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The act of raising awareness about domestic violence can potentially help adults and children who are victims of domestic violence by letting them know there are ways to get help and stop the abuse. There are many different ways to raise awareness for Domestic Violence month and many campaigns that can be followed.

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Cornell Woodson ’09 will be our featured speaker in commemoration of National Coming Out Day on Thursday October 8 at 7 pm in Clark Lounge, Campus Center.

We all start out with a dream of what we want to spend our life doing. However, sometimes life presents our true purpose– we can choose to deny it or accept it fully. This is Cornell’s story toward embracing a career in social justice and practicing self-care.

Delicious fall-themed refreshments will be served.

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Missing family and friends?

Contributed by Malorie Kerry on 10/01/15 

How about catching a ride and getting to know another classmate by using Zimride?


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Come join the Ithaca College Chinese Students and Scholars Association for our Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration TODAY! This is our biggest event for the Fall 2015 semester!

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Ithaca College's Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) is hosting a T-shirt design contest for the annual Cortaca Jug football game. Any current Ithaca College student is eligible to enter the contest. 

The winning designer will receive $400 in gift cards from the merchant(s) of his/her choice; options include the IC bookstore, Amazon, Wegmans, and various local restaurants!


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Get one-on-one career guidance from career professionals!

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The School of Humanities and Sciences and the Department of Writing are pleased to present an evening with award-winning poet Mary Szybist. She will read from her poetry at 7:30pm on Thursday, October 8th in Klingenstein Lounge in Campus Center. The reading is free and open to the public. A question-and-answer period and book-signing will follow.

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On Friday , October 2 at 4pm in the Park Auditorium there will be a screening of a new film documenting Professor Kathleen Mulligan’s “Voices of Partition” project and the creation of the original theatre piece Dagh Dagh Ujala (This Stained Dawn).



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Submitted on behalf of Jeffery Meyer, conductor of orchestras

We invite you to join us for the orchestral season's launch, with two performances early this month, featuring the Ithaca College Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. Both events are free and open to the public. More information on our concerts can be found online at

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Sunday at 5PM there will be a special Peace Vespers put on by Holy Cross Parish that was organized by several Churches around Tompkins County. Holy Cross Parish is in Freeville, just north of Ithaca at 375 George Rd. Freevile, NY.  

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We are looking for performers interested in performing at the International Club’s 
One World Concert on Friday, November 6th!

This is the final event of our annual International Education Week, November 2-6, and is held during Family Weekend this year!

The annual One World Concert showcases talents from all over the globe, representing a diverse amount of cultures, and hosts performances such as dance and music.

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The Roy H. Park School of Communications will participate in National News Engagement Day on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015. National News Engagement Day is an initiative of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

The entire campus community is invited to these events:

Matt Mulcahy ‘87, Television News Anchor/Managing Editor/Reporter at WSTM 
Topic: What you need to break into the broadcast news business
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Emerson Suite A

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HomerAdmin and HomerConnect will be unavailable for approximately 8 hours on Sunday, October 18th from 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM due to system upgrades.

Information Technology Services (ITS) Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Career Services is pleased to announce that representatives from will visit campus to discuss their Operations Team Leader position.  This is a full-time, entry-level job opportunity

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Walk for Plumpy'nut!

Contributed by Rebecca Johnson on 10/01/15 

 Join Food For Thought for a walk to help stop childhood malnutrition! 

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 There will be a novice crew learn to row session for Ithaca College male students this Saturday, October 3, at 4pm at the Robert Tallman Rowing Center located at 692 Third Street extension.  Jog, bus, car-pool or walk down.  The boathouse is about 2 miles from campus.  You will get on the lake, learn a new activity, and be introduced to an elite physical fitness program.  Beginners, experienced athletes, the curious, and outdoor lovers are all invited.

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When the love of Edie Windsor’s life died, she was forced to pay additional estate taxes because the federal government did not recognize her marriage to Thea Spyer. Edie would become the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), resulting in the Supreme Court ruling in 2013 that the federal ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. On Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen series will show “Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement,” a documentary capturing the story of these two women and how their simple love for one another changed history. The screening will take place at 7 p.m. in Textor 101, and it is free and open to the public.

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Provost Benjamin (Ben) Rifkin will be hosting another "Brown Bag Lunch with the Provost" on Thursday, October 8, 2015 (12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.) in the Buttermilk Falls meeting room, Campus Center

This month’s Brown Bag will have a theme, Diversity and Inclusion at Ithaca College.  The monthly Brown Bag lunches without themes will resume in November.

There are six (6) slots available for this luncheon and they will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Please e-mail to secure a seat; a confirmation e-mail will be sent to confirm your seat.  As a reminder, once you have had a seat at a brown bag, please refrain from asking for a seat for the rest of the academic year.

Please bring your lunch; beverage and cookies will be provided.

Listening to the Best of What’s Next has never been easier!


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Fruity Snack Challenge Winner....

Contributed by Katie Sack on 10/01/15 

Congratulation to Rosane Mordt for winning September's Fruity Snack Challenge!

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