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Exhibition Sneak-Peek for Faculty and Staff
The Veil: Visible and Invisible Spaces
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Handwerker Gallery, Gannett Center

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to be co-hosting a 'soft opening' at the Handwerker Gallery to enable faculty and staff from across campus to mingle and get a sneak-peek of the upcoming exhibition, meet and speak with the gallery staff, schedule class visits, and learn about upcoming gallery programming for the semester.

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As Relay for Life nears closer (March 23-24), Colleges Against Cancer urges you to sign up and start raising that money! If you're not registered yet, sign up with a team at

To make it more fun for you, CAC developed challenges to help you reach those goals. Complete any of these goals before the semester starts and you'll be entered to win a prize!

  •  Raise $250 additional dollars before the semester starts (Jan. 22)
  • Send the most emails via the online dashboard before the semester starts.
  • Receive the most # of donations from now until the start of the semester.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alyssa Frey at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Are you 21? Do you have a valid driver's license? 

Well, if so - WE NEED YOU!

The Alternative Spring Break program is looking for civically-minded students who will be 21 years of age before March 9, 2013, to join the ASB Virginia Beach program as a participant-driver!

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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is seeking a member of the faculty or staff who is interested in serving as a trip adviser for students participating in the Alternative Spring Break Program (ASB) from March 9 - March 17, 2013. We are currently seeking an adviser for the volunteer trip to Salamanca, NY, where students will work at a youth center located on the Seneca Nation of Indians Allegany Territory. Students on the trip will have the opportunity to learn more about the dynamics between native and non-native peoples living in the area.

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Every January, the Ithaca College community celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through a series of programs sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs.

We continue this tradition on Monday, January 21, 2013, when students, staff, faculty, and community members will honor Dr. King's work by coming together to discuss the relevance of his work today.   The last event held on MLK Day will be the School of Music Annual MLK Celebration Concert. This amazing concert will be held at Ford Concert Hall in the School of Music at 7:30 pm. Don't miss this beautiful display of the Ithaca College Community's talents. 

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ITS is pleased to announce that the TLC (Technology Learning Center) is ready to prepare you for the spring semester with both Outlook and Sakai training for the next two weeks, Monday January 14 through Friday, January 25. Click any link below to register online instantly. 

Outlook Series:
Moving to Outlook Calendar for Macintosh
Moving to Outlook Calendar for Windows
Moving to Outlook Calendar for Designates
Moving to Outlook Calendar for Resource Owners

(More topics on next page)

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Each year, two students with majors in the Roy H. Park School of Communications or politics are selected as recipients of the Reginald Simmons '75 Memorial Award. The award allows students to participate in Operation Crossroads Africa (OCA), America's premier cross-cultural exchange program designed to promote understanding of Africa and its culture.

Come meet last year's recipients, and learn about their experience.

Thursday, January 23
12:10 p.m.
Park Hall, Room 223

Interested students are encouraged (but not required) to attend.

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First-Year Experience wants to remind the campus community that we will be hosting the spring orientation program, Winter Welcome, for new spring admits starting this Friday, January 18.

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Jason Staniulis (‘13) and Colleen Harwood (‘13)—two School of Music Sound Recording Technology (SRT) graduates who have just completed their degrees this month—are starting the New Year as new-hires at two of New York City’s most desirable recording studios.

Staniulis is serving as General Assistant at Germano Studios, credited with recording the who’s who of the industry over the years, including John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Neil Young and B.B. King, among many others. Studio CEO Troy Germano formerly ran The Hit Factory, another household studio name in the city.

Harwood will begin her position at the newly opened Jungle City Studios, a multi-million dollar facility orchestrated by Alicia Keys' longtime recording engineer Ann Mincieli. The studio generated highly positive reviews in the pages of New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Mix Magazine.

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We are back in our regularly scheduled meeting room on the ground floor of Peggy Williams Center. It’s a new year with an enhanced program: Weight Watchers 360.

Since the implementation a year ago of the Monthly Pass portal that we use to register for the program, our meetings run on an on-going basis and they are open to the entire Ithaca College community. You can join anytime and it is never too late. Keep reading for registration information. But first....

