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Yvonne Rogalski, department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, was featured in “Speech Uncensored,” a podcast for medical speech-language pathologists. Read more . . . (43 words) Congratulations to the winners of this year's Ithaca College Composition Awards!Contributed by Sara Jacobs on 02/12/21
The winner of the Downey Composition Prize for 2020-2021 is Jeffrey Taylor ('21) with his work The Mist for choir. The winner of the Louis Smadbeck Composition Award for 2020-2021 is Jack Edwards ('21) with his work Little Whispers for string quartet. The winner of the Richard K. Joseph Composition Prize for 2020-2021 is Nicholas Villane (MM 21) with his work Tapestries for solo Soprano Saxophone. To read more about these competitions, please see this page! Read more . . . (1 words) Lisa Corewyn (Anthropology) publishes update of classic primate behavior methods book, available from Waveland Press.Contributed by Jennifer Muller on 02/10/21
Read more . . . (108 words) Sara Haefeli (School of Music) Co-Authors Book: Writing in Music: A Brief GuideContributed by Sara Jacobs on 02/10/21
Sara Haefeli, with co-authors Lynne Rogers (Mannes School of Music, The New School) and Karen Bottge (College of Fine Arts, University of Kentucky) published a comprehensive writing guide, Writing in Music. The book demystifies music writing conventions and methods by offering strategies for the types of writing that students most often encounter in college courses on music. The book offers guidance through the writing process and, for research assignments, through the research process. Geared for an audience of music majors and other students taking undergraduate music-major courses--as well as for master's students in music desiring more training in academic writing--Writing in Music covers the two approaches common to academic coursework in virtually all music-major programs: the study of music with a focus on its cultural and historical contexts, and the exploration of works using the tools of music analysis. Read more . . . (25 words) Congrats to Alex Horner '17, Founder of Burlington Code AcademyContributed by Anna Kimble on 02/09/21
Alex Horner '17, founder of Burlington Code Academy, has secured $10 million in growth financing to expand access to software engineering education. Read more . . . (61 words) Amie Germain, Ellie Fulmer, Matthew Clauhs, and Gordon Rowland present at UDLHE Digicon 2021Contributed by Colette Matisco on 02/09/21
Center for Faculty Excellence Dana Teaching Fellows Amie Germain, Ellie Fulmer, and Matthew Clauhs, and CFE Director Gordon Rowland presented at the international Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Higher Education Digicon 2021 conference on February 5. Their presentation was based on the 2021 Summer Institute and was titled Flexible by Design: Using UDL to Prepare Faculty for Teaching in Times of Disruption. Universal Design for Learning is an educational framework that guides the development of flexible learning environments to proactively meet the needs of all learners through multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression.
On Saturday the performance of the IC Speech and Debate Team made a clear statement about the current shape of the college by winning the team title in the debate division at the New York – New Jersey State Championship Speech Tournament. Read more . . . (184 words) IC Alumni and Faculty quoted in recent “Inside Higher Ed” articleContributed by Anna Gardner on 02/08/21
A growing group of IC alumni and faculty are working together to show their vested interest in the future of Ithaca College. Read the article here.
Huge congratulations and Mazal Tov to Hillel's Cantor Abbe on her upcoming presentations at Ohalah 2021! She is co-presenting twice. One already took place on Jan 11, and the second is this Tuesday! Singing Together Virtually, at Ohalah 2021: Hafachta Mispedi l'Machol Li: Dancing the Grief and the Joy, co-presenting with Rabbi Dr. Oren Steinitz Making Virtual Videos, Women Cantors Network Knosh & Knowledge series, co-presenting with Emily Meyer.
Chrystyna Dail publishes chapter in The Great North American Stage Directors collectionContributed by Sherri Dunham on 02/03/21
Chrystyna Dail, Associate Professor of Theatre History, published "Margo Jones and Alma Winemiller: A Director and Her Doppelgänger," for The Great North American Stage Directors, Set 1 (Bloomsbury-Methuen, 2021). The chapter traces Jones’s involvement in the development and direction of Summer and Smoke, highlighting her deep connection to the fictional Alma, as well as the character’s famous creator, Tennessee Williams. Furthermore, by examining the reception of Summer and Smoke through a feminist lens, Dail's chapter addresses the biases facing female directors such as Jones in the United States following the Second World War.
