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Get ready for salsa, sunshine, and song for the Salsa in South Beach promotion on Wednesday, March 19, at dinner in the Terrace Dining Hall.

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A Cornell University student was hospitalized at Cayuga Medical Center (CMC) March 13 with presumed meningococcal meningitis and is in stable condition. He is the second Cornell student to develop the disease in the past week. On March 8, a 21-year-old student was hospitalized at CMC and is currently recovering in a hospital close to her home.

Tompkins County Health Department officials are working closely with Cornell to identify people with whom the students recently have been in close contact to arrange the delivery of preventive medication. IC students who attended any of three parties that took place just prior to our spring break may also have been exposed to the infection.

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Join us on March 19 to celebrate National Agriculture Day at the Towers Dining Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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March 18: Midterm grades will be available at 10:00 a.m. by accessing HomerConnect.

March 24: Fall 2008 course schedule available on HomerConnect. Please review and discuss with your adviser before registering for courses.

April 7-11: Registration for the fall 2008 semester using HomerConnect, based on the access times that may be found at:

Thursday, March 20
12:10-1:00 p.m.
Center for Natural Sciences, room 117

A representative from the College of Straight Chiropractic in South Carolina invites interested students to stop by to get information and questions answered about this career.

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The Class of 2008 and the Office of Career Services invite you to a program for all students. The program is designed to have current members from the Class of 2008 to share their perspective on what they would do differently if they could restart their college career.

Join us on Thursday, March 20, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Williams 221 for the fun and thought-provoking program, which is open to all. Refreshments will be served.

Approved Driver Reminder

Contributed by Kathryn Totman on 03/14/08 

Before you or your students need to drive a college vehicle be sure to familiarize yourself with Ithaca College's policies for staff, faculty, and student drivers.

Although the student driver handbook is designed for students, staff and faculty should review the handbook in order to reinforce the policies to students they supervise.

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Associate professor of mathematics David Brown has been recognized by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) with the Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning Faculty Member.

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Ithaca College Theatre presents its quadrennial dance concert, "Dance: No Translation Needed," featuring original work by Department of Theatre Arts dance faculty. Performances will be held at 8:00 p.m. on March 25, 27, 28, 29, and at 2:00 p.m. on March 29 and 30.

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Tommy Inman, engineer at the Park School, won one of two major prizes at the State of the Art Gallery's 19th annual juried photography show.

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The Park School of Communications invites you to a screening of a rape awareness and prevention film, Welcome to the Party, directed and edited by Tom Nicholson, assistant professor of television and radio. The screening will take place on Wednesday, March 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the Park Auditorium.

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The Counseling Center's Suicide Awareness and Prevention program invites the College community to its March program -- Wednesday, March 26, at 7:00 p.m. in Park Auditorium -- featuring Heidi Bryan, founder and director of Feeling Blue Suicide Prevention Council (

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Please note there are several important upcoming dates that faculty members should make note of. Midterms grades are due March 18; the fall 2008 course schedule will be available on HomerConnect March 24; and student registration begins April 7.

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Summer/Fall Textbook Adoptions

Contributed by Rod Beers on 03/14/08 

Reminder to faculty: If you have not submitted your summer/fall 2008 textbook adoptions, please do so as soon as possible.

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Kathleen A. Bogle, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice at LaSalle University in Philadelphia, presents:

"Hooking Up: Sex, Dating and Relationships on Campus"
Monday, March 24
7:00 p.m.
Clark Lounge

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Srijana Bajracharya, associate professor of health promotion and physical education, published an article entitled, "Community-Based Health Education Intervention: A Service-Learning Approach," in the summer 2007 edition of Forum of the Public Policy.

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Physics Department presents the Physics Seminar Series featuring "Summer Student Research Talks" by Nik Batruch '08 and Daruis Romero '08 in CNS 204 at 12:10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18.

Nik's research project with Professor Thompson can be viewed at:

Darius's research project with Professor Rogers can be viewed at:

To learn how you can get involved in physics research, visit:

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Are you interested in a major or minor in international communications in the Park School? Join us for an informal discussion and pizza on March 20. International communications is open to ALL IC students.

Thursday, March 20
12:15-1:00 p.m.
Park Hall, room 220

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Join us on Monday, March 17, for the annual St. Patrick's Day Buffet at the Tower Club Restaurant.

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Trumpet professor Frank Campos will present a free recital on Tuesday, March 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. He will be joined by guitarists Steve Brown and Pablo Cohen, bassist Nicholas Walker, and Josh Oxford and the Oxtet.

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