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Come and support your Ithaca College faculty and staff members in sharing their experiences as members or allies of the LGBT community. The Faculty and Staff ZAP! will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10, in Klingenstein Lounge. Event is hosted by prism. For more information, please contact Joe Wladkowski '06, president of prism, at

In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi.

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The April 5th edition of Opportunity Knocks, the Career Services e-newletter is now available.

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David Turkon (Anthropology) presented his paper "Challenges to Involving Refugees in Capacity Building" at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Vancouver, BC on March 29.

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Sunday, April 16, 2006 is Easter this year.
Treat yourself and your family to Easter Brunch at the Tower Club Restaurant.
Come enjoy this mouth-watering Brunch Buffet and a Spectacular View of Ithaca, Cayuga Lake, Cornell and the IC Campus.
Seatings are available from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
So hop to it and call (607) 274-3393 to make your reservations today.
You can find a complete listing of upcoming events and menus on the Tower Club Website at:

Dear Students- Have you ever wanted to see a Broadway show in New York City and explore the different city attractions? Then look no further. New York City and the Broadway play are just an e-mail away. This play is an Oprah production and has received great reviews.

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A service of thanksgiving for the life of Mark Alderman will be held at Bethel Grove Bible Church on Saturday, April 8, at 11:00 a.m., with a reception to follow in the church building.

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Running Low on Bonus Bucks?

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 04/06/06 

Take advantage of the Buy 3 Get 1 Free Deal and add more to your bonus bucks account.
(You must have a meal plan to have a Bonus Bucks account. Also this deal does not apply to those who originally purchased the 10 meal plan WITHOUT Bonus Bucks)
That's right - for every three dollars you put on your account, Dining Services will give you a dollar FREE.

So if you add $30 - you will actually get $40 credited to your account.
You can add Bonus Bucks by cash, check, or credit card. Just contact the Main Office of Dining Services, by phone at (607) 274-1187 or in person by visiting the office (Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm).
The office is located next to the ID Office in Terrace 1.
*Remember you can always add more to your Bonus Bucks Account

A free Ithaca College Jazz Workshop concert will take place on Thursday, April 13, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. The performance will be led by Steve Brown and graduate assistant Keaton Akins. Trumpeter Walter White will be the soloist.

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The Ithaca College Chamber Orchestra will present its final concert of the season on Tuesday, April 11, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. Jeffrey Grogan will conduct the free concert. Elina Askelrud, the winner of the Ithaca College High School Piano Competition, will perform the first movement of Schumann’s Piano Concerto. Graduate conductor Devin Hughes will lead Respighi’s “Trittico Botticelliano,” and the concert will conclude with Haydn’s “Symphony No. 90.”

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Fiscal Year-End Procedures

Contributed by Vanessa Brown on 04/06/06 

TO: All Budget Managers

FROM: Carl Sgrecci, Vice President, Finance and Administration

RE: Fiscal Year-End Procedures

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone about College policy regarding expenditures for the balance of the fiscal year, which ends on May 31, 2006, so you can plan accordingly.

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The new B.S. in Health Care Management program has been approved and registered with New York State department of Education.

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Don't forget to get your tickets to the biggest a cappella event of the year!

Acappellooza, hosted by Ithacappella, is THIS Saturday (April 8th) at 7:30pm at the State Theatre. Come celebrate Ithacappella's tenth anniversary with great performances by Premium Blend, the Binghamton Crosbys, and the Skidmore Sonneteers, as well as guest performances by some of your favorite Ithacappella alumni!

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Celebrate Your Service

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff on 04/05/06 

Please join the campus community in celebrating the wonderful efforts we put forth this year as we partnered with the Ithaca community and beyond.

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Zach Adelman '96, Virginia Tech University

Thursday, April 13
4:00 p.m.
Center for Natural Sciences 112

"Mosquitoes, Viruses, and Disease: How genetics can be used to understand and break the cycle"

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In compliance with section 504, class materials must be made available in alternate format.

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Either Or/Neither Nor, a student film focusing on gender and identity through the eyes of six young adults from the Ithaca community, will be screened on Tuesday, April 11, at 5:15 p.m. in the Clark Lounge, Campus Center.

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This short workshop is designed to offer 'just in time' instruction for effectively using the gradebook in WebCT courses.

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It's Elections Time

Contributed by Ivan Topalov on 04/05/06 

Dear Students,

This Friday is the last day to see the SGA and Senior Class election candidates table in the North Foyer!

The ONLINE VOTE will take place next week Monday through Wednesday. Look for an e-mail with a link to the online ballot!

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Passover on Campus

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 04/05/06 

Passover, the Jewish Festival of Liberation & Freedom,
begins the evening of Wednesday, April 12, and ends at sundown on the 20th.

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