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 Join Hillel at Ithaca college and the Student Alliance for Israel for a ceremony to honor victims of terrorism in the Middle East. Come to show your support for peace.

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Alternative Spring Break offers students the opportunity to volunteer at one of five locations in the eastern United States during spring break, March 12 - 20.

There will be an information session for students who would like to learn more about the five ASB locations for March 2016. Students can come to the session to learn about the trips, and why this program is a great way to spend spring break!

To learn more or to apply for ASB, go HERE.

The session will be held in Cayuga Lake Room on Tuesday, November 3, at 12:10pm. Cayuga Lake Room is located next to the main entrance for campus center dining hall.

Additional Information Sessions held on:

Monday, November 9

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Don Austin at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible

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Resident Assistants for the Summer College for High School Students program work at Ithaca College from June 20 - July 22, 2016.   

On-campus housing and a meal plan are provided with these positions during the period of employment.   

Apply now.

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2016.  ASB is an application-based program sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) that provides students with service opportunities at one of five sites across the eastern United States.   

A Participant-Leader will be selected to help prepare and lead one of the five ASB trips. Participant-Leaders will be responsible for delivering an orientation session before the trip, organizing the group and leading group reflections throughout, and “bringing it back to campus” after the trip is over.

Why should you become a Participant-Leader?

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Service Saturdays is coming very soon on November 7! We have a fantastic group of five local sites in Tompkins County that we’ll be volunteering with:

-       Cayuga Nature Center: Help clear hiking trails and clean grounds, while enjoying the fall weather at the same time!

-       South Hill Elementary School: Help rake leaves and clean up debris on the school’s grounds!

-       Tompkins County Public Library: Help clean up the library’s flower garden and plant tulip bulbs!

-       Salvation Army: Help prepare and serve meals to local residents in need!

-       Math Education Day with Family Math Program: Help the Family Math Program at this on-campus event in exposing youths to interactive, fun ways to learn mathematics!


For more information on Service Saturdays and to sign up, GO HERE!


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 Imagine volunteering in Guatemala during your spring break!?

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We want to hear from you! Complete our Satisfaction Survey by November 4th and enter to win a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. 

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ICIC 13000 Creativity—Transforming insights into ideas. Where do great ideas come from? Can we become better at generating them? A series of significant challenges are posed, and a rich variety of creativity techniques and principles are introduced to meet them. Creativity skills that will apply in many contexts are developed. Pass/Fail. 1 credit. No prerequisites. LA.

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Karl Smolenski gives a talk entitled: An engineer¹s role in high energy physics: Building a next generation detector for CMS at CERN.

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Please join the Chemistry Department in welcoming Prof Frank Rossi from SUNY Cortland on Tuesday, November 3rd in CNS 333 @ 12:05 pm.

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Come to Textor 102 this weekend for a FREE showing of Trainwreck! Our first showing kicks off this Thursday 11/5 at 8pm, and continues 11/6-11/8! Bring your friends!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Sara Elwell at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Make your voice heard in drafting the Student Bill of Rights with Student Body President Dominick Recckio.

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Primitive Pursuits, a program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County based in Ithaca, will offer two Wilderness Skills Intensive programs this spring, during and after the spring academic semester. The course will cover a wide variety of primitive technology skills, naturalist skills and teaching methods. The skills to be gained by completing this program are highly valued in both traditional and outdoor education spheres. 

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Paul Hansom, Assistant Professor of English, will offer a brand-new Humanities-perspective course under the "Quest for a Sustainable Future" theme this coming spring. The course is entitled "Earth Works: Literature, Nature, and the Environment."  The course will also be offered under the "Mind, Body, Spirit" theme.  Both ICC designations are pending.

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On Saturday October 17, Claire Gleitman, Professor of English, presented a paper in New York City during the Twelfth International Arthur Miller Conference.  The conference was hosted by St. Francis College, and sponsored by the Arthur Miller Society.

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On October 24, Michael Twomey (Dana Professor, English) delivered a paper at Cornell University, as part of a conference honoring Arthur B. Groos, a specialist in medieval German literature and modern opera who is retiring at the end of this semester.

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Every year, Ithaca College's International Club presents the One World Concert, celebrating the different cultures represented at Ithaca College and Cornell through various musical and dancing acts. 

This year, we have a spectacular line-up of performances with some of our favorite acts returning, in addition to some new ones.

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 November 4th, 4:30-6:00, Klingenstein Lounge

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Tomorrow night at 7 PM in Clark Lounge, come celebrate Halloween and Dia de los Muertos with IC International Club and IC PODER: Latina/o Student Association.

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Tim Miller to present a free performance on Monday, November 2nd. 

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