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The Business School Tweets!

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I am pleased to announce that Alayne MacArthur has joined the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies as the Professional Programs Manager.  Alayne will have responsibility over managing the GPS Professional Programs:  Online Certificate Program, and On-Campus Workshops and Institutes for professional audiences.

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I am pleased to announce that Jennifer Wofford has joined the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies as the Study Programs Manager.  Jen will have responsibility over managing the GPS Study Programs: Summer and Winter Sessions, Pre-College Programs, and Continuing Education, as well as, the coordination with our Washington Program.

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Spit That! Spoken Mic

Contributed by Jaylene Clark on 10/18/09 

Come out to our first Spit That! Spoken Mic of the semester!

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The application deadline for the Ithaca in Washington program has been extended another week until October 23. You now have one more week to complete your application for Spring 2010. We also welcome new applications for Summer 2010 and Fall 2010. If you have not had time during Fall Break you still have additional days. Our electronic application facilitates a smooth application process. The application can be found online at

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Wednesday, October 21: Midterm grades will be available at 10:00 p.m.  Students must login to HomerConnect to view them.

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Dr. Gordon J. Horwitz is speaking on October 29, 2009 at 7:30 pm in Emerson A on "Ghettostadt: Łódź and the Making of a Nazi City"

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A memorial service for Andrea Morton '10 will be held on Monday, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m. in Muller Chapel. The service will include a prelude by the Women's Chorale beginning at 6:40 p.m. Friends, classmates, colleagues, and staff and faculty members are invited to celebrate the life of Andrea, who passed away last April 29 following a brief illness.

 Lip Sync For MS!

Contributed by Jessica Dillon on 10/18/09 

 Can't Sing? Can Sing? Doesn't Matter!

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Freshman: Want a Free Yearbook?

Contributed by Brian Keefe on 10/18/09 

The Student Government Association has a limited supply of New Student Records, and wants to distribute them to the freshman class!

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Good news! ITS is pleased to offer another round of Photoshop Phriday training in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) on Friday, October 23rd, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We have expanded the second session, "Creating Graphics," from one to two hours, giving you the chance to learn even more about this challenging software program.

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Saturday 1024/09, 6:30pm, Emerson Suites

Join us as we salute HEOP and ALANA students who reached exceptional levels of scholastic achievement during academic year 2008/2009.   We will also recognize juniors and seniors who have achieved superior levels of accomplishment with cumulative grade point averages of 3.75 and above.

Finally, we will pay tribute to Ithaca faculty, staff, and members of the City of Ithaca community who have made contributions to student success. 

Imani Gospel Choir will perform.  Tiffany Valentin will share poetry that evolved for the Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat.  Tammy Mayberry, Ithaca alum, will be our guest speaker!

RSVP today to Heather Crider at  Business professional attire is appreciated but not required.


A Message from Academic Enrichment Services, Career Services, and the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs


S.W.I.F.T at Ithaca College will be organizing an event called Trick or Eat. Groups will go door to door in the city of Ithaca and collect cans of food or personal care items for Food Bank of the Southern Tier.

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Are you interested in studying abroad? IES (The Institute for the International Education of Students) is one of Ithaca College's affiliated study abroad providers, and a representative of IES will be on campus on Tuesday, October 20 to meet with students and provide further information about the IES study abroad options. A free pizza lunch will be provided!

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Contributed by David Cruz on 10/16/09 


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Sophomores and juniors interested in a career in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering may be eligible to apply for this scholarship that is awarded by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. The award covers eligible expenses for undergraduate tuition, fees, books, and room and board, up to a maximum of $7,500 per year.


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The Library receives new multi-function scanners/copiers.

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Effective immediately, the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life will no longer issue "Notifications of Absence." Students should communicate directly with their faculty when they need to miss a class for health emergencies, family emergencies, required court appearances, etc. Faculty who require documentation of such absences should communicate this directly with their students.

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The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, events and performances that happen on our campus.

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