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Ithacappella Block IV Concert this Saturday in the A&E Center @7:30pm!Contributed by Paul Tine on 04/09/15
Read more . . . (187 words) Dr. Heather Sheridan-Thomas to Offer Presentation for Faculty Members and Teacher Candidates about New Teacher Certification Examination, the ALSTContributed by Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson on 04/09/15 Dr. Heather Sheridan-Thomas will present "Helping Teacher Candidates Understand the Expectations of the Academic Literacy Skills Test (ALST)" Monday, April 13th, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in Textor 101. The presentation is intended for any faculty members associated with the preparation of teachers (e.g., professional education faculty and faculty in the arts/sciences) as well as interested teacher candidates from any program area. The ALST is one of several new teacher certification examination for the State of New York. Read more . . . (39 words) RSVP Deadline! Rainbow Reception for LGBTQA Graduating Seniors and Grad Students- Register NowContributed by Luca Maurer on 04/09/15
Read more . . . (161 words) Wish there were more resources available to your student organization? Let us know!Contributed by Lisa Famularo on 04/09/15
Read more . . . (145 words) Stephen Mosher and two students present at conference in New OrleansContributed by Matt Morgan on 04/09/15
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Become a Peer Tutor for ACCOUNTING 225, 226; BIOLOGY 119, 120, 206; MATHEMATICS 100-112; or PHYSICS 101, 102 next academic year!! APPLY NOW!Contributed by Yolanda Clarke on 04/09/15
APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, 4/16/2015 by 5pm! Go to to apply online and get more information or call 607-274-3381 and speak to Tutoring Services staff. No cumulative GPA requirement! Must be in good academic standing as of Fall 2015! Gain excellent experience helping others! Build your own academic strength! Build your professional repertoire of skills! Manager your own work schedule! An option to get academic credit for training! Parking Impact for Ithaca Today Weekend (April 11 & 12)Contributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 04/09/15 As Ithaca College welcomes the many prospective students and families visiting campus for the Ithaca Today events this weekend, please be aware that these visitors will significantly impact campus parking on Saturday and Sunday, April 11 & 12. Read more . . . (96 words) Dollars and $ense Discussion on Strategic Sourcing – Monday, April 13Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 04/09/15
Read more . . . (95 words) Daniel G. Nocera, Harvard Professor of Energy, Lecture on Thursday, April 16Contributed by Dylan Schoch on 04/09/15
The Jean Dreyfus Bossevain Lecturer Patterson Rockwood Professor of Energy at Harvard University, Daniel G. Nocera is widely recognized as a world leader in renewable energy research. His "artificial leaf," a system designed to mimic photosynthesis in plants, was named Time Magazine's Innovation of the Year for 2011. Read more . . . (64 words) CSCRE upcoming talk: Specters of Revolution, Past and Present: Popular Protest and State Violence in MexicoContributed by Claire Swensen on 04/09/15
Alexander Aviña is an Associate Professor of History at Florida State University. He received his B.A. in History at Saint Mary's College of California and his PhD in Latin American History at the University of Southern California. He recently published his first monograph, Specters of Revolution: Peasant Guerrillas in the Cold War Mexican Countryside, with Oxford University Press. His next major research project explores the links between counterinsurgency, state terror, and the formation of a transnational narcotics economy in 1960s and 70s rural Mexico. Read more . . . (37 words) Contributed on behalf of Gerald Hector, Vice President for Finance and Administration. On the heels of President Rochon’s March 5, 2015 campus discussion, we will be announcing some steps towards engaging the campus around the ideas and concepts we received via the various feedback loops that were established. We are very pleased to see so many comments from the campus around ideas on alternate sources of revenues, but more importantly ways that we can streamline costs at the College to ensure that our precious resources are spent in strategic and prudent ways that benefits student education. Read more . . . (974 words) Apply to be a part of the Colleges Against Cancer executive board!Contributed by Chad McClelland on 04/09/15 Want to help plan Relay for Life and other amazing events to fight back against cancer? Apply today to be a part of the 2015-16 Colleges Against Cancer executive board. There are a lot of positions open. Fill out the form on orgsync using your Netpass username and password. Need more information? E-mail with any questions. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Chad McCelland at . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
We would like to congratulate Yuko Mulugetta, our door prize winner, who has won a pair of Hanger Theatre tickets! We hope to see even more of you next year as we continue this tradition of excellence! Please join Ithaca Waldorf School (IWS), Ithaca College Recreation & Leisure Studies, Alliance for Childhood, and Ithaca Children's Garden's Hands-on Anarchy Zone for two important events: Read more . . . (208 words) On Monday, April 13, at 6:00pm at Emerson Suites Ask Big Questions (ABQ), a non-denominational fellowship in campus, launched by Hillel at Ithaca College in the Fall 2014 will host a campus-wide conversation regarding sexual assault. It is a first of a kind, student-led attempt to have a facilitated conversation for students, faculty and staff around the table. This event will open with a reception at Emerson Lounge. Read more . . . (147 words) There's still time to apply for the ICAD Executive Board!Contributed by Francesca Esce on 04/09/15 Apply to be a part of the IC After Dark late-night event planning team by FRIDAY, APRIL 10th at 4PM! Read more . . . (90 words) Center for Print Production “copyit” and “bulkmail” Email Addresses Have Been DeletedContributed by Karen Serbonich on 04/09/15 The implementation of WebCRD and trainings offered through December of 2014 provided the opportunity for the campus to become familiar with using the new online print ordering system. Read more . . . (122 words)
Read more . . . (52 words) Thank you again for coming together and ensuring IC Giving Day on February 26 was a huge success. We have finished some more in-depth analysis, and the results tell a story of how our community came together in one day, like never before, and encouraged more gifts and more spirited participation on and off campus than ever. Read more . . . (227 words) FLEFF HABITATS 2015 Cinemapolis Passes for Students: $20 for five screenings!Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann on 04/09/15
That's $4 a film, for films you can't see anywhere else. Many are US or Upstate Premieres. Passes available today at the Ithaca College Bookstore. Over the weekend, passes available at the Cinemapolis Box Office. Over 40 screenings at Cinemapolis alone, most with filmmakers, directors, writers, distributors. All screenings except the 9:00 screenings feature moderated post-screening discussion! Join us in FLEFF's 2015 HABITAT! FLEFF: A DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT For a full festival schedule and bios of guests, check us out at Read more . . . (26 words) |
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