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Read more . . . (47 words) SGC Funding will be wrapping up soon! Read more . . . (139 words) IATSA wins the 2017 National Athletic Training Month NYSATA Student Video ContestContributed by Tati Herold on 04/05/17 Congratulations to IATSA, the AT Student Majors’ Club, for their success with the 2017 National Athletic Training Month NYSATA Student Video Contest…they won the contest by almost 1,000 votes! IATSA will receive $200 and tons of PUB for their efforts. Special thanks to Alessandra Marenzi, Sam Brown and Kyle Morris for spearheading the winning efforts, and to all of you who took time to vote!! Nudging Students to Success: The Integration of Academic Advising and Motivational PsychologyContributed by Wade Pickren on 04/05/17
Read more . . . (203 words) Order flowers for Mother's Day! Read more . . . (137 words) On April 10 from 4-5:30 in Williams 320, the math department will host a panel on the topic of "Mathematics across IC." Come discuss how mathematics interacts with many other disciplines across campus! Read more . . . (51 words) APPLICATIONS FOR THE ITHACAN EDITORIAL BOARD ARE NOW AVAILABLE!Contributed by Michael Serino on 04/05/17
THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS NOON ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12. For additional information, contact incoming editor-in-chief Aidan Quigley at Network with representatives from Facebook, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and OlogieContributed by Jennifer Pawlewicz on 04/05/17
Representatives from Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkendIn, Pinterest, and Ologie will be available to meet students of all majors. Read more . . . (108 words) Andrew Marshall, Associate Professor in Mathematics, published in the Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.Contributed by Andrew Marshall on 04/04/17
Read more . . . (132 words) 3 Strategies to Transform Yourself from Networking Goat to G.O.A.T.: Matthew Levy '87Contributed by Katy Hall on 04/04/17
Thursday, April 6 Open to All! Students: RSVP on OrgSync under the School of Business tab to earn Career Connections Credit at least 48 hours in advance. You've been there: putting pressure on yourself and feeling the heat from your friends and family to land that big internship or first "real" job. You are told repeatedly that more than half of all jobs are filled through networking. Read more . . . (486 words) Please join us at 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 11 for an overview of IC's new degree evaluation system in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Read more . . . (67 words)
Read more . . . (398 words) An Evening At Gatsby's: Project Generations’ 5th Annual Intergenerational Prom (TOMORROW!!!)Contributed by Natasha Brodsky on 04/04/17
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Entry is $4 for kids and adults 18 and over. $16 for parties of four or more. Read more . . . (130 words)
ICIC 12000 Insight: Combining Expertise
Section 2 Topic: Dissent Description: Dissent is a word that has a wide range of interpretations. Authorities want little to do with it while those who seek change consider it a mission in life. To what extent is dissent present in our personal lives? And in our professional lives? As the world changes, is there a great need to maintain its place in our existence? Instructors: Ali Erkan and Kathryn Caldwell MW4-5:15, August 30 – October 4 CRN 23092
Read more . . . (488 words) Travel and Volunteer After Finals! Student Driver Needed!Contributed by Don Austin on 04/04/17
Read more . . . (58 words)
Read more . . . (84 words) Braid Challah to Fight Hunger: Challah for Hunger meets Thursdays at 630pm in Terraces BakeryContributed by Rebecca Simon on 04/04/17 Join Challah for Hunger in the Terraces Bakery (past the mailboxes in Terraces Dining Hall, through the double doors, first door on left down the hallway) at 6PM on Thursdays. We will teach you how to braid challah and will discuss local and international hunger issues. Expect to hear about the Campus Hunger Project, The Foodbank of the Southern Tier, MAZON, and come prepared to share what your favorite challah flavor is. This week we will have a special bake! We have a special guest and you have an opportunity to earn SLI credit if you've signed up on Orgsync. See you tomorrow! Read more . . . (23 words) Campus Sustainability Coordinator Welcome Reception - Wed, Apr 5 @ 1 PMContributed by Greg Lischke on 04/04/17 Submitted on behalf of the Office of Energy Management and Sustainability Read more . . . (184 words) April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Join us this Thursday for a discussion led by Tiffani Ziemann, Title IX coordinator.Contributed by Alexandria Lopez on 04/04/17
This discussion will be held in Williams 211 from 12:15pm-1pm. Led by Tiffani Ziemann, Title IX coordinator: "As the Title IX Coordinator for Ithaca College. I oversee Ithaca College processes as they relate to sexual assault and sexual harassment. I work to train our faculty, staff and students on their options and resources if they or someone they know has experienced sexual assault or sexual violence." Join us at this special Active Minds meeting which will explore resources, prevention, and more. Read more . . . (72 words) |
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