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Nominations for the Izzy Award for calendar year 2012 are due January, 14 2013 . The annual honor for outstanding achievement in independent media — named after legendary journalist I. F. “Izzy” Stone — is a project of the Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM) at Ithaca College.

“With large corporations dominating the media landscape,” said PCIM director Jeff Cohen, “the Izzy is important because it recognizes and honors journalists and media outlets operating outside of the media conglomerates.”

The inaugural Izzy Award for 2008 was shared by blogger Glenn Greenwald and “Democracy Now!” host/executive producer Amy Goodman. The 2009 award went to investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, the 2010 award was shared by New York City investigative outlet “City Limits” and author/columnist/“Truthdig” cofounder Robert Scheer, and the 2011 Izzy was shared by journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous and the investigative outlet Center for Media and Democracy for its work on “ALEC Exposed.”

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The Sustainability Internship Program of the Sustainability Center successfully matches students from area colleges with local businesses and organizations, supporting the advancement of community sustainability. The Sustainability Center seeks to match students with compatible skills and experience with local "green" businesses and organizations in need of assistance.

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The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), an Oklahoma-based education non-profit, selected Vocal Performance and Music Education graduate Steve Humes (’12) as one of nine undergraduate semi-finalists in its biennial choral conducting competition.

Humes submitted to the competition as a junior in 2011 under the guidance of IC Music Education Professor Janet Galván, who has assisted with many successful IC student submissions in the past two decades.

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…IN THE EMERSON SUITES learning how to make their next event a HUGE success!  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the tips and tricks from the Campus Center and Event Services staff. We’ll walk you through getting a space for your meeting, ordering catering, audio visual services and marketing your event. Oh, and did we mention that there will be FREE FOOD SAMPLES from our new menu?  Don't miss out!

The event planning workshop will be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 in the Emerson Suites from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Space is limited and you must register for this event.  Register today.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jessica L. Barnes in CC&ES ( We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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The start of each semester is a busy time for many departments and clubs that want to reserve classrooms or other academic spaces for various non-academic activities. There can be some confusion concerning the process for reserving classrooms for these activities leading up to and during the add/drop period each semester. In order to make the process smoother for this upcoming semester, as well as future semesters, here are guidelines for reserving classrooms during the add/drop period.

Flexibility is required during the add/drop period to assign different classrooms for classes that need to be moved for any number of reasons. During this period the Office of the Registrar will only process classroom requests for activities that have an academic focus. All other classroom requests should be directed to the Campus Center and Event Services Office (CC&ES).

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  As Relay for Life nears closer (March 23-24), Colleges Against Cancer urges you to sign up and start raising that money! If you're not registered yet, sign up with a team at

To make it more fun for you, CAC developed challenges to help you reach those goals. Complete any of these goals before the semester starts and you'll be entered to win a prize! 


  •  Raise $250 additional dollars before the semester starts (Jan. 22)
  • Send the most emails via the online dashboard before the semester starts.
  • Receive the most # of donations from now until the start of the semester.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alyssa Frey at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


Every January, the Ithaca College community celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through a series of programs sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs.

The MLK Day Celebration Event will be held from 4 - 6 pm in Emerson Suites. There will be a presentation on the MLK Scholars Civil Right Trip followed by a presentation by Careers of Humanity Young Alumni Program focused on social justice and humanitarianism in their careers. Information about this event can be found here! In order to receive SLI credit, sign up here!

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The Division of Institutional Advancement invites you to bid a fond farewell to JoAnn LaPadula, who is retiring from Ithaca College this month. We'll gather in the Alumni Hall conference room this Monday, January 14, 2013, from 3 to 4 p.m.

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Faculty members play an important role in the lives of students that extends beyond the teaching of course material.  The staff of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) recognize the potential ability of faculty to influence students attitudes about mental health care.  We know the stigma about accessing mental health services causes some students to suffer needlessly.  Therefore, we invite you to partner with us to identify students at risk, reach out to them, or to report your concerns via the Students at Risk Initiative (…).

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Take a look at OUCH!, a monthly security awareness newsletter from SANS:

The January issue of OUCH! explains what Java is, dangers of using Java, how to disable it, & how to keep it updated.

Other cyber security awareness resources are available from the SANS Securing The Human Program, so take a look and let us know if you find anything particularly useful.

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