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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs brings you CCLR 2012!

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Gustavo Licón, Assistant Professor at the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, participated in the Latino Studies/Latin American Studies Collaborative Seminar Series at Cornell on Monday, September 17, 2012.  Licón spoke on his research; Chicana/o Student Activism: M.E.Ch.A., Immigration, and International Solidarity.



Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has a zero day vulnerability that is being exploited in the wild.  Until Microsoft releases a patch, security experts recommend using an alternative browser such as Google's Chrome or Mozilla's Firefox.  More information available at


Students Active For Ending Rape (SAFER) is looking for a new e-board member! Preferably, we are looking for someone with an interest in marketing and flier design.

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Is your student organization hosting an event? Don't let the memories fade away! Submit a request on IC Link for an OSEMA photographer to attend your event.

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Auditions For Comedy Thesis Film

Contributed by Talia Koren on 09/17/12 

 We're looking for cast and crew for Princess Blogger, a short film about a blogger (also a princess) who get's kidnapped by an internet troll (the villain) and saved by her favorite youtuber (the handsome hero). 

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Several students are interested in creating a support group for men.  The group, Guy Talk, would provide an opportunity for men to come together in the spirit of brotherhood, offer one another support, and create an atmosphere to engage in honest conversation about issues impacting the lives of those in the group.

The group size will be limited to eight men.  If you are interested in participating in Guy Talk, contact LeBron Rankins (, a psychologist at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), who will facilitate the group.

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 Seniors, Wednesday until 5pm is your last chance to nominate yourself or a friend for the Mr. and Ms. Ithaca Competition!

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The Ithaca College Distinguished Visiting Writer Series receives high praise along with the season-opening reader, poet Thomas Sayers Ellis. Ellis will give a public reading in Clark Lounge on Wednesday, September 19th at 7:30. Read the article here:

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) is pleased to announce that Ithaca College (NY) professors Linda Hanrahan and Elizabeth Bleicher will be speaking at the 2012 Annual Convention. Hanrahan (Education) and Bleicher (English) are presenting on "Igniting Student Interest: Teaching Creatively in an Era of Standards." Two Ithaca College Alumnae complete the panel: Melissa Blitzstein (English '08, M.A.T. '09) from Mount Olive High School (NJ) and Jennifer Bartlett (English Education '01) from Romulus Central School (NY). Their session explores the importance of fostering student engagement in the secondary English classroom, makes the case for incorporating creativity, inquiry, and a sense of playful rigor within teaching, and will demonstrate several activities and strategies. The session will be held from 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM on Friday, November 16, 2012. Each year, the NCTE Annual Convention draws thousands of K-12 teachers, college faculty, administrators, and other educational professionals from around the world. The 2012 Annual Convention will be held November 15-18, in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Student Organizations continue to do great work on campus. Please view Club Hub Volume 3 Issue 1 to read about our exciting student organizations.

Learn about the numerous benefits of becoming an SCNO member and here from current members about their experiences in the club on Wednesday, September 19, at 8 PM in BUS 204.  All while enjoying pizza!

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 09/17/12 

Quoted in the media: Faculty members Jeff Cohen and Scott Hamula, and staff member Rob Engelsman. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Looking for an extra credit? Want to learn about Playback Theatre?

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Thursday, September 20, 2012
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett 316
Presented by David Brown, Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Light refreshments provided.

Schedules permitting, you are invited to attend part or this entire event.

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Deadline for submissions is fast approaching (November 1) - if you have your art work ready please drop if off as soon as possible.  We need to make room for all the transparency art!

“Turn up the Transparency”   -  Fall 2012 Exhibition

Visual Resources Center, Handwerker Gallery and the Center for Faculty Excellence

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Fringe Benefit and Indirect Rates

Contributed by Grace Farah on 09/17/12 

The Office of the Provost is providing updated Fringe Benefit and Indirect Cost rates to be used for external funding proposals.

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Constitution Day 2012

Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 09/16/12 

In celebration of Constitution Day 2012, Ithaca College will host a special event on Thursday, September 27, to address how the First Amendment influences political dynamics concerning dissent in cyberspace. 


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You are invited to the first Take Back the Tap meeting and pizza party:

Tuesday, September 18
8:00 PM
Six Mile Creek Room (Campus Center)

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SGA Fall Elections are fast approaching! 

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