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On Tuesday, October 13th at 4:00PM in the Center for Natural Sciences Room 112, Nischint Sundar '04 will discuss the potential for IC grads to move into sustainability careers in a talk titled "Post IC: What do I do next?!?"

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Thursday, October 15, is the annual observance of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). It is a day of hope for the future of a world without AIDS.

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The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life would like to hear from all students (on-campus and off-campus, new and returning) about what impact, if any, this year’s higher enrollment has had on your experience.

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Holiday Bus Trip to NYC

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 10/11/09 

It's that time of year! Please join us for our annual holiday bus trip to New York City!

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 ICMSA will be meeting in Williams 211 at 8PM Tuesday.


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WHERE:  Academic Enrichment Services 110 Towers Concourse

WHY:  Because it will give you that academic edge you need!

HOW: Just stop in.  Tutors will be here to meet with you on a first come/first served basis for brief consultations.



The Cinema, Photography, and Media Arts Department presents a lecture by Jason Fulford, photographer and co-founder of J&L Books. Mr. Fulford will give a presentation about his photographic work and publishing endeavors beginning at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, October 13th in Park 220. The lecture is free and open to the public.

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Don’t miss out on this week’s food and fun!

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Need more Bonus Bucks?

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 10/11/09 

Did you know using Bonus Bucks can save you money?

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GLBT History Month Continues

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 10/10/09 

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) History Month is celebrated in October. Throughout the month, the LGBT Center website will feature videos highlighting different historical figures.

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WHERE:  ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT                                              SERVICES - 110 TOWERS CONCOURSE

WHEN:  Sunday evening, October 11, 2009 from 8:30 - 12 midnight, tutors in the following subject areas will be available for last minute tutorial needs:

WHAT:  Introductory Calculus, Introductory Physics, and Financial Accounting.

(NOTE:  Calculus tutoring ends at 10pm)

Light refreshments will be available.

I am pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees decided at its fall meeting to create a one-time compensation program for staff and faculty employees, to be funded from the anticipated operating balance in the current year (FY2009-2010). They took this action upon recommendation of the Ithaca College Budget Committee, which I endorsed and forwarded to the trustees.

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All ITS public computer labs, except for Friends 110, are closed during fall break. Friends 110 and the Student Computer Repair Center have limited hours and staffing during break.

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1. You are a benefits eligible employee and have little or no idea what the Emeriti program is and/or want to learn how you can invest in a tax advantaged way now to pay for medical expenses once you retire.

2. You are nearing retirement and want to know more about Emeriti Health Insurance Options for retirees and their eligible dependents that build on the foundation of Medicare and how Emeriti Health Accounts work.

3. You are a current retiree who is enrolled in an Emeriti Health Plan Option and want to get information about plans being offered for 2010. 

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It's October already and we are in the 8th week of our second consecutive 17-week series. And what great progress we have had!

Attendance is at an all-time high for our at-work group, ranging from 73% to 88%. We have dropped a collective 333.8 pounds during this series and a whopping total of 950.2 pounds since April 2009!

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Symposium on Physics and Archaeology November 20 and 21, 2009

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Monday, October 12, 2009; “Domestic Workers Organizing At The Intersection Of Crisis And Recovery."  Joycelyn Gill-Campbell; Organizer, Domestic Workers United.

7:00pm in the Clark Lounge. Light refreshments will be served.


This event is free and open to the public.

Help Ithaca College Scare Away Childhood Cancer by coming to the Up 'til Dawn Halloween themed Finale Event on October 25, 2009 from 4:00-9:00 PM in Emerson Suites.

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Monday, October 12; “Domestic Workers Organizing At The Intersection Of Crisis And Recovery."  Joycelyn Gill-Campbell; Organizer, Domestic Workers United.

7:00pm in the Clark Lounge. Light refreshments will be served.


This event is free and open to the public.

Susan Allen-Gil (Environmental Studies), Susan Swensen (Biology), and Marian Brown (Assistant to the Provost) hosted a panel at the recent Greening of the Campus Conference in Indianapolis. Their panel, titled SUSTAINABILITY AS AN ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE: DEGREE PROGRAMS, invited presenters from seven universities and colleges that currently offer degree programs to share their programs and experiences.

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