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Reminder: Shut Down Equipment for Upcoming Power Outage (6/2 & 6/3)Contributed by Karen Compton on 06/01/17 DIIS would like to remind everyone to shut down and unplug computers, printers, and other electrical devices prior to the start of the campus power outage this weekend. While DIIS expects that all computing systems and services will remain online and accessible from off campus during the power outage, there is the possibility of extended system downtime for any system or service due to unanticipated problems. See additional details of the power outage in the Facilities Intercom message. DIIS Service Desk
Read more . . . (799 words) What will tomorrow’s classroom look like? Will the classroom of tomorrow even be a classroom? Flipped classrooms, remote viewers, asynchronous learning, and other trends have dramatically changed the way we teach and learn. With technology and social forces pushing rapid changes in education, it’s certain that we’ll see even more changes in the next few years. So how do we prepare for these changes? Read more . . . (280 words) The Online Performance Review process for FY 2016-17 is currently available. The performance review process can be accessed through IC Employee Self-Service in Parnassus. All performance reviews must be completed and acknowledged by Friday, June 23, 2017. Read more . . . (156 words) Casual, pick-up summer softball is back for students, faculty and staff for 2017, NO EXPERIENCE or skill required. Read more . . . (206 words)
Get Unlimited Rapid Refills at the Coca-Cola Freestyle Machine in Sandella's Café! From now until August 25, 2017, Rapid Refills are only $15.99! TCAT Route 11 cannot access IC Towers effective immediately through AugustContributed by Dan Verderosa on 05/30/17 Due to construction, the TCAT Route 11 bus is unable to access the Towers at Ithaca College, likely through mid-August or until further notice. Read more . . . (41 words) Women's Track & Field Finishes as National Runners-Up; Cordani and Smith Win National TitlesContributed by Justin Lutes on 05/30/17
Read more . . . (240 words) Leigh Ann Vaughn, Associate Professor of Psychology, recently presented at the Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Motivation in Boston.Contributed by Leigh Ann Vaughn on 05/29/17 On May 25, 2017, Professor Vaughn presented a new model that bridges two major theories of motivation in psychology.
Read more . . . (111 words) In an effort to support the increasing growth of conferences and events occurring at Ithaca College during the summer, Parking Services has collaborated with Campus Center and Event Services to create new summer parking restrictions that are more hospitable to the many visitors that are attracted to come to Ithaca College over the summer. The goal of this change is to create a more welcoming environment for our summer guests who are unfamiliar with our campus. These changes are feasible given the significant reduction of faculty, staff and students accessing parking facilities on campus during the summer months. Read more . . . (243 words) Dr. Matthew Holtmeier and Dr. Andrew Utterson (School of Communications) convene panel and present papers at Colby College liberal arts symposiumContributed by Stephen Tropiano on 05/26/17 Dr. Matthew Holtmeier (Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Screen Studies) and Dr. Andrew Utterson (Assistant Professor, Screen Studies) recently presented papers on a panel they convened and chaired at the annual gathering of the Media, Communication, and Film Liberal Arts Consortium (MCFLAC), this year held at Colby College, Waterville, Maine. Read more . . . (74 words) Congratulations to the seven members elected to the Ithaca College Board of Trustees at the board’s recent meeting, held May 18–20 on campus. Michael Conover ’81, Jack Dembow ’77, David Fleisher II ’91, Gary Gross ’81, William Nelligan III ’83, and Jeff Selingo ’95 were all elected as term trustees, while James Taylor ’00 was elected as alumni trustee. Read more . . . (627 words) Ithaca College Board of Trustees Grants Promotions to 11 Faculty MembersContributed by Dan Verderosa on 05/26/17 Congratulations to the 11 members of the faculty who were awarded promotions by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees at its May meeting. Read more . . . (322 words) May 2017 Board of Trustees Meeting: A Message from the Board ChairsContributed by Dan Verderosa on 05/26/17 Contributed on behalf of Tom Grape ’80, chairman of the Board of Trustees, and David Lissy ’87, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees. Read more . . . (1376 words) Campus Wide Power Shutdown Reminder- Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 and Sunday, August 13th, 2017Contributed by Lynn Hyde on 05/25/17 The following message is being provided on behalf of Ernie McClatchie, Director of Maintenance, Grounds and Transportation: Read more . . . (221 words) Computer Account Termination Policy Change for Departing EmployeesContributed by Karen Compton on 05/25/17 To better align our policies with current practices, the following computer account termination policies will go into effect for employees who leave the institution on or after June 1, 2017: Read more . . . (71 words)
It’s a participation campaign, asking 1,000 people to make a gift of any size in support of any area of the college. When 1,000 participate, $100,000 will be added to the IC Annual Fund for Financial Aid, which helps all of our students and their families. Read more . . . (68 words) The Travel Policy has been revised to increase efficiencies for travelers and department coordinators. Read more . . . (458 words) The Travel Policy has been revised to increase efficiencies for travelers and department coordinators. Read more . . . (454 words) The Honors Program welcomes two new steering committee members.Contributed by Kathi Powers on 05/25/17
The Honors Program would like to welcome Dr. Patricia Zimmermann - Media Arts, Sciences and Studies, Roy H. Park School of Communications and Dr. Ian Woods - Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences as the newest members of the steering committee. Both were voted in as members by the existing members of the Ithaca College Honors faculty. Congratulations. |
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