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Most scary reasons not to miss the next No Pressure Blood Pressure this Halloween:

1. 65 million Americans have hypertension (high blood pressure)

2. Many people don't even know their blood pressure is high because there are no symptoms in most cases

3. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease

4. 66% of those IC employees measured at the last screening were pre-hypertensive   (above ideal )

5. A 20 point increase in systolic blood pressure (top number) or a 10 point increase in diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) doubles the risk of heart disease.

6. Poor diet, inactivity, and being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure

7. If one does not adopt a healthy lifestyle, the hypertensive individual will need to take costly medication with potential side effects

8. Physical and emotional stress can elevate your blood pressure

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The Student Activities Board presents world-renowned Psychic Mentalist Duo - The Evasons! 

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Come celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Day with us on November 3rd by signing up for Service Saturdays!

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You are invited to join us for an informational session to learn about the Emeriti Retiree Health Care Program and your benefit options in retirement.

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Do your resume and cover letter need a makeover?

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The off-campus applications forms will be available at beginning at 12:01am on Monday, October 29, 2012. In order to be considered for approval all applications must be submitted by 5pm on Friday, November 2, 2012. We will approve the first 250 eligible applications on a first come first serve basis. 

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Are you interested in updates from the Office of Residential Life?

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Decide for yourself – Is it truth or just a “bunch of malarkey?”

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Campus Wide Elections Debate!

Contributed by Sarah Schupp on 10/25/12 

Decide for yourself – Is it truth or just a “bunch of malarkey?”

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Fair Trade Halloween Fest

Contributed by Jenna Jablonski on 10/25/12 

IC Free the Slaves invites you to take a study break on Halloween night to enjoy some Halloween fun while learning about where Halloween candy comes from.

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Family Weekend 2012

Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins on 10/25/12 

The 2012 Family Weekend will be held November 2-4.  A full listing of events for the weekend is available online:

Students whose family members are attending can pick up their registration materials in the north foyer of Phillips Hall beginning at 11:00 on Friday.  Please bring your ID.

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It's almost Halloween and you have a big assignment due that requires Photoshop. But you don't know how to use that scary program! As if there's not enough going on with all those ghosts and goblins running about! Don't freak out! The TLC is here to help. Next week, the TLC will offer several fun training sessions on Photoshop guaranteed take away all your fears! Don't fret - register online today! Just click any of the links below to see how fantastic learning Photoshop can be!

Photoshop: Introduction
Photoshop: Creating Flyers
Photoshop: Editing Graphics 

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ITS is pleased to announce that the TLC (Technology Learning Center) will be offering training on a variety of computing topics next week, Monday October 29th through Friday, November 2nd. Click any link below to register online instantly for topics of your choice. Training is open to all faculty members, staff members, and students. We'll see you in class!

Basic Operating System Series:
Macintosh: Best Practices for Using the Macintosh
Windows: Best Practices for Using Windows 7

(More topics continued on next page)

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Dear Campus Community,

I write to update you on planning for a search to replace Carl Sgrecci as Vice President for Finance and Administration after his retirement next August 31.  The role of “Chief Business Officer” is crucial for IC, perhaps never more so than today given the rapid changes in the higher education competitive landscape.

I am pleased to announce that Nancy Pringle, Vice President and General Counsel, has agreed to chair this search.  The other committee members are:

Scott Erickson, Professor of Marketing and Law.
David Garcia, Associate Provost for Business Intelligence.
Robert Hohn, Class of 2014 with a major in teaching Math and Computer Science, and a minor in Comm Studies.
Steve Lahr, Associate Professor and Program Director in Physical Therapy.

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The Fred Kastenbaum PreHealth Award is to be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs such as: MCAT, DAT,  OAT, GRE

Fall 2012 Recipient:

Nicole Belko (Biology '14) plans to go to medical school and purse a career in either the oncology or psychiatry field after her undergraduate studies.

Peace Corps Volunteers live, learn, and work with a community overseas for 27 months, providing technical assistance in six program areas: education, youth and community development, health, business and information and communications technology, agriculture, and environment.

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Baby Lab

Contributed by Helene Larin on 10/25/12 

Join the fun! Babies and toddlers ages newborn to 2 years are needed for lab sessions in the physical therapy (PT) course ‘Motor Development Through the Lifespan’.

Three 1-hour Baby labs are scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 8th  at 10:30-11:30; 1:30- 2:30; and 3:30-4:30.   You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three lab sessions held on the same day with three different groups of students.

Please consider bringing your baby or toddler for one or more fun sessions with graduate Physical Therapy students who plan to observe and test different aspects of your baby’s motor development.

You may be with your baby or toddler during the entire lab. Three PT instructors plan to guide the small group of students during the labs. Your baby will receive $15 per lab session he/she will participate in.

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If you answered YES to these questions then don't miss out on this great opportunity! Campus Center & Event Services values your opinion and welcomes your feedback. The next time you receive an invoice and a request to fill out an evaluation for your event, please take a moment to do so and your name may be selected to receive a FREE SMOOTHIE from Grand Central Café.

Stay connected to the people who know how to plan great events.  Find us on Facebook (keywords: Campus Center & Event Services).

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the following events for the week of October 29. 

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 RLS 16000 Selected Topics (1 Credit)

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013                6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013           9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013              9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon



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