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The deadline for winter session 2012 undergraduate course proposals is October 1st.

If you'd like to propose a winter session undergraduate course, please contact your department chair.

Questions? Visit the For Faculty site, also available via Or contact Jen Wofford at

 Ithaca College Humans vs. Zombies club will be hosting our first round of the semester starting Monday, September 17th.  The pre-game meeting will be held on Sunday the 16th at 4:00 in Textor 101.

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 The IC Senior Class 2013 is currently seeking 2 junior or senior historians for the Senior Class Cabinet to help photograph events. If interested, please contact Rachel Heiss at

IC Spirit Week is looking for an artist who can help design a lawn display for academic quad. The display will be a face-in-the-hole. If you are interested in working on this project please email ASAP! 

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The Ithaca College Summer Music Academy recently celebrated the successful conclusion of its second year. Students hailed from over 20 states and four countries, including Japan, China, Thailand, and Canada. Enrolling 320 participants this year, a 60% increase over 2011, the SMA employed over 100 counselors, faculty, and staff, including 30 current IC faculty members, 34 School of Music alumni, and 21 current IC students.

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September 22, 2012, 6:00pm, Emerson Suites

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Kati Lustyik has published a book on Popular Television in Eastern Europe During and Since Socialism with co-editors Anikó Imre (U. of Southern California) and Timothy Havens (U. of Iowa). Lustyik is an assistant professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies, and teaches in the Television-Radio program.

The book, published by Routledge, responds to the recent surge of interest in popular television in Eastern Europe.

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I'd like to welcome three new staff members to the Division of Institutional Advancement: Rob de la Fuente, Craig Evans '84, and Greg Kimbell. Each of them fill important roles that will be crucial as we head into a campaign supporting the college's IC 20/20 strategic plan.

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The Office of International Programs (OIP) would like to invite all faculty and staff members to attend a workshop designed to assist in the development of short-term study abroad programs.  Short-term study abroad programming is an important component of the overseas study options available to Ithaca College students. College faculty and staff members have successfully lead programs over the past several years to a number of different locations, including most recently Belize, Canada, China, Ecuador, Ghana, Italy, Malawi, and the United Kingdom.

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For information, criteria and deadlines for the photography minor, please go to:

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The Sustainability Café on Monday, September 17th will feature Sarah Araldi ‘11 from Ecovative discussing Manufactured Mycelium: Environmental Science in a Biotechnological World”. The Sustainability Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar.

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Job-shadowing gives you a first-hand glimpse into a typical day for someone in your desired profession.  You can make networking contacts, get career information and visit an organization through the 6th annual Take an Ithacan to Work Week job-shadow program being held October 1 - 5. 

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Sunday Mass Schedule

Contributed by Carsten Martensen on 09/13/12 

This is a reminder that the Sunday Mass schedule has changed from last year.  Sunday Mass is celebrated at 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM in Muller Chapel.  All are invited to praise and thank God, to build community, to be nourished by the Lord, and to go forth to change the world!!

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This is a reminder that Ithaca College Policy 2.1.4 states that “only items pertaining to College business may be sent through the campus mail system.”

Personal packages should be sent to your home address. The Mail Service department should not be expected to handle, sort and send notifications for personal packages. Some examples of this include cell phones and/or accessories, personal book orders, wine orders, LTD and other miscellaneous packages that are not business related. This does not apply to Resident Directors. 

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Sunday Mass

Contributed by Carsten Martensen on 09/13/12 

Come join the community and celebrate Sunday Eucharist in Muller Chapel.  Mass on Sunday is scheduled for 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM.  Come sing hymns of praise, listen to the Word of God, offer the Eucharistic Prayer, receive the Lord in Communion, and go forth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!  All are invited!  Come to the table!

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Asma Barlas, professor and director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, gave an invited presentation on Islamic scripture, law, and women at the Cornell Law School as part of the Clark Initiative Colloquium on Law and Development in the Middle East and North Africa on September 11th. 

Go places with Zimride Ithaca

Contributed by Marian Brown on 09/13/12 

Join the more than 900 Ithaca students, faculty and staff members who are already sharing rides through Zimride. In seconds you can search for open seats or post a ride of your own. Get started now:

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Sociologist Michael Omi — best known for helping develop the theory of racial formation — will kick off the yearlong discussion series sponsored by the Ithaca College Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE). Omi’s talk, titled “Colorblind? The Contradictions of Racial Classification,” will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 14, in Emerson Suites. It is free and open to the public.

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Rosh Hashannah on Campus

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 09/13/12 

Rosh Hashannah begins Sunday evening September 16 

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Rosh Hashannah on Campus

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 09/13/12 

Rosh Hashannah begins Sunday evening September 16 

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