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Four HS&HP Faculty present at the American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual ATRA) Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.Contributed by Janice Elich Monroe on 10/11/15 Susan Durnford, SLPA, Janice Elich Monroe, RLS, Catherine Gooch, Program Manager CLS, and Linda Heyne, RLS presented at the ATRA conference September 27-30, 2015 in Albuquerque, NM. Read more . . . (71 words)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) History Month is celebrated in October. In observance of LGBT History Month, the LGBT Center website will feature videos highlighting different historical figures who have made a difference in the LGBT community. Visit the LGBT Center website's LGBT History Month Featured Videos section to find a new video each day of October. Here are some figures who will be highlighted in the coming days:
Read more . . . (107 words) Come to Ford Hall on October 27th to hear the Ithaca College Gamer Symphony Orchestra play orchestra arrangements of music from various video games! Read more . . . (102 words) Message to Campus Community on Racial and Class StereotypingContributed by David Maley on 10/09/15 On Friday, October 9, Ithaca College was made aware that a posting had been made to social media about a planned off-campus party by a group of Ithaca College students. The posting used language that was reprehensible for its racial and class stereotyping. The views expressed in this posting are antithetical to the college’s commitment to respect and inclusivity. Read more . . . (98 words) Williams 210, Friends 110, and fixIT Shop Fall Break HoursContributed by Olivia Boyle on 10/09/15
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the Blue Sky reimagining process on Thursday, October 8. We are currently cataloguing all the ideas submitted through the brainstorming process. In the coming days we will be updating the Blue Sky website with video from our kickoff event and a feedback form to collect additional ideas from the IC community, including alumni and supporters of the College who may live far away. Please stay tuned for updates and more opportunities to share your thoughts with us!
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at Check the expanded webcasting schedule for more information! Read more . . . (164 words)
Read more . . . (139 words) Submitted on behalf of Dominick Recckio. Dear Fellow Students, Read more . . . (277 words) Update on School of Humanities and Sciences Dean searchContributed by Diane Gayeski on 10/09/15
The H&S Dean search committee met this week to initiate the systematic review of applications, and we are pleased with the number and quality even at this very early stage. This initial review, the first of several stages in the candidate vetting process, will continue until shortly after the October 16 deadline for applications.
Read more . . . (99 words) Cortaca Blood Drive Challenge Tuesday October 13th and Wednesday 14 from 9 to 5 in the Fitness centerContributed by Cynthia Smith on 10/09/15 Cortaca Blood drive challenge Tuesday October 13th and Wednesday October 14th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Fitness Center. Call NOW to make an appointment 1-800-RED CROSS or EMAIL REDCROSS@ITHACA.EDU to set up your appointment Now. Double Red donation will be available too, three appointments every hour and Two appointments every half hour. Plenty of RED Cross staff so walk-ins are welcome. PLEASE stop over and help us meet our goal and win back the challenge , only takes an hour of our time. Please help our community and donate!!! Read more . . . (26 words) Reminder: Faculty and Staff Self-Nominations for Middle States Accreditation Committees Due October 15thContributed by Danette Johnson on 10/09/15 Faculty and staff are encouraged to self-nominate for service on self-study committees associated with our Middle States accreditation process. Student self-nominations will be solicited after the Spring 2016 course schedule is published so spring course schedules can be taken into account. Self-study committees will begin their work in Spring 2016 and should complete their responsibilities by the end of Spring 2017. Read more . . . (333 words) Reminder: Ithaca Seminar Coordinator applications due MondayContributed by Danette Johnson on 10/09/15 Applications are due Monday, October 12th for a three year appointment (with possibility of renewal) as Ithaca Seminar Coordinator. The person in this position provides leadership in the ongoing oversight, faculty development, and assessment of the Ithaca Seminar, oversees the first year ICC kickoff events, and works collaboratively with the Director of the ICC and faculty and staff across campus on Ithaca Seminar scheduling and programming. A detailed list of job responsibilities is available from the Vice Provost for Academic Programs (
Read more . . . (155 words) Going home for break and want to split the cost of the drive?Contributed by Malorie Kerry on 10/08/15
Read more . . . (37 words) Environmental Seminar/Sustainability Café Speaker Dawn Montanye will address the Socio-Economic Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss, from Local Land Ownership to Global Economic Development PolicyContributed by Carol Hansen on 10/08/15
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Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Sara Elwell at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. FREE Newspaper Costume Competition Tuesday Oct. 13th!Contributed by Sophia Sioris on 10/08/15
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