Leadership Transition: Summer College for High School Students Faculty DirectorContributed by Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson on 02/03/21
(posted on behalf of Dr. Jennifer Wofford and Dr. Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson) It is with appreciation and pleasure that we announce a transition in the leadership of our Summer College for High School Students program effective May 15, 2021. Read more . . . (404 words) Jen Tennant publishes an essay on interconnectedness of climate change, disability rights, and prison laborContributed by Jennifer Tennant on 02/01/21
Jen Tennant (Economics) just published an essay in The Smart Set called "Paradise Lost." Read more . . . (14 words) Dr. Andy Smith (Biology) Presented an Invited Symposium PaperContributed by Nancy Pierce on 01/31/21
Andy presented an invited symposium paper in the annual meetings of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. The talk was titled "Adhesion with tough gels: inspiration from the sticky defensive secretions of dusky slugs". It was presented in the symposium, "The Biology of Sticky: Adhesive Silk, Fiber, and Glue Biomaterials Across the Eukaryota". The symposium was on January 6, 2021.
Nominate a graduating senior for the 2021 Campus Life Awards!Contributed by Michele Lenhart on 01/31/21
The 2021 Campus Life Awards committee is seeking nominations from faculty, staff, and students to recognize outstanding graduating seniors who should be considered for this award. Read more . . . (158 words) Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy) and ENVS student Laura O’Brien publish research on government interactions and transformations in Environmental Science and PolicyContributed by Cheryl Gunther on 01/28/21
Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy) of ENVS and ENVS student Laura O’Brien (SP ’21) publish research on government interactions and transformations in Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, “Crowding-out lower-level authorities: Interactions and transformations of higher and lower-level authorities in Kenya’s polycentric fisheries” examines how governments interact with each other for managing Kenya’s fisheries in Lake Victoria. Findings indicate that higher-level governments take over lower-level functions. Lower-levels resist higher level authorities by performing higher-level functions. In addition, higher-level governments have high levels of cooperation with each other, which increases oversight over lower-level authorities. Read more . . . (33 words) Psychology Professor Leigh Ann Vaughn coauthor on paper in Nature Human BehaviorContributed by Leigh Ann Vaughn on 01/26/21
An empirical article by Leigh Ann Vaughn and 152 other researchers around the world was published on January 4 in Nature Human Behavior. The lead researchers were Benedict Jones (University of Glasgow), Lisa DeBruine (University of Glasgow), Jessica Flake (McGill University), Christopher Chartier (Ashland University), and Nicholas Coles (Harvard University).
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This Monday evening Michael Deviney ('21, Business Administration - Corporate Finance and first year member of the Speech and Debate Team) took on Marshall Evans President of the Capital University Debate Team in a debate in front of Capital University students. Read more . . . (113 words) LGBT Center students, alumni and director Luca Maurer recipients of Historic Preservation awardContributed by Brittany McCown on 01/25/21
Historic Ithaca presented a 2020 Historic Ithaca Preservation Award in historic preservation in the Creative Project category to the Ithaca College Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services, in recognition of excellence for the creative project the Ithaca LGBTQ Local History Tour. Read more . . . (67 words) Jen Tennant and former student publish article on bullying, mental health, and weight perceptionContributed by Jennifer Tennant on 01/21/21
Jen Tennant (Economics) and Wahid Khan (Econ BA '16) just published, "On Bullying, Mental Health, and Weight Perception," in the Spring 2020 volume of Pennsylvania Economic Review.
Read more . . . (114 words) Theraworx Rejects Recommendations, Case Referred to FTC; Advertising Review Panel Chaired by Scott HamulaContributed by Sandra Lowe on 01/21/21
Read more . . . (342 words) |
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