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Dan Isbell, an Assistant Professor of Music Education within the School of Music, has accepted an invitation to conduct at the NYSSMA ZONE 1 Junior High Area All State Band Festival.  He was selected by a committee of regional band directors.  

The Festival will take place in Akron, NY on November 2/3, 2011.  


Come see IC Players' production of "Third" by Wendy Wasserstein. There will be three performances this weekend November 4th and 6th in Textor 103. In her last completed play, Wasserstein skillfully weaves together the personal and the professional strands in the life of a distinguished female professor at a small liberal arts college. 

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Timecards Due Early

Contributed by Donna Veres on 11/01/11 

Due to the bank holiday on Friday, November 11, the biweekly pay day for the pay period October 24-November 6 will be on Thursday, November 10.  Because of this early pay day, all timecards must be submitted and approved by noon on Monday, November 7.  Any timecards approved after this date will be processed in the next payroll.
Please feel free to contact the Payroll Office with any questions.

The Abayudaya Jews of Uganda

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 11/01/11 

Thursday, November 3rd at 7pm in Textor 103

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Take a health and wellness journey aboard the SS ICHR cruise ship!

Today, November 2 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Emerson Suites, staff and faculty members can attend the cruise-ship-themed Benefits and Work/Life Fair! All attendees must present their employee ID cards as entry tickets to get in.

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Now is the time to apply to Information Technology Services (ITS) for the Spring 2012 semester! ITS employs around 120 student staff in twelve technology related fields. If you value technology and are interested in working with people, we've got a job for you!

Come to the last information session to learn more and to apply!

  • Wednesday, 11/2 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm in Friends 210

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Timecards Due Early

Contributed by Donna Veres on 11/01/11 

Due to the bank holiday on Friday, November 11, the biweekly pay day for the pay period October 24-November 6 will be on Thursday, November 10.  Because of this early pay day, all timecards must be submitted and approved by noon on Monday, November 7.  Any timecards approved after this date will be processed in the next payroll.
Please feel free to contact the Payroll Office with any questions.

The Sustainability Café on Monday, November 7th will feature Emma Cheuse from Earthjustice, speaking on “The Right to a Healthy Environment”. The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM. The Fall 2011 Sustainability Café series is held in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar.

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When you take care of your mental health, you take care of so much more!

Give yourself a mental health check-up.  Complete a cost-free, confidential and anonymous online mental health screening today! 

This public service announcement has been brought to you by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)...your on-campus resource for mental health services.


Ithaca College now owns a campus-wide license to Qualtrics, one of the most professional online survey creation tools on the market.  As an Ithaca College employee or student, you can request a Qualtrics account to create, distribute and analyze results of your survey free of charge.  Just follow the procedure outlined at the new IC Survey Research Center, a website created by the Office of Institutional Research.

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The Student Organization Fair is February 1, 2012 in Emerson Suites from 10am-3pm. All registered or new student organization are able to sign up.

Advertise and promote your organization. Meet new people and get new members for your organization.

VIP tabling for the 1st 6 student organizations that sign up! Only 140 spots!

Deadline to sign up is January 23, 2012.

 To sign up log-in to IC Link and complete the Student Organization Fair application in Campus Links or click here!

 If there are any questions please contact

 Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patti Banfield at ( We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

 Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 11/01/11 

Quoted in the media: President Tom Rochon, Vice President Eric Maguire, faculty member Stephen Mosher and staff member Wayne French. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Zillah Eisenstein, professor of politics, gave the keynote address "The Beauty Body as Distraction: Wars and Sexual Decoys" at the V Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Artes Y Humanidaida, "El Cuerpo Descifrado," in Mexico City on October 28, 2011.

 Second event of the International Education Week, "Last Train Home"

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Are you interested in Chinese Culture, Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sport or Rehabilitation? Come to an informational meeting for an opportunity to study abroad in China.

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Join us at noon on Thursday, November 3 for our distinguished speaker brown bag lunch.

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IC For Invisible Children & TOMS Club is presenting the documentary "Tony". Roadies from Invisible Children are coming to answer questions and a speaker from Uganda is coming to share her story in Williams 225 at 7:00pm.

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All Souls Day

Contributed by Carsten Martensen on 10/31/11 

On Wednesday, November 2, the Catholic Community will celebrate Mass at 12:10pm for the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls).  Faculty, staff, students, family and friends who have died will be especially remembered.  All are welcome.

In the Catholic Tradition, November is the month specially dedicated to the remembrance of friends and loved ones no longer with us, those who have gone home to God.  All members of the Ithaca College Community are invited to write the names of those who have gone before us on the remembrance sheets on the lectern at the entrance to the sanctuary, or before or after Sunday Mass on the tables in the fireplace lounge of Muller Chapel.  During each weekday and Sunday Mass celebrated in November, the binder with the names of loved ones will be placed on the altar in Muller Chapel.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Catholic Chaplain at 274-3184 or  as soon as possible before the event.


Employee Appreciation Month

Contributed by Jane Ray on 10/31/11 

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”. Leo Buscaglia, author and lecturer

November is here, and with it comes the highly acclaimed seventh annual Employee Appreciation Program, “Thank You for Making a Difference”.

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Instructional Development Fund (IDF) grants support direct course improvement as well as interdisciplinary projects. Proposals are due in the Office of the Provost by November 15 for fall and spring implementation. Guidelines and application forms may be found at