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AIDS Working Group

Contributed by Erica Weiss on 09/24/05 

Here's an excellent community service opportunity -- help us plant 2,000 daffodils!

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The Student Activities Center, in 311 Egbert Hall, is an open workspace in which student organizations may conduct business, meet, and network with other students. All registered student organizations are encouraged to take advantage of the supplies and opportunities available in the Student Activities Center. Several organizations have office space in 311 Egbert, and there are currently two cubicle-size workspaces available for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 academic years.

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Joseph Neisser of Grinnell College, Department of Philosophy, will give a lecture entitled "Making the Case for Unconscious Feelings" on Friday, September 30th from 4:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Friends 306.

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Seneca Lake Wine Bus Trip

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 09/23/05 

Come and enjoy the wineries of Seneca Lake and leave the driving to us. We will be visiting four to six wineries with a stop in Watkins Glen.

*** You must be at least 21 years of age and be prepared to present valid identification at the time of sign-up and before boarding the bus. ***

  • Saturday, November 5, 2005
  • $ 25/person (includes bus fare only, winery fees extra)
  • Payment due: October 21, by 4:00 p.m.
  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, friends, and family.
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    Paper and Envelope Purchases

    Contributed by Gail Wagner on 09/23/05 

    To clear any confusion regarding ordering of copier and printer paper and plain envelopes, the duplicating center and purchasing department advise the following:

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    Award-winning photojournalist Lynn Johnson will work with students and give a public lecture during a three-day visit at Ithaca College, October 6-8. Johnson has the cover photograph and a photo feature in the October issue of National Geographic and is the author of Hate Kills, a forthcoming book about the impact of hate crimes on American society.

    The lecture, also called "Hate Kills," will be at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 6, in Park Auditorium, Roy H. Park School of Communications. It is free and open to the public.

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    The deadline to apply to attend the Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat is Friday, September 30. To apply go to the Center website at

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    As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Lisa Maurer will present a free session entitled "Building Allies and Supporting Difference" on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge.

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    As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Doreen Hettich-Atkins will present a session entitled "Developing a Personal Leadership Plan" on Wednesday, September 28 at noon in the Klingenstein Lounge.

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    As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Dr. LeBron Rankins will present a session entitled: "Conflict Resolution" on Tuesday, Septemeber 27 at 12:05 p.m. in the North Meeting Room of the Campus Center.

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    Blood Drive

    Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 09/23/05 

    In light of the second severe hurricane to strike the Gulf Coast in recent weeks, the Red Cross will need all the help that the Ithaca community can offer. Please help us surpass our goal of 120 units of blood!

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    Poet, novelist, and scholar Merle A. Collins will present “Walking on the Boundary Lines: Caribbean, Black, British, and African in the Americas -- Readings and Reflections” on Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 7:00 p.m., in the Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center, Ithaca College. All are cordially invited.

    A farewell reception honoring Marty Turnbull, director of human resources, and Jeff Brainard, director of general services, will be held on Thursday, September 29th from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

    Please join us in wishing Marty and Jeff well as they embark upon the next phase of their lives.

    IC Urban Cowboy

    Contributed by Elizabeth Mayer on 09/22/05 

    IC After Dark's presents Urban Cowboy

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    The Ithaca College Investment Club, a recently created student run mutual fund, will be selling shares through October 7th. If you are interested in investing in the fund or becoming a part of the organization that manages the money, please see Karen Gorewit in Smiddy 405.

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    Steve Crino is a '97 Grad, and is currently a Vice President at the Royal Bank of Scotland. He works as an investment banker in the Leveraged Finance group.

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    On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, Ithaca College will host some 130 graduate and professional school representatives for our biggest graduate and professional school fair ever! The event will be held in Emerson Suites and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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    The Department of Biology is hosting a junior research symposium, Thursday, September 29, at 4:00 p.m. in Center for Natural Sciences room 112.

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    Student Driver Safety Class

    Contributed by Kristine Slaght on 09/22/05 

    The Office of Risk Management is offering driver safety classes for students who drive College-owned or leased vehicles.

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    ICIS Kiosks Now Available

    Contributed by Beth Rugg on 09/22/05 

    Waiting for an important email? Need to look up something quickly on the Internet? Ithaca College Internet Station (ICIS) kiosks are now available for your convenience.

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