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Read more . . . (120 words) Talk by bell hooks-- CSCRE 2010-2011 Centering the Margins Discussion Series EventContributed by Kelly J. Rafferty on 10/01/10 Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 7:00 p.m.; Talk by bell hooks; TALKING RACE: ENDING RACISM For more information on bell hooks visit:
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies at 607.274.3063. We ask that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible.
LGBT bullying and tragic events in the news - what you can doContributed by Luca Maurer on 10/01/10
Read more . . . (166 words) Tuesday Salon: Don Beachler, "Barack Obama Meets the Tea Party: The 2010 Elections"Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 10/01/10
Read more . . . (74 words) 2010 is an election off-year but that doesn’t mean you should take the year off! Important seats up for selection include House and Senate Representatives and some State Governors. Election day is November 2nd so now is the time to start thinking about registering to vote or requesting absentee ballots. Here's a quick primer on how absentee ballots work and how you can request your absentee ballot to participate in your state’s elections. Read more . . . (328 words) Update on Search for Provost and VP for Academic AffairsContributed by Nancy Pringle on 10/01/10 I am writing to provide another update on the search for Ithaca College’s next Provost and VPAA. The search committee met recently and identified a small number of candidates to be invited to participate in confidential preliminary interviews with the search committee in early October. The committee faced difficult choices as it considered the applications of a diverse and highly talented pool of academic leaders. Read more . . . (123 words) IT'S EASY! The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, films, athletics and performances that happen on our campus all year long! After a successful year last year, we're happy to announce our NEW line-up of FYE featured events! Here are our next few featured events: Read more . . . (257 words) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY - Ithaca College 2010 Annual Security & Fire Safety ReportContributed by Terri Stewart on 10/01/10 In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act [20 USC 1092(f)], Read more . . . (227 words) REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTS: Please purchase all your textbook requirements as soon as possible. Read more . . . (40 words) September Of the Month Nominations are due TODAY to NRHH!Contributed by Clare Goldrick on 09/30/10
Do you want to recognize a resident assistant, residence director, amazing professor, student, etc.? Have you attended an amazing program in the past month that you feel deserves recognition? If yes, then submit an Of the Month nomination to NRHH!
Read more . . . (134 words) Do you have concerns or questions about Apogee? You can get ANSWERS!Contributed by Clare Goldrick on 09/30/10
Read more . . . (68 words) Attention H&S Faculty and Staff: Wine and Cheese Reception with Alumni TODAY!Contributed by Chris Pollock on 09/30/10 Dean Leslie Lewis invites all School of Humanities and Sciences faculty and staff to enjoy a wine and cheese reception with H&S alumni this afternoon! Friday, October 1 Read more . . . (52 words) Quiz Yourself on the IC MAP (Medical Amnesty Policy): How Informed Are You?Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 09/30/10
2- What is the slogan for the MAP? (Hint: It begins with: "When in Doubt...."). 3- What phone number should be called on campus to summon help for a medical emergency situation? 4- Which campus office is responsible for applying the MAP to a case? 5. Name 2 symptoms of alcohol poisoning. 6. In which cases might the MAP not be applied? 7. How many medical amnesties can each student receive under the MAP? Read more . . . (277 words) Come talk to an IC professor about their leadership on campus and the church while identifying as LGBTQA! Read more . . . (85 words) October 4th LUNCH AND LEARN: Beating the Big C - Prevention and Early Detection of CancerContributed by Robin Davis on 09/30/10
Learn what to do if you have symptoms and how to be an advocate for your own health. DATE: October 4, 2010 TIME: Noon - 1 pm PLACE: PRW Center, GL 052 Read more . . . (123 words) CSCRE Centering the Margins Discussion Series Event - Talk by bell hooksContributed by Kelly J. Rafferty on 09/30/10 Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 7:00 p.m.; Talk by bell hooks; TALKING RACE: ENDING RACISM For more information on bell hooks visit:
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies at 607.274.3063. We ask that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible. Good news! IC Link is upgrading on October 4, 2010. The site will be down Monday, October 4, 2010 from 9am-4pm. New features include: Each organization will have a wall where students can post information. Read more . . . (31 words) Intramural 6v6 Volleyball, 3v3 Basketball & Indoor Ultimate entries due Wednesday!Contributed by Scott Flickinger on 09/30/10 Block 2 is going to get underway! Be a part of the action! Read more . . . (62 words) Interested in Biology/Biochemistry Research in Spring 2011?Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 09/30/10
Thursday, October 7 Meet the professors, learn about their research projects, and get your registration form signed (PDF). Those unable to attend may make an appointment with appropriate professors. Read more . . . (23 words) 12:10-1:00, CNS 115 Agenda:
Contact Samantha Corrado with any questions. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at 274-3161. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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