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DPT graduate students Kristin Morris, Lindsey Fetzer, Kelly Van Vlack, and Ryan Yelle; Ph.D. student Janet Kneiss; and Chris Neville, Ithaca alum and Ph.D. graduate of the University of Rochester and Ithaca College -- along with faculty advisers Jeff Houck and Deborah Nawoczenski -- presented three posters and one platform presentation at the recent meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics's national meeting in State College, Pennsylvania. 

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Jonas Contakos '00, associate professor of physics Bruce Thompson, and gymnastics head coach Rick Suddaby -- together with Les Carlton of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- published a paper, "The Physics of a Gymnastics Flight Element," which was featured on the cover of the September 2009 issue of the Physics Teacher journal.

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As previously announced by Vice President Carl Sgrecci in his Intercom announcement on August 18, Information Technology Services (ITS) has undergone a reorganization effective September 1, 2009.

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Bus Trip to New York City

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 09/01/09 

There are seats still available for our annual fall bus trip to New York City on Saturday, September 19. Don't miss out!

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We will be having a garden workday this Saturday, the 5th for some weeding, picking, planting, and of course, fun! We will be meeting at 10:00 am outside of the lower entrance of Park and walking down to the garden.

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Study Abroad Info Sessions

Contributed by Rachel Gould on 09/01/09 

Are you interested in studying abroad? Come to one of our info sessions! The Options for Study Abroad at Ithaca College sessions give an overview of all of the study abroad options available to you. The London Center sessions will give you a detailed glimpse of what a semester or summer abroad in London would be like. Come learn more about your study abroad options!

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The Education Department announces the start of Stay for Five!—A new program for current IC students who are interested in becoming elementary school teachers.

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Naeem Inayatullah presented at a joint meeting of the Brazilian International Relations Association (ABRI) and International Studies Association (ISA) at the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and gave two talks at the University of Concepcion in Chile.

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On Monday September 14th Career Services, in conjunction with IC Seniors will be hosting the Job and Internship Fair in Emerson Suites

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Now's your last chance to vote on how you would like your class to leave a lasting legacy at IC.

Vote Now

Voting closes this Friday, September 4.

Dance Team Auditions!

Contributed by Kelly Webb on 09/01/09 

The Ithaca College Bombshells Dance Team will be holding auditions this Saturday, September 5th from 12pm-3pm in the Fitness Center Aerobics Room.  The cost is $3 and all are welcome!


GO TO: → Site Index → Recreational Sports → Sports Clubs (Left Blue Column) → Sport Club Participation Agreement (Left Blue Column)

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Jonathan Keefner, Jillian Kowalowski, Sarah Mansfield, Christopher Mastrosimone, Richard Onyejuruwa, Meghan Ryan, Sarah Spector, Alexandra von Bradsky, Andrew Zucosky, and Jeffrey Perdomo!

Yay! Come to 110 Towers Concourse and receive your Welcome Gift Pack!


Starting Wednesday 9/2/09, we will be open for extended evening hours in 110 and 130 Towers Concourse.

Come and take advantage of our new and improved space, facilities for tutoring and other student activities.

Individual and group tutoring in select subjects will also be available at times to be announced.

This is quiet study space available for your convenience.  Our facility is also wireless so laptop users are welcome.  In addition, we have some computer spaces available on a first come first served basis.&

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IC IDs Needed for Rec Swim

Contributed by Nate Brisley on 08/31/09 

In order to align recreational swimming times with the Rec Sports ID policy, please bring your Ithaca College ID with you to the pool each time during rec swim.

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Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat

Contributed by Nansa Brown on 08/31/09 

The 8th annual Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat for Ithaca College students will be held from October 9 through 11, 2009.

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of its first show of the academic year, "Spectacle Spectacular: Cautionary Tales and Other Stories," at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 2.

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Is a vanpool in your future? Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) has announced a new commuting option for our community: vanpooling.

On September 9 and 10, come discover whether vanpooling to work or school can work for you! A series of informational sessions about TCAT's Community Vanpool Program will be held on campus.

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Spend a semester in Washington, D.C.

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ITS is pleased to announce the start of its Fall 2009 Computing Training Schedule! Please join us to learn more about software and other technology tools for work, instruction, and school.

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The campus community is invited to a farewell reception being hosted by the Office of Admission for Vicki Compton from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8th in the Atrium of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center.


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