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Message Regarding Issues Accessing Office of Residence Life Move-In Update Presentation on Wednesday, January 6thContributed by Dan DeCaria on 01/07/21
Read more . . . (131 words) A Message from President Shirley M. Collado on Wednesday's Assault on DemocracyContributed by News on 01/06/21
Dear Ithaca College Community, Like so many Americans—and so many people around the world—I am completely appalled and horrified by the mob action and scenes of destruction that have unfolded today in our nation’s capital. It is very clear that the purpose of this attack on our democracy is to disrupt the process of a peaceful transfer of power and to foment fear, intimidation, and terror. Read more . . . (72 words)
On Thursday, January 7th starting at 6 AM there will be a 1-hour outage of the campus voice mail system for routine maintenance. Users and callers will not have access to the voicemail system during the outage - voicemail messages can neither be retrieved nor recorded. Callers will hear a recorded message telling them to call back after the end of the maintenance window (7 AM on Thursday, 1/7). This will not impact telephone dial tone or general telephone use. The campus Emergency Notification System will continue to function during the voicemail maintenance. Please contact the Information Technology Service Desk via phone at (607) 274-1000, email: or chat if you have any questions. Thank you. The Information Technology Service Desk Team
Residential Life and Student Conduct Essential Spring Updates for Faculty & StaffContributed by Marsha Dawson on 01/05/21
On Wednesday, January 6 at 3:00 pm, join us for an information zoom panel with Q&A, held for Ithaca College faculty and staff addressing Res. Life opening in January. Learn details about move-in throughout January into early February and ask questions about supporting students. Read more . . . (157 words)
Dear Campus Community, I hope all of you had a restorative break and are beginning 2021 refreshed and strong. As we start this new year, it is with a heavy heart that I deliver the news to this campus community that Bill Guerrero, vice president for finance and administration, recently shared with me his decision to leave Ithaca College to become the vice president for finance and administration at Springfield College. This opportunity will allow Bill to live in Connecticut, where his family has remained since he joined IC in 2018. His last day at the college will be Friday, February 26. Read more . . . (368 words)
Faculty and Students: Submit Your Presentation for the Whalen Academic Symposium! Read more . . . (170 words) Office 365 ProPlus To Be Installed On College-Owned Devices Beginning 1/6/21Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 01/03/21
The latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365 ProPlus, will be installed on college-owned devices (on and off campus) beginning January 6, 2021. Office 365 ProPlus has been available as a self-service update and has come with technology-renewed computers since January 2020. Bringing remaining college-owned computers to the latest version will ensure a consistent experience across devices and the latest security and feature updates to all machines. If you have not already performed a self-service upgrade and would like to do so before January 6, 2021, please see this IT knowledge base article for details. Read more . . . (430 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words) Office 365 ProPlus To Be Installed On College-Owned Devices Beginning 1/6/21Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 12/22/20
Information Technology is pleased to announce the latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365 ProPlus, will be installed on college-owned devices (on and off campus) beginning January 6, 2021. Office 365 ProPlus has been available as a self-service update and has come with technology-renewed computers since January 2020. Bringing remaining college-owned computers to the latest version will ensure a consistent experience across devices and the latest security and feature updates to all machines. If you have not already performed a self-service upgrade and would like to do so before January 6, 2021, please see this IT knowledge base article for details. Read more . . . (430 words)
Student parking permits for the spring 2021 semester will be available to be ordered online only beginning Monday, January 4, 2021. Read more . . . (94 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words)
DINING HOURS OF OPERATION Friday, Dec. 18th, 2020 Campus Center Dining Hall Monday—Friday Lunch / 11am—1pm Dinner / 5pm—7pm Saturday & Sunday Brunch / 10am—1pm Dinner / 5pm—7pm Ithaca Bakery Monday—Friday 7am—1:30pm Saturday & Sunday / Closed WINTER BREAK BEGINS Saturday, Dec. 19th, 2020—Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 2021 Saturday, Dec. 19th Campus Center Dining Hall Open from 10am-1pm (All other dining services are closed.) RETAIL DINING REOPENS Monday, Jan. 4th, 2021 Ithaca Bakery Monday—Sunday 7am—1:30pm
Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/17/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words)
The recording of the December 11th Path to Progress Presentation is now available to faculty and staff. To view, please click here and log in with your Ithaca College username and password.
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Due to poor weather conditions in our area Ithaca Bakery/IC Square will be closed today. Campus Center Dining Hall will be open for regular hours of service for lunch and dinner. Any additional service updates will be posted here and on social media.
Roots is an online environmental journal designed to showcase issues in environmental science. Roots is run by students in the Environmental Studies and Sciences Department at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY.
All members of the Ithaca College community are encouraged to use their best judgment in traveling safely and avoiding unnecessary risks during the winter storm that will bring potentially substantial snowfall to much of the region overnight. With instruction remote for the semester and a greatly reduced on-campus student population and workforce, at this time the college does not anticipate any formal change to its operating status. Read more . . . (169 words)
The leave of absence and withdrawal process for the college is now being managed by the Academic Advising Center! Read more . . . (108 words) |
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