiety, and Critical Thinking in Early Music and Beyond.

Goal setting can be a tricky and sometimes a scary thing to people.  With the beginning of the New Year, people are thinking about what goals they would like to accomplish throughout this upcoming year, and how they are going to do it.  

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