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Is a vanpool in your future? With gas prices hovering at the $4 per gallon mark, vanpooling might provide you with that convenient transportation option that could save you a carload of money!  TODAY, come to one of four information sessions to discover whether vanpooling to work or school is right for you!

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Every Voice Matters is the title and theme of a video being made about suicide prevention and the importance of reducing the stigma that keeps students from seeking counseling when needed.  If your voice matters and you want to be recorded, look for the film crew Friday morning after 10:30 at the Send Silence Packing exhibit on the Academic Quad (rain location: Emerson Suites).  

Question prompts include:

  1. Why does your voice matter regarding the importance of suicide prevention?
  2. Why does your voice matter regarding others (or yourself) seeking counseling when needed?
  3. What are your thoughts about the exhibit, Send Silence Packing?

Your Voice Matters!


Questions and requests for accommodations should be directed to LeBron Rankins,

We have a new logo and new apparel such as pinnies.  Please visit: to check them out!  The catalogue is available until THIS FRIDAY, April 15.

 The Student Activities Center serves as the headquarters for several student organizations. Student organizations that apply, may be chosen to use designated space in the Student Activities Center  for one year, provided they adhere to policies and procedures, demonstrate they are using the space effectively, and help maintain the professional culture in the space.


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Ithaca has great opportunities coming up quickly for all of you Jazz Fans!  Mark your calendars now so you won’t miss any of these unique opportunities!

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Carl St.Clair, the well-known Music Director of Pacific Symphony, is conducting classes at both Ithaca College and Cornell University, April 12-16, 2011. The workshop will include score study sessions, conducting sessions with two pianos, conducting sessions with string quartet and piano, conducting sessions with Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra and Cornell Symphony Orchestra, and video review.

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Then you gotta join Ithaca College's newest student organization, IC Food Allergy Awareness Club!

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The Ithaca College Ballroom Dance Team hosted their second annual Dancing with the Stars competition and fund raiser this past Saturday, April 9th.

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Career Services and the Clinical Exercise Science major are pleased to announce a Career Panel & Networking Event!  Join us to learn about CES career options and meet alums currently in the profession.

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 Dog Sees God  

Contributed by McKenzie McCart on 04/13/11 

Come with an open heart and an open mind, you will experience life, love, laughter, death, reincarnation, victimization, teen alcoholism, medicinal herbs, Chopin, peanuts.....and some sporking, viewer discretion is advised. Our only aim is to move you.


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The Partnership for Sustainability Education (PSE) coordinating team is offering four grants of $1,000 each for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability.  We especially seek curricular proposals from academic areas that have been less represented in previous grants (fine arts, social sciences, humanities).  Mini-grants are intended to support curriculum development work being conducted during the summer and/or fall to infuse sustainability-related content into Ithaca College courses or educational experiences. The deadline for mini-grant funding proposals has been extended to Friday, April 15, 2011.

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Senior Rachel Perry, a saxophone performance and music education major from the studio of Professor and Acting Dean Steven Mauk, and visiting professor Tim Rosenberg, won first prize in the U.S. Army Band solo competition.

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Per President Rochon’s earlier request, we are seeking volunteers to assist with Move-In Day. 

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Come and find out about opportunities awaiting you!

Erik Zettler and Kimberly Gniadek, Sea Education Association
will discuss field programs in Marine and Enviromental Studies

Thursday, April 21
12:10 p.m.
CNS 117

Pizza and beverages will be provided.

All interested students are invited to attend.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at 274-3161.  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Erik Zettler

4 pm, CNS 112, Department Seminar Series

“Oceanographic insights from student research projects at SEA: The power of long-term data sets”

Refreshments served at 3:45, 1st floor CNS foyer. 
Bring your mug. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

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This week, Spectrum is having a Mix-Tape Swap! On Wednesday April 13 at 7PM in Williams 211 we will swap CD's, mingle and eat! There will be pizza!

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Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER) is an organization that takes a proactive stance on ending rape and rape culture through active participation and education. SAFER is looking for new leadership for in the 2011-2012 school year!

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Lis Maurer recently co-presented the webinar "Opening Our Doors: Providing competent and caring health and wellness services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people."  The webinar was sponsored by The National Wellness Institute, which provides health promotion and wellness professionals resources and services that fuel professional and personal growth.


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Marella Feltrin-Morris (Modern Languages and Literatures) organized and chaired a panel entitled "Italian and Anglo-American Literature: A Dialogue through Translation" and a roundtable entitled "Teaching Translation in the 21st Century"  at the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, April 7-10, in New Brunswick, NJ. 

Join us for the second part of IC International Club's Revolution! Discussion Series.

History Professor Jason Freitag will be talking to us about the history of Libya and the events that led to its current revolution.

Come learn about and discuss the background behind everything you're seeing on the news on Thursday, April 14th at 12:15pm in Clark Lounge.

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