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Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Native American Month Identity Panel has been moved to November 29th, 2010 at 7pm in the Clark Lounge (Campus Center).

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As the fall semester comes to an end, some of you may have an expected or unexpected vacancy in your room, suite or apartment.   Whether you anticipate a vacancy or not, the Office of Residential Life strongly recommends that you complete a vacancy form indicating the individual you would like to pull into your room in the event that a space opens.

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Cory Young, Assistant Professor of Communication Management and Design in the Department of Strategic Communication, and Amy Becker-George, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Strategic Communication and Program & Sales Manager CNYAHEC, co-presented a paper on mentoring. 

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FREE Clothing and Gift Swap!

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Come and learn about your rights and the rights of others in the workplace!

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Thanksgiving break is coming up soon, which everyone is excited about!  Please take time to think about someone who has done great things this month or a program that was put on that was very successful as a result of the work of those who organized the program!  November OTM nominations are due December 1st to, so please nominate someone who you are thankful for in November!


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Do you wish that you could utilize your kitchen to cook a meal, but you haven’t been able to find pots and pans?  This is no longer a problem!  Pots and pans are available in the Eastman Area Office and the Terrace 7 Area Office to be checked out!


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 Ithaca College will be hosting a screening of the documentary “Slingshot Hip Hop,” as well as a live performance by DAM, the first and leading Palestinian hip-hop group in Israel, from 6 until 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 in the Park Auditorium. At 8 p.m., there will also be a Q & A panel with the members of DAM and “Slingshot Hip Hop” producer Jackie Reem Salloum. The event is free and open to the public.

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Contributed by Bailey Reagan on 11/16/10 

You spend $3 on a Starbuck’s coffee.
You spend $3 on Ameritalia or Sammy’s pizza.
Why not spend $3 on something that makes a difference?

Put your $3 towards Concert for a Cure!

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Dropping a few pounds is a strong motivator for some to exercise, but it is not always the best way to trace progress. Focusing solely on the numbers of the scale can result in frustration and a greater chance of quitting an exercise program if weight isn't decreasing fast enough. Many people actually notice a slight gain in scale weight because of increased muscle mass.

Better ways to keep track of progress from exercise include monitoring changes in heart rate during exercise (it should decrease over time as you become more fit), measuring waist circumference, keeping track of increases in strength, recording calories burned each day, or even just noticing how good you feel and how much energy you have to get through your day. Remember to keep exercising during the Thanksgiving break! Taking a brisk walk around your neighborhood each day can change up your program and help you maintain the fitness level you've worked hard to achieve this semester.


Submitted by: Erin Wilday '12

Join us today, Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Noon-12:50 pm, Ithaca Falls Room, 2nd floor, Campus Center

Biofeedback: How Relaxed Are You?

With Paul Milkowski. Psy.D., Staff Psychologist, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

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On December 14, 2010 we will hold two open forums to share the market research findings from the image and identity research study conducted by SimpsonScarborough, the higher education market research firm we have partnered with.

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Attention Faculty: As of Tuesday, November 23, 2010 you can create your Blackboard course shells through HomerConnect for Spring 2011 courses!

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ALL ARE WELCOME! Prasad Karmarkar, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher from Mumbai, India will be visiting Ithaca College’s campus from November 15th - 19th. 

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Before you head to Staples or the bookstore for new office supplies, check out OSCAR, a FREE resource for faculty, staff, and students.

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Need a new binder? How about a desk lamp, whiteboard, or clothes hangers for your room? Check out the Resource and Environmental Management Program’s newly opened Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI) Room, located in the basement of Clarke Hall!

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The Peggy R. Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors who excel in academic performance, perform service to the Ithaca community and beyond, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment. 

Any Ithaca College faculty member, staff member, or student may nominate an outstanding junior or senior for the Peggy R. Williams Award.  Self-nominations are accepted.  Click here to nominate a student (or students)!

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Join Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) in beginning a new tradition for the upcoming holiday season.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 11/16/10 

Quoted in the media: faculty members Jeff Cohen, David Turkon and Donald Beachler. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Affinity groups are designed to be a safe place where both staff and faculty may speak on common interests and provide an opportunity to seek and support one another.

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