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We are approximately 90 days away from launching the new IC Canvas learning management system, scheduled to go live after August 9, 2021. Read more . . . (293 words) You are invited to the Campus Life Awards Ceremony on May 16!Contributed by Michele Lenhart on 05/11/21
The 2021 recipients of the Campus Life Awards will be honored at a virtual ceremony that will be held on Sunday, May 16 from 1:00 to 2:00pm. Friends, family, and Ithaca College supporters of the recipients can register in advance to attend the event. Read more . . . (26 words) U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission- Smoke Alarm Recall NoticeContributed by Tim Ryan on 05/11/21
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Ithaca College signed onto an amicus brief in support of optional practical training (OPT) in May 2021. This amicus brief is an updated version of a 2019 amicus brief in which the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers threatens OPT for international students. Read more . . . (322 words)
Dear Ithaca College Community, Read more . . . (300 words)
Campus Center Dining Hall Terrace Dining Hall Ithaca Bakery Food Court Towers Marketplace
Join us virtually as we celebrate this year’s recipients of the Faculty Excellence Award, the President Shirley M. Collado Faculty Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Ithaca College Community and other recognitions administered through the CFE. Read more . . . (98 words) Students - Need a Summer Volunteering Opportunity? Check out the IC + SHE Garden Partnership ProgramContributed by Elizabeth Jesch on 05/09/21
Want to stay involved in the South Hill community over the summer? South Hill Elementary School has a student volunteering opportunity to help maintain a veggie garden at the school during the summer. Students will work in teams to help with garden maintenance including weeding, watering, and harvesting. This summer IC + SHE Garden Partnership Program runs from June 27 - August 20, 2021. Students will be asked to help for three weeks during the summer with each week requiring at least one trip to the garden to complete care taking activities lasting about 1 hour. Are you interested? Do you have questions or concerns? Please email Elizabeth Jesch at
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What is a brand, and what's going into the creation of IC's first true brand platform? The Work in Progress blog is diving into these topics in greater detail. Read more . . . (37 words)
The LMS Implementation Team is making rapid progress in our transition from Sakai to Canvas. Here are some highlights of what we have accomplished so far, what we are working on currently, and what your next steps are regarding this transition: Read more . . . (352 words)
Path to Progress is an ongoing series for the campus community hosted by Marketing and Enrollment Strategy. Presentations focus on the unit’s priorities including admission, retention, marketing and branding efforts, financial aid, constituent engagement, and analytics and institutional research. Read more . . . (110 words) Students - Are You Looking for a Summer Volunteering Opportunity in South Hill?Contributed by Elizabeth Jesch on 05/05/21
Want to stay involved in the South Hill community over the summer? South Hill Elementary School has a volunteering opportunity to help maintain a veggie garden at the school during the summer. Students will work in teams to help with garden maintenance including weeding, watering, and harvesting. This IC + SHE Garden Partnership Program runs from June 27 - August 20, 2021. Students will be asked to help for three weeks during the summer with each week requiring at least one trip to the garden to complete caretaking activities lasting about 1 hour. Are you interested? Do you have questions or concerns? Please email Elizabeth Jesch at
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The IC Food Sharing Cabinet is in need of summer volunteers to be Cabinet Caretakers! Volunteers will redistribute food from the IC Pantry to the Food Sharing Cabinet and complete general caretaking tasks (cleaning, organizing, etc.). This summer opportunity is a once a week commitment with caretaking activities taking about 20-30 minutes each shift. Cabinet Caretakers join a small community of fellow IC community members who are dedicated to campus food security efforts. This is a great way to stay connected to your IC community. Interested volunteers can contact Elizabeth Jesch at What is the IC Food Sharing Cabinet? This cabinet is a small food pantry open to all IC community members to take or donate non-perishable food and personal care products. You can visit this blue cabinet outside Muller Chapel.
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Students! Next Friday 5/7 join the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life along with our campus partners for an in-person event celebrating not just the end of this semester, but the end of a challenging year. Featured activities include... Read more . . . (106 words) Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic & Community Leadership Recognition VideoContributed by Jess Shapiro on 05/02/21
The Office of Student Engagement would like to again congratulate the 123 junior and senior students who were selected to receive the Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership this year. The award is given to students who excel academically, perform service to the College community and nation, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment. You are encouraged to view a very special video recognizing each of these students along with all of their names and photos on this website. Look for a special shout-out from President Emerita Peggy Ryan Williams herself as well as representatives from each Dean's Office! Please join us in congratulating these students!
The Fitness Center will be open with reduced hours during finals week. Beginning on Monday 5/10/21 our hours will be: Monday: 7:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday: 7:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday: 9:00am - 8:00pm Thursday: 9:00am - 8:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm Read more . . . (60 words)
Ithaca College is looking for volunteers on May 8th to have a presence in the community and provide support to students on a day that in the past has typically involved mass gatherings, most commonly known as Kendall Day. Volunteers will be stationed at different locations around Pennsylvania Ave. and Kendall Ave. The main goal of volunteers is to redirect people going to Kendall and Pennsylvania, offering alternative options and providing support. As a community we have worked very hard to keep COVID-19 cases low. Those that volunteer will be helping to keep our community safe. Read more . . . (132 words) SURVEY CLOSES MAY 1ST! Recruitment of caregivers and their children ages 9 to 18 for an online survey study about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemicContributed by Judith Pena-Shaff on 04/30/21
Students in the psychology department and professor Judith Pena-Shaff are conducting a study of caregivers and their children (ages 9 to 18th) experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during the past months (one year after the start of the pandemic). Here is the link. You can also use the QR code in the picture: Please share the link with people you know on Facebook, in-person, etc. We are trying to reach a wider audience. Read more . . . (279 words) Stop by Muller Chapel to Visit the New Food Sharing CabinetContributed by Elizabeth Jesch on 04/29/21
A blue Mutual Aid Food Sharing Cabinet is now at IC! Located outside Muller Chapel, this cabinet is a small food pantry open to all IC community members to take or donate non-perishable food items and personal care products. All are welcome to utilize the cabinet or leave items 24/7. What can you do to help? Please consider bringing a non-perishable food or personal care item with you the next time you’re on-campus. Please also spread the word about this food resource. All are welcome! Any questions? Please contact Elizabeth Jesch ( or Maria White (
Read more . . . (23 words) Need a Campus Job? Attend tonight's IC Student Employment Fair!Contributed by Suzanne Brache on 04/28/21
Looking for a job that supports your academic priorities and offers meaningful experience? Learn about great jobs on campus that are hiring for the summer and/or fall! Join the IC Student Employment Fair TONIGHT, April 28, from 7 - 8:30pm to hear what job options are available, the benefits of student employment, and meet the employers.
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