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Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series “Authentic People with Real Disabilities: Learn How to Represent this Important Diversity” on December 10thContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 11/30/15 People with visible and invisible disabilities represent a large minority and workforce demographic in the US. It is also a minority that any person can join at any time. Therefore, it’s important to know how to hire and to work with people of this demographic, as well as how to represent them correctly in your marketing and advertising. specializes in photographic imagery of real people with disabilities Read more . . . (171 words) The Diversity Awareness Committee Monthly Meeting Announcement: December 8th at noon, Presentation this month is “Pronouns and Forms and Policies – oh my! Addressing the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students”Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 11/30/15
Read more . . . (233 words) Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series “Racial Climate on Campus: Rapid Response” on December 9thContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 11/30/15 Following the unrest and tensions at higher educational institutions across the country, there is a call for change rising on campuses across the country. Demonstrations and protests, large and small are happening on campuses across the country. Today’s campus is ripe for a civil conversation on the issue of race relations and the campus environment. We’re at a crossroads in the area of civility and conduct within higher education. During this webinar, our expert presenter — Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington, the President and a Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute and Washington Consulting Group — will provide strategies for engaging in best practices that meet the needs of your diverse student body so you can educate students about what constitutes racist speech and action, respond to incidents swiftly and effectively when they do occur, and adjudicate incidents effectively and fairly. Read more . . . (262 words) Critical Health Issues, HLTH 20500 is a 3 credit online Summer Course offered during the two week May Session. ICC Attribute: Diversity. Social Science. Self and Society. ICC Theme: World of Systems. Please contact Stewart Auyash at for more information. The Park School of Communications and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research are going "Back to the Future" for Giving Tuesday!Contributed by Bryan Roberts on 11/30/15
Read more . . . (144 words) Professor of Politics Tom Shevory to Represent Ithaca College at Paris Climate Talks in December 2015Contributed by Carlos Figueroa on 11/30/15 Ithaca College will be represented by Professor of Politics, Tom Shevory, at the upcoming UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 21st Session of Conference of the Parties (COP 21), held in Paris, France. Professor Shevory will be attending the conference December 7-12th. Ithaca College's participation includes co-sponsorship of a side event, organized by Women's Earth and Climate Caucus (WECC), entitled, "Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change: Forests, Renewable Energy and Health." The event features the voices of Indigenous women leaders protecting forests and biodiversity...and showcases women as agents of change in transitioning to 100% renewable energy and for the health of people and planet. WECC will be holding a press conference, also co-sponsored by Ithaca College. (Special thanks to Wyolah Garden, Program Coordinator, WECC). Read more . . . (72 words) Image Text Ithaca at Ithaca College featured in this month's issue of Afterimage; The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism.Contributed by Catherine Taylor on 11/30/15
Read more . . . (298 words) David Turkon (Anthropology) attends and presents research at the 9th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease in Cape Town, South AfricaContributed by Michael Malpass on 11/30/15 Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology, David Turkon, attended the 9th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), in Cape Town, South Africa. David’s research was presented in a paper, “Exposure to Food Insecurity During Critical Developmental Phases: Using DOHaD and Syndemics to Disentangle Environmental Exposures and Epigenetic Processes,” that was co-authored with his colleague David Himmelgreen from the University of South Florida. Read more . . . (85 words)
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Campus Choral Ensemble and IC voICes Present their Winter ConcertContributed by Susan Avery on 11/30/15 The Campus Chorus and the faculty/staff chorus IC voICes will present a concert on Tuesday, December 1 at 7:00 pm in Ford Hall in the School of Music. Read more . . . (65 words)
Read more . . . (60 words) Just a few spots left! - Registration Open for December 4-6 R.A.D. Self-Defense CourseContributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 11/29/15 Registration is now open for the December offering of the R.A.D. self-defense course for women. The class will be conducted in three three-hour sessions from December 4-6, and is open to any student who identifies as female. Read more . . . (198 words) Biology Alumnus Returns to Present at the Department SeminarContributed by Nancy Pierce on 11/29/15
"You are here: Mapping cancer genomes" ~~~~~~~ View other IC Events here. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at or (607) 274-3161. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
One World Market Clothing, Jewelry, Scarves in Campus Center on Wednesday!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/29/15
From 10-3pm One World Market, a Fair Trade business selling products from around the world, will be here hosting their annual Holiday Sale. There will be winter clothing, scarves, jewelry and even chocolate! A portion on the proceeds will go to help fund Circle K ‘s weekly service projects. Come out and support a great cause! Read more . . . (23 words) Service Saturday for this December is coming this weekend! Sign up today!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/29/15
- Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library: Help this long-standing local organization sort books and prepare for their upcoming spring book sale, one of the biggest in the eastern United States! - Salvation Army: Help prepare and serve free meals to local residents in need! - Ithaca Alternative Gift Fair: Help with various activities at this annual gift fair, where holiday shoppers have the opportunity to choose gifts of charitable donations, rather than more “stuff!” For more information on Service Saturdays and to sign up, GO HERE! Read more . . . (23 words) IC Physics Alum Romaine Isaacs 10', gives a talk for the Fall Seminar SeriesContributed by Jill Ackerman on 11/29/15
Read more . . . (436 words) Introducing Kalamata - a Special Pop-Up Option at Food Lab in Terrace Dining Hall!Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 11/29/15
Our full menu is available on Facebook! Payment types accepted are: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Bonus Bucks, and ID Express. Read more . . . (23 words) Join the IC Asian American Alliance on Monday, November 30th, 8PM in Friends 207, for a discussion about what has been occurring on campus and what it means to be an ally. We are creating a safe space for people for ask questions and receive thoughts from their peers, so bring a friend and join in on the discussion!
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